Thread: 1st cycle in 2 yrs...opinions...
06-06-2008, 11:29 AM #1Associate Member
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1st cycle in 2 yrs...opinions...
have done at least 6 cycles over the years. have been dieting for the last few months. looking to get a little leaner and add a few lbs of muscle. the most important thing is not to get any zits and no more hair loss.....i read the whole steroid profile thread and countless informational threads. this is what i think may work best for me.............any insights would be awesome.
test cyp 500 mg/wk for 12
EQ 100 mg/eod 12 weeks
hgh 2-5 ius Ed for 6-9 months
of course the proper PCT
what else should i add to prevent hair loss and zits??
what else am i missing>>?? anything for gyno?
06-06-2008, 04:54 PM #2Member
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For me..Eq made my hair fall out BIG TIME!...
06-06-2008, 05:18 PM #3
Why not run prop, since you are going to inject eod with eq? You could combine the injection. Just a thought. Also, some ppl seem to have less sides with prop.
It's been long enough since your last cycle, I think your body will do fine with one cmpd, also.
06-06-2008, 05:20 PM #4Junior Member
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Propecia for preventative hair loss. Works like a charm, but takes 3 months to take full effect, so start taking it before your cycle. lf you're worried about hair loss you should take 1 a day for life anyways, it's cheap.
06-06-2008, 05:26 PM #5
why not just shoot the cyp an eq once or twice per week?
06-06-2008, 05:41 PM #6Banned
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Gotta go with Lex buddy.... I am running the same cycle, 500mg of cyp and 400mg of Equipoise . Other than some mild acne I have had no sides. I would bang each twice a week if I were you but thats me dude.
PM me if you want brother
06-06-2008, 06:15 PM #7
use nivoral shampoo i think i'm off on the spelling but google it and it should come up
06-06-2008, 08:10 PM #8Associate Member
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how much better is the prop vs cyp?? are there less sides???? other than that does my cycle sound good
06-06-2008, 08:51 PM #9Member
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Big fan of prop, seems to be less sides. Plus if you get sides you can adjust your dosages quick with a shorter ester
06-06-2008, 08:54 PM #10
prop and cyp are just different esters, the prop needs to be injected ed or eod while the cyp need to be injected every 3.5 days
prop injected correctly will cause less bloat and will "kick in" in week 2-3 in comparison to cyp will takes till week 5-6
if you want to get technical, prop contains around 84mg of test per 100mg while cyp contains around 67mg per 100mg, why? because the longer the ester the more it will weight and thus take up more mass in the compound
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