I have just just completed a six week cycle of deca@200mg and sustanon@ 125 mg. My goal was to just gain about 10 to 12 lbs. Which I have done. Do you think I need any PTC?
I have just just completed a six week cycle of deca@200mg and sustanon@ 125 mg. My goal was to just gain about 10 to 12 lbs. Which I have done. Do you think I need any PTC?
yes 100% deca is very supressive. Get some Nolvadex, clomid and arimidex.
even a light cycle will shut you down...def. do the pct...
Yeah, PCT, but don't you feel bad for wasting that deca on a 6 week cycle?
God dude, good job on the research. Yes bro, you need a PCT
Your first shot of either deca or test will shut down your body's own natural production of testosterone.
Deca should be ran longer to take advantage of the long ester, same goes for long estered test. What you gained is most likely water weight in which you will most likely loose during PCT. With long estered compounds for myself ill gain quite a bit of weight around week 6-7 and hold it there till the end. AT the end loss is minimal but i run compounds to 12 weeks with long esters. Only real exception would be running a short burst cycle or 6 weeks of long esters at HIGH doses so your blood/hormone levels build up quickly. At that dose and length i really wouldnt be suprised if you lost a bit of what you gained. Remember that deca is real aggresive compound causing complete shutdown with 1inejction of 100mg. I suggest you start researching a bit more on AAS and how they work and affect the human body.
^^ I took the exact same cycle last spring/summer only for 8 weeks and gained 16 lbs. I kept 13 until winter when i got an illness and didn't work out for a month. I understand what your saying but i seem to do just fine on these small cycles as i am already very lean and vascular with consistent workouts and eating. But this may not work for some. thanks for the responses and i'll do the nolvadex
If you want to run such a short cycle you should consider prop and npp the next time.
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