I am doning small D-Anabol cycle 5 waeks, on my 4 weak.And have to take Eferox 75 mg (antidpresant same as Prozac) Wil two medication cause some seriuos side efect plz answear.
I am doning small D-Anabol cycle 5 waeks, on my 4 weak.And have to take Eferox 75 mg (antidpresant same as Prozac) Wil two medication cause some seriuos side efect plz answear.
try searching for antidepressant, I have read a few posts on it but cant give you an answer off the top of my head, ps you dont sound like your 22 bro
D my Doctor dint believe either that i am 22 he sed stuff like that hapens when you 50.Ty i look for it.
Hooked on phonics lately?
In all seriousness, taking a supressive substance such as dbol or drol your mood will go in the crapper most likely. It may not be the best idea to take a substance as such without some form of test to keep your mood/libido/sense of well being, etc... elevated. I would talk it out with your doc first.
Almost forgot to ask, what are your stats?
How long have you been lifting?
And last but not least, that cycle really is not that great at all. I would do a bit more research and find out why as its been said a hundred thousand times before.
Is it from the site sponsor?if so its not real gear....D-Anabol cycle
My stats
Age 22
Heigt 6'3
Its my 3 cycle.
Been lifting since 15 on and of.Get realy seriuos in last 2 yaers bee training realy hard.
Will taking D-Anabol and antidpresants cause any side efects?
Is it from the banner above? D-anabol and Dianabol are different.
No its not from him its from Thailand actualy.
But that is not the question can someone help me plz. Will using D-Anabol and antidpresants(Efexor) cause any side efects
it is possible to get adverse reactions mixing any medication with AAS. I knew of someone who competed and took anti-depressants and he was fine but that is in no way conclusive.
As much I have heard antidepressants like this one don't have noticeable interactions with aas, as or synthetic testosterone preparations. But you should take them with some time interval between. And also talk to your doctor who prescribed antidepressive medicine: he should know also something about drug interactions.
As those both go through a liver, theymight be peripheral pressure on your liver (caused by dianabol)- In my opinion, it's the main reason what to worry about. So you should take care about your liver during and after the cycle: antioxidants, special products for liver function improvement, etc.
Last edited by hdd123; 06-10-2008 at 03:59 PM.
Ty man
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