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Thread: Need Help ASAP!

  1. #1
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    Need Help ASAP!

    Ok guys I just found this website and I need some serious advice. I am 19 years old right now, 20 in August, and I any really trying to gain weight and add some muscle. I have been lifting on and off for a few years now and I even got a whole weight training system, you know bench press free weights and all, last year and it's been great.

    Now here's the thing... I am a pretty skinny kid, 6 foot tall and about 140lbs. Anyhow my problem is that I can get definition and firmness with no problem anywhere after lifting for a few weeks and I am in good shape but I want to get bigger. My arms are pretty skinny, up near my biceps, and I would really like to work on that area the most. I would also like to target my calfs and maybe my thighs.

    Any advice on some workout routines would be more than great, I've been trying to find one that works forever and I really don't understand the whole workout process. I don't know what days to lift what and I need some help understanding all this.

    I am considering taking some steroids to bulk up but I don't know what to use. I eat like a horse and eat anything I can get my hands on, 11:15 at night here and I just finished some General Tsao's Chicken!... and I'm still hungry.

    So all in all I need a new workout routine with some detailed info and some information on what steroids I should try out... and where I should start looking as well! I'd appreciate the help alot guys, thanks!

  2. #2
    G-1000's Avatar
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    You are not ready and to young for steroids .

    The best advise for you will be to go to the diet form and lean how to eat to grow. Also take a look into training and make sure you are working out the way you need to in order to make gains.

  3. #3
    Big's Avatar
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    Welcome. Start with our diet and workout forums, you are a long way from needing steroids . Check out the bulking diets, they are a sticky at the top of the diet section.
    Also please don't fish for sources, I removed that part from your post.
    Good luck.

  4. #4
    BayouPumps's Avatar
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    6' and 140 wow...honestly stop smoking it kills
    Last edited by BayouPumps; 06-07-2008 at 12:59 PM.

  5. #5
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    Sorry about that, again I'm new and still figuring stuff out on here... thanks for the advice Gsx-R and Big

  6. #6
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by BayouPumps View Post
    6' and 140 wow...honestly stop smoking crack it kills
    I played soccer when i was young, race motocross, played football in high school, and I am always active... I'm sorry i'm not up to your godly statute master

  7. #7
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    ^^^ the good bros already said it, but i'll say it again

    -checkout the diet/exercise stickies and post any questions after you've read them
    -I'm confident enough to say that with your stats, you could easily forget roids for 5 more yrs... you have more than enough natural testosterone to meet your needs

    Last edited by InsaneInTheMembrane; 06-04-2008 at 09:27 PM.

  8. #8
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    19 first post on here and I get ragged on, go figure that it would be Mr. meathead to do it... I'm naturally skinny and have a fast metabolism, why do you think I'm trying to bulk up?

  9. #9
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by InsaneInTheMembrane View Post
    ^^^ the two good bros already said it, but third times the charm

    -checkout the diet/exercise stickies and post any questions after you've read them
    -I'm confident enough to say that with your stats, you could easily forget roids for 5 more yrs... you have more than enough natural testosterone to meet your needs

    You know what, I just read the post saying read this if your thinking about using steroids and under 24 years old and I really didn't know half of that stuff. Good thing you guys told me. I have creatine too but something tells me I'm not using it right haha. Looks like I need to do some digging here... let me go check out this diet page. Thanks again,

  10. #10
    Kratos's Avatar
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    I advise a new lifting routine: A fork to your mouth

    I'm not talking about generals chicken either, visit the diet forum.

  11. #11
    G-1000's Avatar
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    Ya its not all was easy for the new guys. Only the tough make it.

  12. #12
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kratos View Post
    I advise a new lifting routine: A fork to your mouth

    I'm not talking about generals chicken either, visit the diet forum.
    I know bro I hear you on that one... I eat anything and everything I can find. I go shopping and spend at least $110/week on food alone, and I go once a week too. I just can't gain weight. Don't take any drugs to prevent it or anything, guess I'm just very active and I burn it all off very quick. I eat probably 6-7 meals a day. Go figure...

