Hit myself yest. with 75 mg's of prop and today with 250 mg's of enanthate
I woke up this morning, have no energy, feel very fatiqued, and have a little runny nose...is it possible for it to start working that qucikly? Im confused......!
Hit myself yest. with 75 mg's of prop and today with 250 mg's of enanthate
I woke up this morning, have no energy, feel very fatiqued, and have a little runny nose...is it possible for it to start working that qucikly? Im confused......!
It's normal, especially with prop, which is why I refuse to take that substance any longer. Prob enters the bloodstream rapidly - within a 24 period - from the injection site, which is also why it causes so much pain.
You introduced a foreign substance into your body that it doesnt recognize. Its therefore treating it like an infection and attacking it, which is what is causing your flu like symptoms.
Don't worry, its very normal, and after a couple of injections your body will recognize that its no longer harmful and the test flu should lessen.
Well now the question is how many more shots till i stop feeling like this?! i havent done prop in almost 6 years so i really do not remember
Well therein lies the problem, and thats precisely why I quit using prop.
Aside from the at times unbearable pain, loss of flexibility in the injection muscle, the frequent injections, and the risk of getting test flu everytime you inject, i also had anxiety attacks for the first day because of the fast release into the blood stream.
Everyone is different, so there is really no stick to measure by, you just have to go with what works for you. They do sell tamiflu for those purposes, though I have never tried it.
I just used to keep a bottle of dayquil on hand at all times cause I knew the night of an injection I was going to need it. On the plus side, it is normal, so dont fear that something has gone terribly wrong, you just have to deal with whatever comes across your plate.
thats pretty fast for a test flu to come on even with prop. are you sure your gear is legit?
I am not 100 %, but i tell you, i can't walk today...... can't sit down the pain is unbearable at the injection site.....but a lot of ppl at the gym seem to be using this type of prop, i highly doubt its fake....
lol, edmen... i was just going to say, if its hurting that bad its almost definitely real. You should be able to feel something almost immediately with prop. Are you consuming enough calories and water? If so you should have gained close to a pound in water weight already, if you arent using an AI of course.
Prop hurts man, it hurts bad. Try injecting way up your thigh, about 2 inches south of the dimple thats in your ass. Thats a fat deposit area, and if you use a 1" needle you wont get that deep into the muscle and some of it will sit in the fat before absorbing into the bloodstream, thereby lessening the pain. Also, that area isnt used for bending, walking, lifting, sitting, or anything else. So even though it may hurt like hell you'll still be able to function.
The best way to go about it though is just to mix it with another compound, one that doesnt hurt and youll be all good.
ha. funny you should all say that, i contacted my source today he told me to do exactly the same...I guess this summer i will be looking forward to prop and enanthate shots....
Thread is closed, thanks so much guys....
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