Yo guys, I just wanted 2 get some opinions... but I've taken a full cycle of superdrol twice, masterdrol for 11 days, halodrol, methyl-drol for 2 weeks, and then another one for 4 weeks, mass tabs, and havoc. A total of 8 oral cycles, but two were a half cycle. I've always taken liver support but there are those days where I've forgotten to take it plenty of them. I have only drank once a week while on a cycle, but last summer while on Mass Tabs I did drink probably 10 days out of the 4.5 week cycle. I was pissed. I had my liver and cholesterol checked out last spring and everything checked out perfectly normal and this was after 6 cycles, I've only taken two sense. And I just ended my havoc and I'm taking nolvadex for the first time and I guess this is somewhat toxic to my liver too. Does anyone actually know what sort of shape my liver could be in? Or what exactly is happening to my liver while on these? I know from what I've read and talked to about people, but I just want to see if some people can give me more information on it, because I don't take anything without researching it first.