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Thread: hows this cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    in paradise

    hows this cycle?

    first of my stats are 200lbs, 12% bf, age 33 and have been lifting for 15 yrs. i did a first cycle of test about 15 wks ago and have recently acquired some dbol and deca to add to this one. can you plse tell me if this is an o.k. cycle
    week 1-4 dbol at 40 mg a day
    week 2-14 test at 500mg a wk split mon/thursday
    week 1-12 deca at 400mg a wk split i will inject on the same days as the test.

    I am contemplating if i should frontload the test at 1000mg the first week to give me the extra boost "any suggestions". I also have 3X1500 iu hcg, and some cabaser to help with prolactin issues. I know that i should be injecting the hcg at 500iu every 5days but anint sure as to when i should start injecting and which is most used "subq or intramuscular"? and how often and at what amount should i be taking the cabaser.
    I also have letro, aromasin, and tamox available for gyno and pct. thanks

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Im A Pimp Named Slickback
    when do you plan on starting this cycle. and why are you starting test in week 2

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    in paradise
    sorry my bad. it should be test week 1-14, i plan on starting in about 2-3 wks

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    when do you plan on starting this cycle. and why are you starting test in week 2
    he's gonna frontload the first week

    there's no need to frontload if your gonna use dbol the first 4 weeks, you can, though dbol will kickstart your cycle so justing it would be fine

    how long was your last cycle, if it was 12 weeks then you need more time off
    timeoff=timeon+pct, id give myself another couple weeks

    go read anthony roberts pct and use it for your pct, it's perfect for this cycle

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    ok, lot going on wrong here bro. start all compounds in week one. don't frontload the test. not necessary as dbol will give you the frontload effect. lot of stuff but not crazy for 2nd cycle. I would drop the deca and maybe what you posted as a third cycle with the deca in there then.

    I use hcg e3d at 500 iu. since you don't have enough to do that you will need to do some reseach in the pct forum on how best to use what you have or just trade your deca for more hcg. some say hcg not necessarry, but i like doing everything possible to ensure best recovery

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    in paradise
    i was thinking of holding of on the deca on my third cycle but.....since i have it on hand i figured i should just go ahead and use the stuff. Since i only have 15000 iu worth of hcg whats the best way for me to utilize what i currently have? and with the cabaser how often and how much should i be running to prevent the prolactin related gyno? thanks bro's

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    don't know how you would run the hcg but you are smart to run only two compounds on your 2nd cycle. No reason to use 3 compounds when you can grow on two. Build up gradually as you get closer and closer to your genetic potential. You want to use enough to grow well but not so much that you are using stupid dosages by cycle 4.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    in paradise
    i am not planning on running anything other than the test,dbol,deca for a long time im pretty sure that the gains i can get from this cycle will be awesome. and anything harsher will be way too risky. i really appreciate the concern though. thanks

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    like i said not crazy for a 2nd cycle, but i am SURE you will want to run another after. I don't know anyone that really is ever satisfied with every part of their physique. if they stop using gear it is probably not due to the fact that they have progressed to the point of satisfaction. it is usually other factors. But good luck with your cycle and let us know how it goes

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