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Thread: injection time

  1. #1
    bodybuilder1107's Avatar
    bodybuilder1107 is offline Senior Member
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    Question injection time

    ive been researching and see alot of mixed opinions, so how long should needle be in before injecting gear and how long should it take to inject it all to ensure less pain and swelling in that are and has anyone heard of the swithching needles after drawing out gear then switching to a new one for injection due to sharpness of pin or is this a waist?

  2. #2
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    yes, switch needles after drawing... cause ur either gonna take a long time drawing it (25g) or hurt like a b*tch when u inject (20g) anyways, the tip is gonna dull out so thats why u change... and inject it steady... hard to say long or short, its all personal preference and when u start ull find a tempo u like

  3. #3
    bodybuilder1107's Avatar
    bodybuilder1107 is offline Senior Member
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    ok thanks just checking from someone whos done it

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