Thread: opinions on a short cycle
opinions on a short cycle
Now i know a PCT is usually required after every cycle, but what about a short cycle (4-5 weeks) of a short ester (susp, prop).... My buddy ( not me, i'm doin a PCT) said that he was told that if he does prop for 7 weeks (100mg ED) that a PCt isnt required because it isnt real supressive, and he might lose some gains but keep alot even w/o a PCT...
my question is yalls opinions? thanks
05-30-2008, 02:07 PM #2
Always PCT. You are shutdown 100% so why wouldnt you do a PCT? Your buddy may be lucky now but eventually his HPTA will be damaged severly and it wont look pretty for him at all. Im actually planning a short 6 week cycle of Prop coming up real soon. I will include a full PCT in it to make a full recovery. Don't slack like your friend.
ok i was just double checkin... i already have my nolva here, so yeah...
btw he got that info on another board (not naming names tho)
so a BIG THANKS to all the helpful people on this board
05-30-2008, 02:26 PM #4
Sure no prob bro. IT just bothers me that he got this info.....
He was using 700mg of prop per week for 7 weeks and no PCT? Wow, i mean you hear the info....dont just hear it, research it out, compare it with other info you find. Some people are just lazy
05-30-2008, 02:57 PM #5
well luckily he isnt done, so i'm still tryin to convince him.... but he's kinda set on 'maybe' using clomid, and nolvadex (some natty test booster).... i'm tryin lol
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