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  1. #1
    DaKMAN's Avatar
    DaKMAN is offline New Member
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    Staten Island

    Exclamation 1st Test Cyp Cycle 8thWK DILEMMA

    Status: Currently on my 8th week of Test Cyp.

    Age - 24
    Height - 5'10"
    BF% - 12
    Weight - 205
    Cycle experience - (1) 4week Phera-Plex cycle 5/07, Bulked and gained 18lbs
    Lifting - 7yrs
    Diet - Not perfect but keep it clean and lean. My focus is on my carbs, I'll have 2 high days and the rest low and keep my protein high.
    Supplements - Multi-V 2x a day, Vit-E 400iu (2) 6x, CoQ10 100mg 2x, FishOil 1200mg 3x, Chromium 500mg 2x, L-Glutamine 20g a day. I'll have a protein shake in the morning with my breakfast and pre,post workouts

    Current Cycle
    12 weks of Test Cyp. L-dex .2 ed

    Week 1
    1000mg Front load
    Week 2-12
    500mg / week

    Week 1 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 100mg Clomid/ed
    Week 2 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 100mg Clomid/ed
    Week 3 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 4 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 5 - 20mgs/ed Nolva + 20mgs/ed L-Dex + 50mg Clomid/ed
    Week 6 - 20mgs/ed Nolva

    Since I started my cycle Ive been having problems, My first shot was 500mg of Test Cyp,in the Delt, 3days after I experienced tremendous pain and couldn't sleep i had a huge red and brown lump under where the shot was. The redness traveled down each day to my forearm. I was told by my friend who injected me that it is normal for this to happen on your first injected cycle I looked it up and saw similar symptoms it went away after 3 weeks and also had happened to my other delt but not as bad just had a huge knot.
    **My current major problem is something i should of thought of way before it happened. My "friend" who has been injecting me has F*ed me over. I kept my test and all syringes and pins at his house, the only thing i kept was one 10ml vial no syringes or pins etc.OK So from weeks 1-6 have been injecting on Mon & Thur. On my 7th week my friend didn't pick up his phone till Wed, so i got my shot that night and that was it. I don't know what happened but he doesn't answer my calls,tex messages Etc,. So I went crazy and kept calling anticipating that he would pick up, Nothing. Now I'm on my 8th week and so far have what i need for the cycle. So keeping score week 1 was 1000mg and 2-6 have been 500mg, week 7 250mg and now week 8 has just started so far with 250mg. Now my Question is what should i do for the rest of the cycle Keep going with 500mg a wk or increase the dosage or What. Really need help on this, Thankyou

  2. #2
    Kale is offline ~ Vet~ I like Thai Girls
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    Apr 2005
    just keep going at 500mg a week dude, make sure you shot it twice a week on Mon and Thurs that will get you levels more stable. Oh, and have your "friend" killed

  3. #3
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    This why I learned to inject myself the first time around. You cant rely on someone else you need to do it yourself and have everything for the cycle at your dissposal for you start.....
    pins, aas, anti-e's pct etc.

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