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  1. #1
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Steroids that are kind to my cholesterol, and my life further down the road

    I'm wondering which steroids would be my best choice, for not messing up my cholesterol? I've read a bit around, and I just want to be sure, and get your guys opinion.

    I'm guessing orals like Winstrol , dbol , anadrol is out of the question?
    I figure that an testostorone only cycle would be my best choice for what i'm asking?

    The reason i'm asking this is because changes in cholesterol may lead to problems further down the road. It's often a major factor i people dying young. Stroke, heart failure..

    Answer me without no backsass, please.
    I am here to learn, not to answer stupid posts.

  2. #2
    Crest is offline Senior Member
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    i think if your worried about things like that, later down the road then be good and stay away from drugs. i think most steroids are going to play around with all sorts of cholesterol/liver values.

    who knows what is going to effect you, ie 2 people could run the same cycles for 20 years and one person be in perfect health while the other is dying of all sorts of crap.

    its the risk you got to take mate.

  3. #3
    sassbs11 is offline Banned
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  4. #4
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    Test only is gonna make ur cholesterol go up, as test and cholesterol are made from one another. If you get bloodwork done to check that out every 6 mo or so. Then you should be fine. I mean you can have bad problems from just going to the gym, muscle pulls, tears, joint problems all thats possible. But its always a catch-22, I would say lift clean unless you wanna compete. Thats just me tho and its good ur worried about ur health instead of just jumping in there.

  5. #5
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uk lad View Post
    i think if your worried about things like that, later down the road then be good and stay away from drugs. i think most steroids are going to play around with all sorts of cholesterol/liver values.

    who knows what is going to effect you, ie 2 people could run the same cycles for 20 years and one person be in perfect health while the other is dying of all sorts of crap.

    its the risk you got to take mate.
    Im trying to keep the risks as low as I can, therefor asking questions. And I know it's a genetic thing, but there is also the question about which steroids to use. Some steroids are harsher on the cholesterol and liver then others (Anadrol , dbol , winnie).

  6. #6
    Amorphic's Avatar
    Amorphic is offline Veritas, Aequitas ~
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    nandrolone is good for your cholesterol

  7. #7
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jaysunderstudy View Post
    Test only is gonna make ur cholesterol go up, as test and cholesterol are made from one another. If you get bloodwork done to check that out every 6 mo or so. Then you should be fine. I mean you can have bad problems from just going to the gym, muscle pulls, tears, joint problems all thats possible. But its always a catch-22, I would say lift clean unless you wanna compete. Thats just me tho and its good ur worried about ur health instead of just jumping in there.
    Yes, checking for bloodwork is a smart thing to do, and I was planning on doing that, if I decide to use steroids later down the road.

    I've read a couple of articles on HDL, LDL values on steroids (Different steroids). Orals like DBOL made a serious and bad impact. Testostorone only changed the values by a few points.

  8. #8
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    nandrolone is good for your cholesterol
    Thanks for the reply.
    I'm never going to take nandrolone by itself though, and you probably know the reasons. So therefor i'm counting that out for good cholesterol (As i'm guessing stacking to steroids would just make matters worse). I.E testostorone base, and nandrolone besides.

  9. #9
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    EDIT: What about HGH, IGF and such? Bad for cholesterol?

  10. #10
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanTheMan View Post
    Thanks for the reply.
    I'm never going to take nandrolone by itself though, and you probably know the reasons. So therefor i'm counting that out for good cholesterol (As i'm guessing stacking to steroids would just make matters worse). I.E testostorone base, and nandrolone besides.
    test base with nandrolone may not be bad for your overall cholesterol levels.

    i'd have to search around for some numbers to confirm that though.

  11. #11
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Check out Furzabol.

  12. #12
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    test base with nandrolone may not be bad for your overall cholesterol levels.

    i'd have to search around for some numbers to confirm that though.
    Well, does deca keep your cholesterol in check, or actually makes it better?

  13. #13
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    Check out Furzabol.
    I did and i'm never going to be able to get hold of that stuff

  14. #14
    FFFTW is offline New Member
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    If you dont mind me asking, sorry to hijack the thread... How do you start new threads?? I just registered, and there is no button on any of the main sites to start a new thread/topic!! Am I blind??

  15. #15
    SMCengineer is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanTheMan View Post
    I did and i'm never going to be able to get hold of that stuff
    Yeah, it's definitely harder to come by nowadays. Keep your eyes open for though because it's supposed to be good for your cholestrol, but also similar to winstrol in muscle building properties.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by FFFTW View Post
    If you dont mind me asking, sorry to hijack the thread... How do you start new threads?? I just registered, and there is no button on any of the main sites to start a new thread/topic!! Am I blind??
    "Start new thread"

    Up on the left, when not in another post (Must be out on the steroidforum ofcourse)

  17. #17
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blome View Post
    Yeah, it's definitely harder to come by nowadays. Keep your eyes open for though because it's supposed to be good for your cholestrol, but also similar to winstrol in muscle building properties.
    Sounds neat.

