hi, has anyone experienced hair thinning while taking letrozole?
hi, has anyone experienced hair thinning while taking letrozole?
yeah me. I'm still waiting to see if it will grow back. I've read sources that say yes and some that say no
im currently about to be on week 2 of my letro gyno reversal... havent seen anything with my hair.. how long have u guys been running letro for? and at what doses?
I cycled it for maybe a month and didn't notice any change with my hair
is.hairloss.a.side.effect.with.letro.then???iv.nev er.heard.this.b4.
quite a rare side-effect m8 but yes, after all it is a cancer product
I just noticed very slight thinning at the front not actually any loss of hair, there's never any on my pillow and barely any in the bath.
i noticed after about 8 days at 2.5mg
Tbh every is telling me im losing my mind, not my hair. But i defiantly think letro has thinned it a little
Last edited by shodan84; 06-01-2008 at 11:48 AM.
i ran letro for a month, used tamox for the rebound, which didnt help, then used aromasin. I was on anti-Es for at least two months. It was on my last day of aromasin that i noticed the hair loss, just a slight thinning in one spot in the front, then the following weeks brought on major thinning. You could never see my scalp before on the top front, but now you can, and a little on the sides too. It's harsh shit.
im sorry to hear that bro im the same m8, slight thinning just at the front left hand side,
Was that long ago RapaciousShark?
i tapered letro down from 2mg to .25 mg over two weeks, started nolva at 40mg the last two days of letro, then 30mg for a week, then 20mg for a week, then 10mg the week after that, then when i stopped taking it the nips got ultra itchy and sore, made the gyno a little worse. So i went back on nolva until the aromasin came in. I ran the aromasin at 25mg for two weeks, and 12mg the week after that then i was done. No worries since then. Letro sucks from beginning to end imo. First it took too long to start working, letting my gyno go from itchy nipples to pea sized lumps. Then once it kicked in i lost my libido, lost a lot of muscle mass, got all fatigued and achy, didnt even shrink the gyno, and my hair started falling out, not to mention the rebound was a fu**ing royal pain in the ass. If I had just used nolva from the start i would be so much better off, but these letro junkies on this board persuaded me otherwise. Now I have M&M sized lumps and I'm all self conscious about it, even though i guess its still hard to tell i have it, thank God.
It all started over 4 months ago, I've been off everything about two months. My hair loss is just now leveling off. Funny thing - it turned orange on the front and on my eyebrows first, then it started falling out. Ive heard of it changing color first then thinning.
on.my.2.test.cycles.iv.onlyt.ever.had.the.signs/of.1.small.lump.under.1.nipple.which.went.when.i.h it.the,.nolvadex.hard.
if.i.added.deca.to.my.cycles.how.much.would.it.inc rease.the.chances.of.getting.gyno>??
sorry.about.the.full.stops.my.keyboard.is.screwed. and.spacebar.is.broken!
deca can give you progesterone gyno, basically makes your nipples expand and get puffy as shit. And when you have high progesterone you cant use SERMs like nolva. I've never used deca or 19nors/nandrolones. You can do without those complications just fine, especially if you dont compete, imo.
[QUOTE=RapaciousShark;4012952]Letro sucks from beginning to end imo. but these letro junkies on this board persuaded me otherwise.
Lol!! Dude i feel exactly the same as you my friend!
So what's all the hype about Letro?
I think there is a connection with letrozole use and hair thinning..... I have been on small dose letro for the past 3 months to battle some minor gyno (nothing serious) and I have been shedding easily over 200 hairs a day.... not taking anything else....... I recently stopped taking letro and started on 1/2 tab adex to battle any estro rebound... I have been doing some googling on letro and hair thinning and there is infact a connection to hairloss and thinning with any use of estro reducing drugs..... remember when reducing estro you tend to increase test/dht so be forewarned... this info is from what I read on the femera (letrozole) info site.....
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