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  1. #1
    BigDom08 is offline New Member
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    First Cycle - Anavar

    hey im starting my first proper cycle next week, im doing Anavar 50mg ed for 6 weeks. The reason i am taking anavar is mainly cos its fairly safe and im looking to gain strength and keep weight down cos i box i gotta stay under 91kg. before i have done a cycle of M1T (i know alot of people dont like it) I got good gains and no side effect apart from appetite down and slight lethargy. i still have enough m1t for a 2 week 20mg cycle and wanna use it up. do you think i should take it while on anavar or is this a bad idea and if i take it with anavar would it be best the first 2 weeks or last 2 weeks of my anavar. at the beginning of my cycle im gunna be on quite a low calorie diet to just get rid of a bit of fat but for most i will be bulking. I got pct just nolvadex and milk thistle (should i take the milk thistle while on, after or both . If u can help me with any of these questions id really appreciate it. Im 21 6"3 and 215 lbs. Please dont reply about any of roids to put into my cycle as 1 i dont have money 2 if my girlfriend saw me injecting a needle in my butt she would tell my family lol i dont need tht grieff.

  2. #2
    redz's Avatar
    redz is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    Your a boxer at a 215lb weight class?anavar is a good but expensive steroid I dont have experience with. I hear nothing but bad things about M1T....I have some but never took it after reading reviews about it. The reason people suggest the other cycles is because oral cycles are not so good for you organs however anavar is one of the least toxic oral steroids and is onyl mildly supressive to my knowledge so you should be fine but I wouldnt use the M1t but thats just me plus 2 weeks of that really wont do much.

  3. #3
    BigDom08 is offline New Member
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    i box at 200 but they usually let u off a couple of lbs i come in at 202 normally, i weigh bout 215 at the moment give or take a couple lbs. i already have the anavar and the only reason im considering the m1t during the cycle is because i have half a bottle left. i wont be able to use it for ages when the boxing season starts in a couple of months. i have done a cycle of m1t before for 3 weeks at 20mg and noticed good results

  4. #4
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    first off, do you get tested, if so is it random or only before fights, and when is your next fight

    how much anavar do you have, and no i wouldn't use it and m1t, too many orals that are harsh on your liver and heptatoxic

  5. #5
    BigDom08 is offline New Member
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    i have 2500mg of anavar but i wont neeed it all im running 50mg ed for 6 weeks . i def wont be tested atm cos the seasons ended starts in september atm im just training next fight should be september or november

  6. #6
    one8nine's Avatar
    one8nine is offline Banned
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    some say milk thistle with orals will decrease effectiveness, so take your thistle after the cycle, with pct and thereafter
    nolva only is fine for a var cycle youll hardly be surpressed
    i wouldnt stack two orals i say save the m1t for another time

  7. #7
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    k, then read this to familiarize yourself with anavar and don't run the m1t, i would also get some liv52 to help your liver

    It's an oral, so no poking. It's a mild drug and is only slightly liver toxic. It makes you strong, lean, hard, and no aggression (IMO). If anything, it makes me feel jolly and warm.

    This was originally posted by Twitched over at Elite.



    Is oxandrolone an effective bridge?

    See "Does anavar supress your HPTA".

    What is the highest recommended dose for bodybuilding purposes?

    From my research, the consensus is that anything over 80mg shows extreme diminishing returns.

    Does oxandrolone supress your HPTA (natural testosterone production)?

    Yes. Research shows as little as 2.5mg can supress in some folks. As far as the effects of this lowered test production, at 40mg a day, I would say that it's pretty much split evenly. Half of people will attest to loss of sex drive and testicular shrinkage late cycle, while about half attest that they retained sexual drive without any shrinkage. Bridging users be forewarned.

    Reference: (Effect of low dose oxandrolone and testosterone treatment on the pituitary-testicular and GH axes in boys with constitutional delay of growth and puberty. Crowne EC, Wallace WH, Moore C, Mitchell R, Robertson WH, Holly JM, Shalet SM. )

    Is clomid needed post cycle?

    Yes. This should be apparent from the above question. You may find that 50mg/day for two weeks is enough however.

    Oxandrolone and liver damage. What's the deal?

    There is room for serious debate here. Oxandroline is 17-alpha-alkylated, so it's starting off on a bad foot. Oxandrolone has shown to cause liver values to sway outside of the "normal zone" for some posters (which may or may not indicate liver toxicity, this is debatable), however, the insert also states that oxandrolone can alter blood test results. I would treat this drug as liver toxic, supplimenting with a lot of ALA, Liver Detox, etc. However, this drug has also been used at 80mg/day to treat (and reverse!) liver damage in alcohol abusers. Hard to say what this means. My advice is to play it safe and treat it like any other 17aa oral.

    Reference: (1: Am J Gastroenterol 1991 Sep;86(9):1200-8, A randomized, controlled trial of treatment of alcoholic hepatitis with parenteral nutrition and oxandrolone. I. Short-term effects on liver function. Bonkovsky HL, Fiellin DA, Smith GS, Slaker DP, Simon D, Galambos JT.)

    Cholesterol? Heart attack time?

    User experience seems to point to the fact that prolonged use does bring your good cholesterol down and your bad cholesterol up. Take your flax seed oil.