  18. #18
    FFFTW is offline New Member
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    I dont have a "start new thread" button.... does it take a couple days after you register?? Once again, it SAYS I can...
    "Posting Rules
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    And once again, I am sorry for hijacking didnt know what else to do.

  19. #19
    IronMonkey is offline Junior Member
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    I'm not quite sure what you're looking for. How long you plan on being "on"? You do realize that once you come off cycle, given enough time, your cholesterol levels will return to normal, right?

  20. #20
    xero's Avatar
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    Stay away from var...pushed my cholesterol levels through the roof. Returned to normal 3 months after ended cycle.

    I would suggest test only or test/deca as the lowest risk cycles.

  21. #21
    Amorphic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VanTheMan View Post
    Well, does deca keep your cholesterol in check, or actually makes it better?
    improves it

  22. #22
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronMonkey View Post
    I'm not quite sure what you're looking for. How long you plan on being "on"? You do realize that once you come off cycle, given enough time, your cholesterol levels will return to normal, right?
    3-4 months on, 3-4 months on.

  23. #23
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FFFTW View Post
    I dont have a "start new thread" button.... does it take a couple days after you register?? Once again, it SAYS I can...
    "Posting Rules
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    And once again, I am sorry for hijacking didnt know what else to do.
    Don't know..

  24. #24
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xero View Post
    Stay away from var...pushed my cholesterol levels through the roof. Returned to normal 3 months after ended cycle.

    I would suggest test only or test/deca as the lowest risk cycles.
    Thanks for the opinion, those cycles where the once I thought.

  25. #25
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Amorphic View Post
    improves it
    Right, thats nice then.

  26. #26
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Bumparoo, lets get a few opinions

  27. #27
    spywizard's Avatar
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    are you on cholesterol meds now??

    mine went to 375, which is high even for me, but with vitorin i can get it to 225 range, which is low for me..

    all steroids will increase the level to some degree..

    depends on you specifically.. I have what is called genetic high levels, with no other risk factors, with that said, the only real #'s they have is that people die from long term high cholesterol levels..

    So be safe..

    Lipator is one of the mildest and most prescribed..
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  28. #28
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    are you on cholesterol meds now??

    mine went to 375, which is high even for me, but with vitorin i can get it to 225 range, which is low for me..

    all steroids will increase the level to some degree..

    depends on you specifically.. I have what is called genetic high levels, with no other risk factors, with that said, the only real #'s they have is that people die from long term high cholesterol levels..

    So be safe..

    Lipator is one of the mildest and most prescribed..
    No I am not Thanks for your replay.

  29. #29
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    Is this info correct?

    Furazadrol (5a-etioallocholan[2,3-c]furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol ether): 50mg

    Orastan-A (5a-androstano[2,3-c] furazan-17b-tetrahydropyranol ether): 50mg

    Sorry man, can't post those types of links.. but great advice..

  30. #30
    IronMonkey is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    are you on cholesterol meds now??

    mine went to 375, which is high even for me, but with vitorin i can get it to 225 range, which is low for me..

    all steroids will increase the level to some degree..

    depends on you specifically.. I have what is called genetic high levels, with no other risk factors, with that said, the only real #'s they have is that people die from long term high cholesterol levels..

    So be safe..

    Lipator is one of the mildest and most prescribed..
    Wow, that shows how different everyone is. I've had my blood checked while on cycle and post-cycle, and the ONLY thing I've seen in terms of cholesterol levels is both my HDL and LDL wind up very low. I've NEVER had elevated cholesterol while on cycle...

  31. #31
    spywizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IronMonkey View Post
    Wow, that shows how different everyone is. I've had my blood checked while on cycle and post-cycle, and the ONLY thing I've seen in terms of cholesterol levels is both my HDL and LDL wind up very low. I've NEVER had elevated cholesterol while on cycle...
    exactly, mine have been elevate since age 25 which was the 1st time it was tested..

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    I will not do source checks for you, the peer review from other members should be enough to help you make a decision on your quest. Buyer beware.
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  32. #32
    manwitplans's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    exactly, mine have been elevate since age 25 which was the 1st time it was tested..

    Od to a wasted youth..
    Yep it's also a genetic thing, but I have normal ranges now, and want to keep it that way

  33. #33
    genegsk is offline New Member
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    If it is to address cholesterol concerns, did anyone consider taking Bios Life?

  34. #34
    goldenear is offline Associate Member
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    Amorphic is dead on correct here. Just run testosterone at TRT doses and fill in the rest with Deca . That's going to be your best bet in the long run.

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