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Thread: Help on Test E Cycle

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Question Help on Test E Cycle

    This is the first time i am going to start a cycle.

    Here are my stats :-

    Heigth : 5' 11"
    Weight : 190 lbs
    Body Fat : don't know how to check.
    Training : 3 years. on and off

    Goal : Make muscles look bit more hard and noticeable.

    Question :- I am planning to do a cycle of Test E 250mg only. I am from India and the place where i live its the start of summer and the temperature goes to 45 degrees here. In month of june it would be between 36-39 degrees and in july it migth go beyond 45 degrees too. I am asking this because last summers i tried to start a cycel with Deca, had a shot of Test E and Deca with 3 days difference. After few days i had kind of problem with my stomach.
    when ever i eat something after couple of hours i had to go to toilet. The doc checked and told me that its the body heat which has increased slightly more coz of the dose of Deca and Test E (both 250mg), I stopped using it and after 10 days break from exercise and controlled diet (rice,oats,curd) i was fine. but if i load my stomach with protein it used to do the same. It was a real hard time for me to get my stomach back guys.
    I have some good muscles just want to have some extra or them. Not going to compete in any Bodybuilding competition or similar kind. Just for some good look.
    Will this mild cycle would be fine.

    The cycle would be : Test E 250mg x 8 weeks.

    PCT : Nolva 20mg x 4weeks + HCG 1000iu 3 weeks
    Bit confused for HCG, should i do it for 3 weeks one shot a week or 2 shots of 1000iu ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Any body ???
    What do you suggest for the Cycle and PCT ?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    250mg of Test E a week is also too little of a dosage. A dosage of 500mg a week is usually what is recommended on here. However depending on the amount of gains ur looking to get you can run it at 300-500mg range. And most people would recommend you to continue the cycle for 12 weeks because of the long ester.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Oh sorry..I am 27 yrs old.
    But wat about the other question that i had about the body heat stuff.
    Well my resources are cheap to get gears here in India, but i do not know where to get a Vial. I have only depots of 250mg Test E.
    Ok i will think over it.
    Thank You jmoose

    I expect some more guys will respond.
    Come on guys.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    I would first get used to eating massive amounts of protein. 1.5 to 2 grams per lbs of bodyweight is ideal for growing. If you are not used to eating protein or bigger amounts, this may happen to you. I find that when i eat liquid egg whites i am on the toilet quite often with massive gas and can imagine the rest. this is the reason that we push diet so hard becuase you need to learn how to diet and then once you got it down and are growing, then cycle away. Without a proper diet, the AAS would be useless.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2008
    I was eating 1.5 gms protein per body kg weight. There was no problem with that. I really had good pump whole day. And hey i got question. I have consumed around 7 lbs of Cytosports Cocoa Bean flavor protein. Does Cocoa Bean cause problem in digestion in later stage. I believe so. What do you say.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    will anyone please tell me that is the PCT in the post is fine or what PCT should i use. Come on guys i have to start my cycle. Paleeezzz !!!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    anybody ?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by bladerunner9 View Post
    anybody ?
    A Nolvadex only cycle should look like this

    Week 1
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day, HCG: 500 IU/day, Aromasin 20mg/day, Vit. E 1000 IU/day
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day, HCG: 500 IU/day, Aromasin 20mg/day, Vit. E: 1000 iu/day
    Week 3
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day, HCG: 500 IU/day, Aromasin 20mg/day, Vit. E: 1000 IU/day
    Week 4
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day, Aromasin 20mg/day
    Week 5
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day
    Week 6
    Nolvadex: 20mg/day

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Thank You kale, thanks a lot man.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    ok, up the protein and try to get more from whole foods not powders. meats, eggs, even dairy. u can use 250 mg/wk and get good results. i have before, but 300mg/wk is a better dosage. How is your weight training, what does it look like as far as your routine body split, sets and reps?

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2008
    umm my weight training is 3 exercises for major body parts 4 sets 15-12-10-8 reps.
    Without gears i am able to lift 115 kg umm thats 250Lbs 4 reps by my own in bench press without help umm a little help in the last rep.
    Barbell Shoulder press (free weight) 150 lbs 4 reps.
    I take 60 secs rest between each set.
    and i do not squat coz i had a lower back injury, although it is all fin now no pain etc but i do not want to strain it. pretty cool.
    if i post my schedule it will take a long time. but i do my weak point training too.
    U know i do it to look good hunk thats all nothing professional.
    I get good cheap gears here even twice cheaper than US lol. thats a good thing for me but it do not use them just going to do only 250 mg coz thats all i get not 500mg.
    so wat do you say BMIT.

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