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Thread: Cycle

  1. #1


    Is it ok to do a cycle with the proper pct and just stop until your ready to start another cycle?

    serious question lol sorry if you laugh

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    i wouldnt reccomend it because your body needs time to recover from the first. if you really want to do this then why not just skip the pct and run a 20 week cycle instead of two 10 week cycles then start your heavy pct week 22. i would also reccomend hcg with a cycle this long

  3. #3
    that doesnt sounds so bad... well just a heads up im going to be running a test only cycle 500mg/week and for my pct im going to be buying this combo

    so are you saying if i ran it for 20 weeks instead of 12 weeks and added hcg in my pct i should be fine.. also since i would be adding HCG into my pct at week 22.. insight me on how to run my new pct

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    Chicago IL
    Campo is thsi your first Cycle? have done more cycles? Tell us more about your stats, age, etc.

  5. #5
    i already have another thread going but yes this will be my first cycle...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2003
    United States
    bro, if this is your first cycle then a 20 weeker is not neccesary. 12 weeks of test at 500mgs a week along with a good diet rich in protein will yield great results. trust me, hit it up for 12 weeks then run your pct and wait at least 10 weeks after that before jumping back again. maybe add some eq or deca during your 2nd cycle

  7. #7
    Alright thats what i had in mind... so wait ten weeks after i finish all my pct then start up another cycle right?

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