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Thread: The Toal Taken from Anabolics on your Liver

  1. #1

    The Toal Taken from Anabolics on your Liver

    Yo guys, I just wanted 2 get some opinions... but I've taken a full cycle of superdrol twice, masterdrol for 11 days, halodrol, methyl-drol for 2 weeks, and then another one for 4 weeks, mass tabs, and havoc. A total of 8 oral cycles, but two were a half cycle. I've always taken liver support but there are those days where I've forgotten to take it plenty of them. I have only drank once a week while on a cycle, but last summer while on Mass Tabs I did drink probably 10 days out of the 4.5 week cycle. I was pissed. I had my liver and cholesterol checked out last spring and everything checked out perfectly normal and this was after 6 cycles, I've only taken two sense. And I just ended my havoc and I'm taking nolvadex for the first time and I guess this is somewhat toxic to my liver too. Does anyone actually know what sort of shape my liver could be in? Or what exactly is happening to my liver while on these? I know from what I've read and talked to about people, but I just want to see if some people can give me more information on it, because I don't take anything without researching it first.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    The problem with these designer steroids that can be sold due to the lack of umbrella controlled substance legislation is that no one really knows anything about these drugs. Nandrolone, testosterone, methandrostenolone, etc....these drugs have been around for 50 years and we know an awful lot about them, both anecdotally and scientifically. But as soon as you start manipulating the chemical structure of these known drugs, in order to side-step current prohibitive legislation, all of that 50 years' worth of user experience and scientific research gets tossed out the window.

    Sure, there are universal rules such as 17-AA or methylated orals will stress the liver. But the degree of that stress is not known with these designers vs. more traditional orals like Anadrol, Dianabol, Anavar, etc because (1) people haven't been using these designers for 30-50 years like the originals and (2) I don't know of any solid scientific research (double blind, placebo controlled studies published in peer reviewed journals) conducted on any of these designer drugs.

    If you're that concerned about hepatotoxicity, perhaps you should stick with injectibles.

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    excellent post

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Sam's Club
    Agreed. For me, there really is no need for anything else besides the proven basic anabolics that have been researched and tested extensively over several decades. Im actually getting to the point that anything other than Test for a bodybuilder is overkill. You can achieve so much with Test alone by manipulating doses over a period of time to attain the gains desired by the user in addition to an excellent diet and training regiment. In addition, the desired effects such as being dry, hard, vascular, etc. can be manipulated through natural courses without the aid of additional drugs.

    Peeps will run any designer anabolic/pro-hormone they see fit that will help achieve their goals, all the while ignoring the obvious lack of research on the drugs their using and the simple basics of acquiring lbm. You can run all the varieties of drugs and doses you want and never be satisfied long term. Eventually, imo, the bodybuilder will return to depend on natural recourses and the science of diet to accomplish their goals

    Again, this is just my opinion.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    every time i take orasl use something for the liver, i just finished usind dbol for 4 weeks at 40mg ed, i'm taking hepasil with bcomplex and it also has other vitamins

  6. #6
    lol you posted this on 19 years old and 8 oral cycles.. very healthy

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MattyH7688 View Post
    lol you posted this on 19 years old and 8 oral cycles.. very healthy

    Unheathly and unfortunately quite common these days. Taking to many risks to young, lack of education and lack of dedication, why diet and work hard just take this hand full of pills!!! "The bottle says to only take 2 day I took 6/day and got great results". actual quote from a 19 year old.

    The kicker is that they won't listen, but we are all invincible at 18-19 years old.

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