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  1. #1
    frenchy's Avatar
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    Common Misconception!

    The most common misconception is diet. Most think they eat lots when really they only eat half of the calories they actually need to grow. Eat a large dinner every two to three hours even if your not hungry. Force feed yourself if you have to.
    To keep up to that caloric intake; work out every second day with cardio at the end. Take GH. Take 3 AAS at least one of those being TEST.

  2. #2
    binder's Avatar
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    877 can build yourself a nutritionally balanced diet with 300-500 calories more than your BMR and caloric expenditure for each day. That would probably be safer than just stuffing yourself at will every 2-3 hours and will allow you to grow just fine.

  3. #3
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frenchy View Post
    The most common misconception is diet. Most think they eat lots when really they only eat half of the calories they actually need to grow. Eat a large dinner every two to three hours even if your not hungry. Force feed yourself if you have to.
    To keep up to that caloric intake; work out every second day with cardio at the end. Take GH. Take 3 AAS at least one of those being TEST.

  4. #4
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frenchy View Post
    The most common misconception is diet. Most think they eat lots when really they only eat half of the calories they actually need to grow. Eat a large dinner every two to three hours even if your not hungry. Force feed yourself if you have to.
    To keep up to that caloric intake; work out every second day with cardio at the end. Take GH. Take 3 AAS at least one of those being TEST.
    Your an idiot.

  5. #5
    marcus300's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frenchy View Post
    The most common misconception is diet. Most think they eat lots when really they only eat half of the calories they actually need to grow. Eat a large dinner every two to three hours even if your not hungry. Force feed yourself if you have to.
    To keep up to that caloric intake; work out every second day with cardio at the end. Take GH. Take 3 AAS at least one of those being TEST.

  6. #6
    YouStupidBunnies's Avatar
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    Another common misconception is that you can't win a staring contest with a cat. A little known fact is that a cat will always blink when hit with a hammer.

  7. #7
    frenchy's Avatar
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    huh works for me! Quick results.

  8. #8
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by frenchy View Post
    The most common misconception is diet. Most think they eat lots when really they only eat half of the calories they actually need to grow. Eat a large dinner every two to three hours even if your not hungry. Force feed yourself if you have to.
    To keep up to that caloric intake; work out every second day with cardio at the end. Take GH. Take 3 AAS at least one of those being TEST.
    dude i dont know what i would do with out u they should higher u to write anabolics 2008

  9. #9
    MuscleScience's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YouStupidBunnies View Post
    Another common misconception is that you can't win a staring contest with a cat. A little known fact is that a cat will always blink when hit with a hammer.
    Actually that is partially true if you hit the cat at the base of the skull it will die before it has time to react, thus it will die with its eyes wide open and the cat will win.

  10. #10
    frenchy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    dude i dont know what i would do with out u they should higher u to write anabolics 2008
    you must be a small man.

  11. #11
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    6'2 268 sound small???

  12. #12
    GPS226's Avatar
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    hmm, well I do agree with Frenchy on the needing a lot of calories, I don't believe in going only a few hundred cals over BMR..especially when on cycle. Although the stuff about gh and 3 AAS is umm...a slightly questionable at best. I've found that I've made great gains when I've stuffed myself and really have made little or no progress when trying to clean bulk with just a few hundred calories over.

  13. #13
    frenchy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    6'2 268 sound small???
    thats the thing if I eat 300 to 500 over I wont gain until the day that I die. My metabolism is pumped so high that I need to eat every two to three hours. If I do these diets of waking up and having a cup of oatmeal one egg and some yogurt I would die of starvation.. Im thinking most hardgainers usually don't eat nearly enough and that is why.

  14. #14
    inky-e's Avatar
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    the three oh!
    Here's another misconception... canadiens are intellectuals......oh no he didn't!

  15. #15
    binder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frenchy View Post
    If I do these diets of waking up and having a cup of oatmeal one egg and some yogurt I would die of starvation.. .
    if you only eat that for breakfast, you'll never be 300-500 calories over your BRM and expenditure.