  13. #13
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gsxxr View Post
    Ya its not all was easy for the new guys. Only the tough make it.
    ...shit then I guess your a goner lol. Just kiddin but I hear ya bro, which is why I am trying to get all the advice I can, I don't pay any attention to the kids who think they're all that, keep drinkin the haterade and I'll keep doin my thing

  14. #14
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    try kre alklyn man

  15. #15
    Sir Lifts-a-lot's Avatar
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    drugs are bad m'kay.

  16. #16
    BIGMAC250's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hardknox View Post
    I played soccer when i was young, race motocross, played football in high school, and I am always active... I'm sorry i'm not up to your godly statute master
    that aint gonna help you bulk up any......but its an awesome sport.....i just had to sell my miserable without it...hahaha

  17. #17
    24hrbulker is offline New Member
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    i was those stats when i was 14, after forcing myself to eat and nearly throw up plus a weight gainer every night for 11 months, i hit 170, its very possible, eveyone is right, even if you do cycle good luck keeping the weight, UP THE FOOD!!!

  18. #18
    im83931's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hardknox View Post
    I eat probably 6-7 meals a day. Go figure...
    Then try eating 8 meals. I was in your place in High School until some older guys (my dads friends) at the gym helped me out with lifting routine and diet. What I thought was eating enough to grow was in fact crap. I started eating 8 meals a day and even though I was running track and playing soccer I was still able to go from 147 to 178 in about 15 months.

    If you are serious about growing then you should write down everything you eat and when you eat it for a week. Then post it here and people will be glad to help you.

    You need to understand that there are several posts daily like yours where someone wants to start a cycle but hasnt done the research on diet yet.

    The fact is this: If you cant eat enough to gain weight then you will not be able to eat enough after your cycle to maintain the muscle mass that you put on. You also wont gain as much because it takes extra food above and beyond what you are eating now to make gains. Steroids dont create muscle from thin air. They create muscle from the food you eat.

  19. #19
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by im83931 View Post
    Then try eating 8 meals. I was in your place in High School until some older guys (my dads friends) at the gym helped me out with lifting routine and diet. What I thought was eating enough to grow was in fact crap. I started eating 8 meals a day and even though I was running track and playing soccer I was still able to go from 147 to 178 in about 15 months.

    If you are serious about growing then you should write down everything you eat and when you eat it for a week. Then post it here and people will be glad to help you.

    You need to understand that there are several posts daily like yours where someone wants to start a cycle but hasnt done the research on diet yet.

    The fact is this: If you cant eat enough to gain weight then you will not be able to eat enough after your cycle to maintain the muscle mass that you put on. You also wont gain as much because it takes extra food above and beyond what you are eating now to make gains. Steroids dont create muscle from thin air. They create muscle from the food you eat.

    Lot of good points, maybe I'll take the advice and keep track of what I'm eating and post it up on here... see what the pros think.
    I'm sure my active lifestyle doesn't help any and I'll have to eat twice as much as I would if I didn't race motocross, I know that's a weight killer on the 25 lap races with all my gear on.

    I also started drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast.... supposed to have twice the protein as an agg and twice the calcium as yogurt. So hopefully that will give me something over time. I've also been eating alot of the chunkys soup, specifically the SAvory Pot Roast. Any takes on those two items?

  20. #20
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    Read the post above this^^^

    And also I am looking for something to help me with my appetite, it is alright now but I would like to have a better appetite, any diet suppliments or whatnot anyone would reccomend?

  21. #21
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    u got to get used to it man . if not i herd vit B shots make u hungry

  22. #22
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mbuffguy View Post
    u got to get used to it man . if not i herd vit B shots make u hungry
    agreed b12 shots increase appetite a good bit

  23. #23
    Ir0n's Avatar
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    youtube, search "Milos Sarcev nutrition seminar". Will get loads of good points there, im sure

  24. #24
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ir0n View Post
    youtube, search "Milos Sarcev nutrition seminar". Will get loads of good points there, im sure
    or go to the diet section and look it up, all 11 parts are there i believe

  25. #25
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hardknox View Post
    Lot of good points, maybe I'll take the advice and keep track of what I'm eating and post it up on here... see what the pros think.
    I'm sure my active lifestyle doesn't help any and I'll have to eat twice as much as I would if I didn't race motocross, I know that's a weight killer on the 25 lap races with all my gear on.

