Ok, I'll start with my stats first... I'm 5'10, 190, 24 years old. I've been training for the last 8 years. I follow a modified WSB powerlifting template, have for about the last year. My diet is very good, very clean and high in protein. My strength is good, but I've hit my ceiling naturally. I have some experience with AAS, I made the mistake of taking a Sustanon cycle when I was in High School, for about 10 weeks. I finished a 6 week cycle of Winstrol, 50 mg eod for six weeks a few months ago...it went very well, no sides at all, pure strength gains, no real weight gain (which I wasn't looking for anyway), and I kept all my gains without a PCT. I am NOT looking to gain size, my goal is strength and speed gains...if some added size comes with that so be it but it is not my goal.
I did what I thought was proper research, and I bought 2 10ml vials of Tri-Tren 150...and then I found this forum. Obviously, after reading through many of the stickys on AAS and PCT, and numerous threads on Tren, I realize I simply cannot take this without some advice. From what I gather, I need to get some Caber for the cycle, some form of Test (which I am nervous about because the Sust I took years ago bloated me), and then a SERM and AI for PCT...
I suppose my questions are, with the Tri-Tren, what dosing is needed, what kind of Test and what dosing with that is needed, proper Caber administration to avoid Gyno, and then a proper PCT and PCT dosing...any help is welcomed.
If you guys tell me to just sell it I will, I don't want to do this the wrong way...