    2500-3000 CLEAN calories is a lot more food than you think. mcdonalds, that's like 2 meals, but real food that is going to put weight on your body, that is a lot. With my chicken, tuna, and eggs i can still put in over 2lbs of vegetables and be around 3000 calories a day. that's 6 heavy meals with pure nutrition. I put on 41lbs altering my diet with clean food with about 500 cals over what my BMR and expenditure is in 1 year and stayed within a few % of my competition bodyfat.

    You obviously don't understand BMR and expenditure. After everything you burn for the day, if you take 500 more calories in per day than is burnt, YOU WILL GAIN. plain and simple...there is no "i burn that up fast" well dummy, if you burn it up, then you aren't 500 calories over what you burn then huh?

    if you burn 4000 cals a day, then 4500 cals will make you gain weight. plain and way around it. if you burn 4000 kcals a day and take in 4001 will gain. a nanopound, but your body will still be in 1 kcal surplus.

    oh ya, a cup of oatmeal, 1 egg and 1 cup of yogurt is roughly 200 kcals. that isn't close to a normal breakfast for gaining. 3000 kcals is 6 500 kcal meals a day. Try meals like 8oz chicken breast, 3 cups whole grain rice, 1 cup steamed veggies 6 times a day....not that 1 egg crap.
    Last edited by binder; 06-01-2008 at 03:51 PM.

  16. #16
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by frenchy View Post
    thats the thing if I eat 300 to 500 over I wont gain until the day that I die. My metabolism is pumped so high that I need to eat every two to three hours. If I do these diets of waking up and having a cup of oatmeal one egg and some yogurt I would die of starvation.. Im thinking most hardgainers usually don't eat nearly enough and that is why.
    one egg damn your a beast . i eat evey 2 hours cause im trying to hit 300 lbs,

  17. #17
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by binder View Post can build yourself a nutritionally balanced diet with 300-500 calories more than your BMR and caloric expenditure for each day. That would probably be safer than just stuffing yourself at will every 2-3 hours and will allow you to grow just fine.
    frenchy, what would your metabolism have to do with it if you followed this?

  18. #18
    bone$ is offline Junior Member
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    wait what was the point of this thread? hahahaha

  19. #19
    frenchy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    frenchy, what would your metabolism have to do with it if you followed this?
    its funny how smrt you guys thinks you is... Im telling im about 2000+ calories past my bmr caloric calcs. and Im just managing to gain. obviously your definatly very racist some of you. Thats ok we have the same perception of americans. At least almost all of us can read and write here in Canada.

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by frenchy View Post
    its funny how smrt you guys thinks you is... Im telling im about 2000+ calories past my bmr caloric calcs. and Im just managing to gain. obviously your definatly very racist some of you. Thats ok we have the same perception of americans. At least almost all of us can read and write here in Canada.
    I'm not sure why you felt the need to reference racism when quoting my post.

  21. #21
    james21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by frenchy View Post
    The most common misconception is diet. Most think they eat lots when really they only eat half of the calories they actually need to grow. Eat a large dinner every two to three hours even if your not hungry. Force feed yourself if you have to.
    To keep up to that caloric intake; work out every second day with cardio at the end. Take GH. Take 3 AAS at least one of those being TEST.
    thats what i was doing wrong...

  22. #22
    frenchy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by inky-e View Post
    Here's another misconception... canadiens are intellectuals......oh no he didn't!
    I was refering to this guy...

  23. #23
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    Quote Originally Posted by bone$ View Post
    wait what was the point of this thread? hahahaha
    i think frenchy thiks he knows a lot about juice

  24. #24
    IronMonkey is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by frenchy View Post
    obviously your definatly very racist some of you.
    Wait a minute..."Canadian" is a RACE???? Well, hell, you learn something new everyday...

  25. #25
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    hahaha **** dude im glad im mexican nobody hates mexico hahaha

  26. #26
    spywizard's Avatar
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    this thread has no value, nor is there a question about steroids .. calling people racist is not a way to communicate your ideas, his comments were not racist, it was a preconceived opinion based on his experiences with canadians..

    Or he was being sarcastic..
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