first of my stats are 200lbs, 12% bf, age 33 and have been lifting for 15 yrs. i did a first cycle of test about 15 wks ago and have recently acquired some dbol and deca to add to this one. can you plse tell me if this is an o.k. cycle
week 1-4 dbol at 40 mg a day
week 2-14 test at 500mg a wk split mon/thursday
week 1-12 deca at 400mg a wk split i will inject on the same days as the test.
I am contemplating if i should frontload the test at 1000mg the first week to give me the extra boost "any suggestions". I also have 3X1500 iu hcg, and some cabaser to help with prolactin issues. I know that i should be injecting the hcg at 500iu every 5days but anint sure as to when i should start injecting and which is most used "subq or intramuscular"? and how often and at what amount should i be taking the cabaser.
I also have letro, aromasin, and tamox available for gyno and pct. thanks