    I also started drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast.... supposed to have twice the protein as an agg and twice the calcium as yogurt. So hopefully that will give me something over time. I've also been eating alot of the chunkys soup, specifically the SAvory Pot Roast. Any takes on those two items?
    Ok, this is why we said to check out the diet forum as it will show you lots of foods that you should be eating in order to gain weight. Remember that a lot of things you may be eating could be loaded with fat which where most of the calories you are getting come from which dont help any. The cambpells chunky soup is garbage so ditch it. The carnation instant breakfast is compelte garbage and does not contain twice the protein of an egg. Eggs are usually around 6grams per large egg. Your best bet would be to throw in a weight gainer shake sometime throughout the day. Dont supplement shakes for whole food tho, they can be a nice addition but do not depend on them for your food source. You can drink 10 protein shakes a day and achieve shit for results. Your best bet is to eat whole food such as chicken breasts, turkey breasts, BEEF, potatoes, yams, rice, pasta, etc....

    Stay away from processed, bleached crap. Once again, diet section my friend, it definately will help you out! good luck!

  26. #26
    BIGMAC250's Avatar
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    believe it or not motcross is the ultimate burn everything when you ride....personally if you plan on riding a lot i would just focus on getting stronger cause the more muscle you pack on the more arm pump your gonna get and if your riding arm pump aint a good thing.......this is where a little sacrifice comes into play...its a tough choice

  27. #27
    Deen54 is offline Member
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    dude... if your not eating right steriods won't help you.

    if you're 19 there is no point taking steriods as your body is making tons of test naturally.

    The only way to gain is to learn to eat the right diet forum.

    and learn how to workout properly..start beginner cycle.

    If you don't know how to train and eat...steriods will be useless.

    so you need a good solid few years of proper training and eating

    before you even consider juice.

    Also you will make gains right away cuz you haven't even worked out

    properly yet.

  28. #28
    jstraw428's Avatar
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    EAT EAT EAT and then EAT SOME MORE!!!!!!!! I know without even reading your diet, that you are not eating enough food......Write everything you eat in a day for the next week, and then post that in the diet forum, and let them rip it up....

  29. #29
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    Friday Meals

    Breakfast (Sadly I didn't get up until about 12 today) - Wasn't too hunrgy so I had a glass of Carnation Instant Breakfast.

    Lunch - Went out to Fridays and had a pretty big meal, for me anyway. It was cheesy chicken, shrimp, and mashed potatoes with a Dr. Pepper.

    Dinner - Foot long hoagie on white bread with American cheese, Roast Beef, and Extra Mayo. Had some sour cream potato chips and some iced tea.

    This is my problem, I was out with friends all day and we were constantly on the go. Not too much time to eat and I'm not the one to drag everyone to a store just so I can eat... but maybe I'll have to do that.

    My diet is not regular at all... sometimes it will only be what I have posted above and other times it will be upwards of 6-7 meals a day. I am plenty strong all through out my body and have no problem throwing around a 230 lb motocross bike for 2 hours at a time but I am skinny and I want to bulk up, I will not sacrafice my motocross bike or the sport itself so am I doomed to be skinny???

    Another problem I come across is that I fill up very easy... and that is only lately which is kind of bothering me. I will fill up and start to feel sick but I know I need to keep eating. Am I eating too fast, am I sick, what's everyones take on that?

    So I'll record what I eat from tomorrow morning on through next Saturday and post it up, tear this shit apart... I know it's only one day but read it and tell me what you guys think.

    Oh and I am taking Vitamin C and Vitamin B12 Pills every day and have been for about a month and a half now if that helps any.
    Last edited by hardknox; 06-06-2008 at 11:03 PM.

  30. #30
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    Oh and thanks for the advice about the roids guys, didn't know too much about em and I just see alot of kids around my group usin them so I figure ask you older guys who have been into this for a while... I'll steer clear of em, good advice thanks.

  31. #31
    FireGuy's Avatar
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    " I eat like a horse and eat anything I can get my hands on."
    "I go shopping and spend at least $110/week on food alone"
    "I eat probably 6-7 meals a day."
    "Friday Meals

    Breakfast (Sadly I didn't get up until about 12 today) - Wasn't too hunrgy so I had a glass of Carnation Instant Breakfast.

