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  1. #1
    pbul2004 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008

    What cycle and which steroids to use??


    Im new to the forum but not new to bodybuilding. However i have never taken steroids before. Since the age of 18 i have been training and taking weightgain etc, i am now 25 and i think i have waited long enough for my body to fill out. I am currently 12stone, and i am looking to get to 13stone for now.

    The reason i am posting is to find out what cycle and steriods would be best to use for a new user to them. I am looking for safe, steady gains where it is gradual. I know people who are on them and they have said different thing so my head is abit confused.

    Deca and Sus cycle, and;
    Primo and Winstol cycle.

    What do you guys recommend from your expereince to help me? Any advice or help on a good cycle would be greatly appreciated!


  2. #2
    johnq is offline Associate Member
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    May 2007
    test e 400mg or 500mg a week for 10 or 12 weeks u should see good gains if your diet and training is in order. make sure you got a pct ready

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    Weight without height really doesn't tell us much. My advice would not be the same if you were 6'6" compared to what it would be if you were 5'6".

  4. #4
    pbul2004 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008
    I am 5ft 10, 12stone. Diet is good, having meals every 2 hours consisting of tuna, chicken, cottage cheese etc. Training is good, 3-4 times per week.

    when you say test cycle only, you mean a testosterone cycle? Are there different types of testosterones to take?

    Are there any full cycles in more detail or could you go into more depth?

    What type of gains would be expected doing this cycle? The likes of deca , sus, prmio and winstrol etc wouldnt be good for me since im just starting?

    thanks for your advice and help

  5. #5
    pbul2004 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008
    Help me out guys, we all had to start somewhere...

    I want to do it safe and have a proper cycle, i dont want to just follow my friends and take anything! cheers

  6. #6
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Then run a test only cycle... See how your body reacts to it and then for you next one get creative. What did you cycle before?? Thats what I would do, but if you hell bent on the two different cycles up top, for me personally I would run the Sust and Deca . But thats me bro. Or run the Sust with something mild like Equipoise . Good Luck bro

  7. #7
    marcus300's Avatar
    marcus300 is offline ~Retired~ AR-Platinum Elite-Hall of Famer ~
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    Test E or cyp for 10-12 wks at 500mgs per wk, stick to a basic diet and training program and make sure you have PCT in order. Forget everything else and do some research your knowledge is lacking, you will achieve your goal if you do the above correctly.

  8. #8
    mkcay7979's Avatar
    mkcay7979 is offline Associate Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by pbul2004 View Post
    I am 5ft 10, 12stone. Diet is good, having meals every 2 hours consisting of tuna, chicken, cottage cheese etc. Training is good, 3-4 times per week.

    when you say test cycle only, you mean a testosterone cycle? Are there different types of testosterones to take?

    Are there any full cycles in more detail or could you go into more depth?

    What type of gains would be expected doing this cycle? The likes of deca , sus, prmio and winstrol etc wouldnt be good for me since im just starting?

    thanks for your advice and help
    Heres what you need to do

    1. you need to read all of this it will help you tons

    and there is a search button any ? you might have im sure someone else has asked it so search it first then ask if you cant find it ....
    we will help you but not spoon feed you

    Searching For Information

    **Guide on how to search for information on the forums**

    If You Are Under 24 Then Read This

    Whats the right age to take steroids (GOOD READ)

    List of Common Abbreviations

    List of common Abbreviations - Newbies please read!

    All You Need To Know About Blood Work

    ALL you need to know about bloodwork

    The Basics of Steroids

    Tips to Spot Fake Gear

    Tips To Spot Fake Gear

    Steroid Cycles

    Cycles for the Newbie

    Steroid Profiles

    Frontloading Explained

    Frontloading motives and benefits explained.

    Post Cycle Therapy (PCT)

    PCT Start Times

    PCT start times

    All You Need To Know About Gyno

    All you need to know about GYNO.

    Hormone/Testosterone Replacement Therapy

    HRT/TRT--The basics (by Tulane University Medical Center)

    Injection Information

    How To Inject
    How Much Air is Needed (to cause death)
    www.spotinjectio n remove the spaces


    UNoffical "How to Bulk" thread and sample diet...
    UNoffical "How to Cut" thread and sample diet...
    Appetite For Construction


    A.M. Fat Burn
    Back Off and Grow!
    10 Commandments To Big Muscle
    Various Training Techniques

    Human Growth Hormone

    My Guide to HGH for anyone interested


    This is not my piece of work, all this information is divulged by Kale and Vantheman ... Thanks guys

  9. #9
    pbul2004 is offline New Member
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    Jun 2008
    Cheers for the feedback guys.

    I know my knowledge is lacking, thats why im here, thanks for posting all the info for me mkcay. I will read through all of this.

    Just that people in gym are telling me things and i want to learn before i dive in at the deep end and make mistakes and in the process f*ck myself up! Which i dont wont!

    I have never used or taken steroids before or done any steroid cycles. I was looking to start on something light and start slow but safe! So im looking for a cycle for the ultimate beginner.

    I am 25 years old, i have been training since i was 18, my diet and training is good. Before i start steroids i am going to get my diet even better. I am using supplements at the moment, which are:-

    1. Weightgain 1500
    2. L-Glutamine
    3. Creatine Ethyl Ester
    4. AAKG
    5. Maltrodextrin

    A 'run a test only cycle' this is a testosterone based steroid cycle only? I will do my reading and research, but looking to start it mild, as gains seem to have stopped. I am going to give it 2months with good diet, hard training the the above supps and see from there! Wanted know what to take when the time comes.

    Thanks for the feedback.

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