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Thread: How quick can gyno possibly start?

  1. #1

    How quick can gyno possibly start?

    I just started my cycle, Test Enan 500mg p/w weeks 1-12, Deca 400mg p/w weeks 1-12 and Dbol 40mg ED Weeks 1-4. Im doing my first shots tomorrow and started the D-bol today around noon. It is now 10:30 at night Ive taken 40mg of Dbol and my right nipple is hurting, is it possible for gyno to start in only 10 hours or must my nipple be hurting from sometihng else cuz its a pretty noticable pain.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I would assume as soon as the test or dbol kicks in. As soon as estrogen conversion takes place, it can start. Typically, nipple soreness is a common sign at first. Keep nolva on hand, it blocks the estrogen receptors in your chest

  3. #3
    Oh shit thanks for the post bro I didnt think it could start that kwik, I ordered a-dex and it should be here either saturday or monday so I guess ill just wait till I get that to start. I didnt think it could start that kwik so I went ahead and started.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    I wouldn't use an anti-estrogen UNLESS signs of gyno start to show up, because as crazy as it sounds, you do need estrogen conversion to build muscle.

  5. #5
    Well Ive run two cycles before (same as the one mentioned) and Im very gyno prone and nolva never did jack for me so I went ahead and ordered the a-dex but didnt plan on using it until needed cuz it kills my gains. I went ahead and started today because normally it takes a few weeks before I noticed anythin thats why it caught me off guard today after only 10 hours.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    bro if you get gyno within the first day of using dbol i would say dont even bother cycling. jmo.

  7. #7
    Nah your definately right but you know how it is, did my first cycle and I was ready to marry the shit

  8. #8
    BTW tribute where in NC are you I just moved down here from NY.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by GetYourWeightUp View Post
    BTW tribute where in NC are you I just moved down here from NY.
    Asheville, in the mountains. You?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    Quote Originally Posted by GetYourWeightUp View Post
    Nah your definately right but you know how it is, did my first cycle and I was ready to marry the shit
    what did your first cycle consist of and what did you do for pct?? i take it that this is your 2nd cycle??

  11. #11
    This is the 3rd cycle, first cycle I did: 250mg test e and 200mg deca for 12 weeks with dbol for the first 4. The last cycle I did was the same as this one now: 500mg test e 400mg deca for 12 weeks with dbol for the first 4. Nolva and clomid for pct I got off a sticky in this forum. Ive read on this forum for past few years just never posted. Pay Tribute Im in Huntersville by Charlotte not sure if thats close or not I dont know the area at all.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by GetYourWeightUp View Post
    This is the 3rd cycle, first cycle I did: 250mg test e and 200mg deca for 12 weeks with dbol for the first 4. The last cycle I did was the same as this one now: 500mg test e 400mg deca for 12 weeks with dbol for the first 4. Nolva and clomid for pct I got off a sticky in this forum. Ive read on this forum for past few years just never posted. Pay Tribute Im in Huntersville by Charlotte not sure if thats close or not I dont know the area at all.
    I have two brothers that live in Charlotte. It's about two hours away.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    May 2003
    You must start your Nolva or any Anti-e asap.

    I made the mistake to start my Nolva after 10 days i started my last cycle because my nipples didn't hurt but was too late and gyno started developing fast.Now i try to get rid with Letro..what a mistake!

    It takes some days to have Nolva working.So you should start at the begining of cycle always.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    San Diego
    and don't take nolva if you are using deca

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    wow. i've been running test cyp and winny for 7 weeks now and no gyno. I haven't even looked at a bottle of nolva.
    I have a buddy running test e and he has been on arimidex since week 5. i have a feeling there is some bad quality test e going around. either that or everybody is just different.

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