    "Also, because oral steroids can decrease the "good" HDL cholesterol and increase the "bad" LDL cholesterol, oral steroids can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). If you use oral anabolic steroids consider taking 400 to 800 IU of Vitamin E, and 1,000 to 2,000 mg. of Vitamin C with each meal. These vitamin antioxidants help to protect cholesterol from the oxidation that is associated with CVD."

    (Oxandrin May Cause Liver Toxicity, by Michael Mooney (Original article in issue #7, October, 1998. Updated July, 2001)

    Will grapefruit speed absorbtion?

    Naringen present in grapefruit juice has shown to increase absorbtion of 17 alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2), however, it is pure speculation as to its effects are similar in 17-alpha-alkylated substances. Hey, it cant hurt!

    (Can grapefruit juice influence ethinylestradiol bioavailability? Author: Weber A; Jšager R; Bšorner A; Klinger G; Vollanth R; Matthey K; Balogh A)

    What about the different brands of Oxandrolone floating around? What to choose?

    ** "10mg tabs" Street price: ~******"

    This product must be chewed says the "manufacturer". This product is underdosed, and of dubious purity and consistency. Lab results on a test done on another board showed the pills to contain a little over 4mg of oxandrolone.

    BTG/SPA 2.5mg tabs. Street price: *******.

    Exceptional results can be obtained with this product using signifigantly lower doses (e.g. 25mg instead of 40mg). This can probobly be attributed to greater absorbtion via proprietary "delivery systems". Outstanding product if you can afford it.

    Spanish Generic 10mg caps. *******.

    Nothing but positive feedback so far. Tested within pharm. margin of error (+-10%). Here are the results. These are great if you can still get them.

    Percentage OX: 4.42%
    Percentage moisture: 2.1%

    Total OX content: 9.55mg

    (Credit goes to Fonz.)

    Ttokkyo Labs. 5mg tabs. Street price: ********.

    Consistent, well dosed product. Does not seem to have the absorbtion or potency of the BTG/SPA product. Because of the extreme cost, I would never choose this over BTG or SPA except for availability issues.

    Side effects?

    Common side effects you should be prepared for: Appetite loss, stomach discomfort, increase skin "grease". I personally suffered extreme loss of appetite, but no stomach discomfort. Appetite came back in 1 week.

    Rarer side effects: acne

    Overall, this is an extremely mild drug. You should experience virtually no side effects. Those you do experience will diminish over time.

    As ulter once said "safer then baby food".

    How long before it kicks in?

    Individual thing. Varies on product line as well. BTG hits quickest, ** slowest if at all.

    I noticed vascularity and hardness within 2-3 days with generics, and strength in 2.5 weeks. Huck saw strength in 3 days on BTG. Wait about 3 weeks for the full effect before you get dissapointed.

    Vascularity and hardness will come quick, it's very nice. I had spiderweb viens on my pecs that I've never seen before in just 3 days on Ox.

    What is this drug used for?

    Involuntary weight loss. HIV, AIDS, burns etc. Liver treatment in severe alcohol induced liver damage.

    What is the halflife of Ox?

    ~9 hours.

    When should ox be dosed?

    There are two camps.

    Camp 1: Take it all in the morning. The rationale is that your blood concentrations will 'fall off' by the time you go to bed, which will limit HPTA impact during this crucial "recentering" time for your body.

    Camp 2: Spread it out evenly through the day. This will keep blood concentrations steady. Plus, don't we want that nice anabolic substance in our veins during our growth at night?

    My comments: With a halflife of 9 hours, this issue is virtually meaningless. The ideas used in "camp 1" apply well when you have a substance with a 3 hour halflife (dbol ), (e.g. if 30mg of dbol is taken at 9am, only about 1 miligram is left in your bloodstream by bedtime. great.) I don't think things pan out so well with a 9 hour halflife drug. If 40mg is taken at 9am, at bedtime you will have approximately 10mg or more in your bloodstream. You would have about 15 at bedtime if you took it 4 times evenly through the day. I don't think you are giving your body any dropoff at night anyway.

    Conclusion: Take it whenever you want. Choose the camp you agree with and do it, things will work out.

    What gains can I expect?

    Individual question. I've heard of folks with no gain in lbm, I've heard of a 15lb gain. It all depends on your diet, brand, etc. However, don't expect this to pack 3 times the punch of a sust/dbol cycle because it costs 3 times as much. .

    This question is actually pretty silly, so I won't delve into it.
    You CAN expect hardness and vascularity.

    How about doses for women?

    Go scope out the Womens discussion. However, from the grape vine I've heard of dosages starting at 2.5mg/day ramping up to 10mg/day. I wouldn't recommend more. I know little about anabolics in women though. Don't use anything but BTG/SPA. The cost is so small with female dosages and the damage done to a women's body from counterfiets is far too great. Overmore, you can't dose small amounts accurately with 10mg caps/tabs.

    How long is a typical Oxandrolone cycle?

    Most tend to agree longer is better with Ox. 6 weeks seems to be the minimum, while 10 weeks is recommended and common. Over 10 weeks might be stressful on the ole' liver.
    Last edited by Phate; 06-06-2008 at 09:29 AM. Reason: prices in post

  8. #8
    BigDom08 is offline New Member
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    May 2008
    thanks for all info phate really appreciate it.
    Is there anyone who has run anavar with m1t?

  9. #9
    Phate's Avatar
    Phate is offline Got Diet? ~VET~ AR Hall of Famer~
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    btw, here are a link for you to check out

    m1t faq

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