    Lunch - Went out to Fridays and had a pretty big meal, for me anyway. It was cheesy chicken, shrimp, and mashed potatoes with a Dr. Pepper.

    Dinner - Foot long hoagie on white bread with American cheese, Roast Beef, and Extra Mayo. Had some sour cream potato chips and some iced tea."


  32. #32
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
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    you need to straighten out your diet. You do not eat alot at all and the stuff you are eating is complete crap.

  33. #33
    BTTB is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by hardknox View Post
    I know bro I hear you on that one... I eat anything and everything I can find. I go shopping and spend at least $110/week on food alone, and I go once a week too. I just can't gain weight. Don't take any drugs to prevent it or anything, guess I'm just very active and I burn it all off very quick. I eat probably 6-7 meals a day. Go figure...
    6' and 140 lbs..Your most likely not getting in as many calories as you think..If you can't gain weight naturally, aas is not going to help...Add in some olive oil to ea of your meals for additional calories and you'll start gaining weight.

  34. #34
    inky-e's Avatar
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    Sorry bro, can't recommend steroids for you. You are too young and haven't even come close to reaching your natty potential.

  35. #35
    Momarr is offline New Member
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    (18-20)(Bodyweight in pounds) = Daily Caloric Intake

    Protein 3,078 x 30%(.30) = 923 calories
    Carbohydrates 3,078 x 40%(.40) = 1,231 calories
    Fat 3,078 x 30%(.30) = 923 calories


    Protein (4 g. per cal) 923 / 4 = 231 grams per day
    Carbs (4 g. per cal) 1231 / 4 = 308 grams per day
    Fat (9 g. per cal) 923 / 9 = 103 grams per day

    Try here example

  36. #36
    hardknox is offline New Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by FireGuy1 View Post
    " I eat like a horse and eat anything I can get my hands on."
    "I go shopping and spend at least $110/week on food alone"
    "I eat probably 6-7 meals a day."
    "Friday Meals

    Breakfast (Sadly I didn't get up until about 12 today) - Wasn't too hunrgy so I had a glass of Carnation Instant Breakfast.

    Lunch - Went out to Fridays and had a pretty big meal, for me anyway. It was cheesy chicken, shrimp, and mashed potatoes with a Dr. Pepper.

    Dinner - Foot long hoagie on white bread with American cheese, Roast Beef, and Extra Mayo. Had some sour cream potato chips and some iced tea."

    Yea I know that was kind of confusing sorry, but I just found out that I have had mono for the past 2 weeks and I didn't even know it. Went to the doc today, as you can see above I said something was off, so I went and had bloodwork taken.
    I'm trying to eat alot but I am not as active as normal, I've been sleeping alot from this case of mono so I've been pumping in orange juice, vitamin c, and b12 pills. The b12 works wonders so hopefully I'll be back to full potential in another 2-3 weeks.

    I'll still keep track of what I eat this week, or of what I can eat I should say. At least you guys will have an idea of what kind of food I am eating, not necessarily how much. As I can clearly see I need to eat more, and I will start when I get better for sure, but at least we'll see if I am on track with eating the right foods.

  37. #37
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    I'm 40, when I was 26 I had mono and it kicked my ass for six months, I didn't work for two weeks and was out of the gym the whole time. Watch out and don't try to over do it it. I would walk up a flight of stairs and take a nap at the top, I had meals delivered, no energy just had to sleep all the time. I was in the 190's at that time and I'm 6'3", and I knew how to eat.
    Good luck,

  38. #38
    0tolerance's Avatar
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    I think you need to get a good protein shake made for bulking...
    and limmit the amount of cardio your doing.. only do what you need to do.

  39. #39
    Phate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0tolerance View Post
    I think you need to get a good protein shake made for bulking...
    and limmit the amount of cardio your doing.. only do what you need to do.
    why a shake, why not use real food?

  40. #40
    legobricks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by phate186 View Post
    why a shake, why not use real food?
    I agree 100%.

    I would only use a shake for post workout and upon waking ALONG WITH some real food, eggs, oats.

    Whole food is better for digestion as well as protein synthasys.

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