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Thread: First Time User

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    south carolina

    Cool First Time User

    i have been out of the gym for about 5months and just now got back in. I have been in and out over the years,more out than in since i worked as a steele erector most of my life i have always been in good shape.For the past5 years i have been a project manager for a local constuction co. so my abs have whent to a pot belly and my muscle has withered away under about 25pound of body fat.I am also on a anti seizure med called dilantin. I fractured my skull when i was about 22 and had 3 or for seizures when i was first released from the hospital.Due to the head injury i am told i will need this medicine the rest of my life to prevent seizures although i have been free of an attack for over 10 years.I have used various drugs since then but stopped using when i was married to my wife 3 years ago .I recently bought some winstrol and dbol from a friend but i am scared to take it because i have read so much stuff that i dont know what to take with it or if i should not take it at all or take test first with something else .Also the man tit thing and all the anti this and that that i have no idea what to take or do . Someone please try to help me out i am 34 5-11 and weigh about 196 . i would like to be about 180 - 190 bulky and ripped please help if you can with a little guidance so my first time is done right .

  2. #2
    Big's Avatar
    Big is offline Retired~ AR-Hall of Famer ~ "Enforcer"
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    For starters, you should train longer before considering gear. Take some time to research, as the cycle you proposed is not at all good.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Your mom's room
    glad to see you started your research, now finish it!!!

    id get a good base down for atleast 8 months to a year before you start considering juice. use that time to learn about proper training diet, and research all the ins and outs of AAS use.

    Good luck man, great choice to get back in shape... just done shortcut yourself and using aas at this point would only be shorting yourself

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by Big View Post
    For starters, you should train longer before considering gear. Take some time to research, as the cycle you proposed is not at all good.
    5 months isnt long enough........what do expect like 8 months or something? geeeez, he probably want to be ripped by then. thats how it works right?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    south carolina
    So i should just get back in tha gym train for a few months then start ? Is there anything i could use now ? My left arm is real week because of the injury i had and really hold me back when training .I know i cant rush it but thats kinda why i wanted to use.

  6. #6
    Big's Avatar
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    The thing to consider is that your tendons and connective tissue wouldn't be ready for it if you woke up with 20lbs of additional muscle tomorrow. Train and build yourself up so you don't end up hurting yourself.

  7. #7
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    All the reserching i have done confused me more.All the scientific stuff kills me . I sucked in chemistry and science class .

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    What do most beginer start with.Everyone i know just started using the day they walked in the gym. most of them are big and fat now though.
    Last edited by 1nasty302; 06-09-2008 at 08:31 PM.

  9. #9
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    Well i kinda figured with your past history you just put alittle fat on top of your muscles over time. But now that i think of it, you have a lagging arm and most likely other lagging body parts so id spend much time bringing yourself up naturally.

    If you started now or before you have a good solid base, you will more than likely develop and unproportional body as did i with prohormones before i had my shit together.

    You would be very surprised how far a good diet, protein supplement, and training regimen will take you at this point.

  10. #10
    save the Dbols and Winni for another cycle..your problem can be handled by a simple diet and cardio regimen for 8 weeks..after u diet hard and hit the gym good and do an hour of cardio a day then get yourself some Test Enthanate and runn that for 10 weeks at 500 mg/week {shot every 3.5 days 250mg} if u are scared of sides get yourself some Arimadex and run that throughout cycle at .5mg/d and for a post cycle therapy 2 weeks after last shot with nolvadex at 40 mg a day for the 1st 2 weeks and then the last 2 weeks do 20 mg a day!..if u were to do test at 500 mg/w u wood probally get fatter thats y i recommend you get your body fat down lower and get your commitment back and then jump on a test cycle ..your results will be so much better

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the advice .

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Isnt the winn suppose to cut the fat?

  13. #13
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    say your 196lbs now and 20-25% body fat TODAY(wild guess, could be more or less). You could easily bring yourself down to 180 @ 15% within a 2 year period, maybe even less time than that.

    Thats WITHOUT aas. Just good hard work, training, diet, and rest.

    I thought the same way as you man, in the end i was very unhappy with my results. my lift numbers were all over the place, i then obtained an ugly body that im currently trying to even out naturally THEN ill hit the juice. Take it from someone who was in the same boat as you are bro.

  14. #14
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    winny will only show if you already have a low body fat %. is losing maybe 2-3% body fat worth the aching joints that are already under developed and prone to injury?

  15. #15
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    Also is there anything else beside nolvadex or arimidex you can take ? i cant seem to find anyone who has it .

  16. #16
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    Don't get ahead of yourself, we've become a society of I want what I want and I want it now! Slow and steady finishes the race. Stick to your gym workouts and follow a good diet and see where you are in about a year or so, at least by then you'll either have stuck to it in which case you can consider gear or you'll have lost interest, and there won't be a need for it.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    cool thanks dirt. EDITED

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    kinda of scared to mix it with the dilantin anyway .

  19. #19
    check with your doctor or pharmacist 1st before u do that if ur scared... or look up the profile of dilantin online and see what it will interact with or wont....EDITED no big deal save it!..persoanlly id get rid of the winni for u since u have joint problems now and on top of that you work construction lol

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    south carolina
    One more thing.For strength and small gain could i take low a low dose say 1 dbol and half a winn a day?

  21. #21
    NOOOO!!! lol ... you know what good for strength gain is clean and jerks along with a big steak after!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by 1nasty302 View Post
    One more thing.For strength and small gain could i take low a low dose say 1 dbol and half a winn a day?
    What does it matter? Everyone had said not to take them. So don't

  23. #23
    Quote Originally Posted by 1nasty302 View Post
    One more thing.For strength and small gain could i take low a low dose say 1 dbol and half a winn a day?
    No thats a terrible cycle, test only would be better, plus i aint recommendind you take steroids yet anyway.

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