Hey guys I am a new poster and was considering getting on a cycle to add some strength and a lil bit of muscle. Right now I am 5'11 173 with prolly 12% body fat. I eat fairly well but prolly need to get my protein up a lil bit as well.
I have some goals for the end of summer. RIght now I bench probably 245 and would like to get up to 275 or as close as possible by the end of summer. The problem is when I am cutting I just feel like I am staying at the same strength. Is there any cycle that anyone has tried or recommend to get fast strength and stay cut for the summer. I am almost 22 by the way.
I was looking at the stack with the Clen, WInn-50 and Tren 75 and was wondering if anybody would reccommend that cutting stack? And does that stack give you strength gains too?
thanks guys!