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Thread: Tren cycle help !!!!

  1. #1

    Tren cycle help !!!!

    I'm 29 years old
    203 lbs
    b/f 15%

    hi, been training now for around 4 years, i started at 140lbs so i have done ok. currently i'm using decca & test enanthate with a good PCT, i have done some research on tren, i know its more potent than tesosterone and its for vet use, human use i have read it should be 50-75mg every other day, i'm gonna use it in a bulking cycle while stacking decca, any cycle ideas please

    Last edited by gymfreak1978; 06-12-2008 at 03:46 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    What up gymfreak? Do some more research bro and you'll see that test is your best choice and that you might not want to take it on your second go round. Would it be ace or enathate? What's your current cycle look like? IE: Dosages and length.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by gymfreak1978 View Post
    I'm 29 years old
    203 lbs
    b/f 24%

    hi, been training now for around 4 years, i started at 140lbs so i have done ok. currently i'm using decca & test enanthate with a good PCT, i have done some research on tren, i know its more potent than tesosterone and its for vet use, human use i have read it should be 50-75mg every other day, i'm gonna use it in a bulking cycle while stacking decca, any cycle ideas please

    Whats Up BRo..This is just my opinion, but i cant beleive your running a bulker cycle at 24% BF..thats High BRo..I never hit anything or suggest any cycle unless your down to atleast 13% bf..
    Once i was at 14 % BF and wanted to run a cycle, so what i did was.
    ran a small amount of TESt -E,250 MG wk, and i ran 100mg TREN ACE EOD..The test kept my man Hood, LOL..and the TREN acually helped me loose some BF and gain Lean MASS, Tren is a GOD to ME, but we all react Differently..It's really trial and ERROR to figure out your sweet spot..But running Deca at this size seems like a bad idea to me, to much water retention, and youe BF is already high Bro..If your going to try tren, Try ACE because it has a short half life, and if you react badly, it will be out of your system in a couple 2-3 days, Ten -E will be in ya for over a wk..and you would have to deal w/ it for a while if you stopped because of a bad reaction....MY 2 CENT's

  4. #4
    hi raw deal, thanx for ur quick reply, i took at guess at my b/f perhaps its not that high, erm, what u mentioned about water i think ur right, my muscles are a little puffy and have that smooth look, and my gut is a little bloated and i do eat alot of carbs. what dose of test- e & tren should i run and how long for, cheers mate

  5. #5
    1st off ...u can never run two 19-nors together like deca and tren! you obv didnt research hard enough.... and no way should you be using gear at 24% bf ... you obv dont know how to diet if u went from 140 to 203 at 24% thats alot fat weight to gain dude...go back to the drawing board and get urself down to about a solid 175 at maybe 13% bf and try another cycle..that should take u around maybe two months...after that try another cycle!...ull be happy u did this!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2004
    the CITY
    dont run the tren and deca.. really doesnt make any sense

  7. #7
    eljugo, elaborate, i dont understand what ur saying?

  8. #8
    hi again all lol i got my b/f % totaly wrong as i said in an earlier post, my waist is 34" if thats anything 2 go by, i understand now not 2 run tren and decca, i have put alot of weight on and its not all fat i know that, i started 10 stone with a 28" waist and now 14.5 stone with a 34" waist. would tren, eq and winstrol be a better option

  9. #9
    listen, even though u wont wanan hear this, lose a little more bf before you start 2 cycle again, deit for one month, get used to the diet and then jump on!

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by gymfreak1978 View Post
    hi again all lol i got my b/f % totaly wrong as i said in an earlier post, my waist is 34" if thats anything 2 go by, i understand now not 2 run tren and decca, i have put alot of weight on and its not all fat i know that, i started 10 stone with a 28" waist and now 14.5 stone with a 34" waist. would tren, eq and winstrol be a better option
    Test, Tren, and Winstrol would be the perfect combo. Contains all the main groups of roids, Test/Test Base, 19-nor, and DHT. Go here and just read that to get some good info about Tren. Also I suggest to keep your Test at 250mg/week and no higher if your going to use Tren. From personal experience and other people I have talked to about this, the Tren rage has for some reason to do with the amount of Test your taking. For example the first time I took Tren I did Tren Ace 50mg/ED for 6 weeks and I was doing Test Prop 500mg/week and during it I was psycho, became almost completely anti-social. Friends saying just Hi to me in the gym would piss me off, it was scary at how I was and this isn't something with me it happens to a lot of people on it. And so I read up about it and found people that used lower Test had less sides in general with it and also talked to Taiboxa about this for those of you who know who he is and he agreed that it had to do with higher Test amounts, so when I used Tren the second time I used Test Prop 50mg/EOD and Tren 100mg/ED and nothing, no anger or anti-social behavior, no problems at all it was great. So I had a friend that starting using Tren his second time and his first time he was also pretty psycho and I told him to do lower Test and lo and behold he had no anger problems from the Tren.

  11. #11
    he needs to lose bf before he does this

  12. #12
    plus he doesnt have enough experience for tren!

  13. #13
    hi dece870717 i was told the same thing about using test with tren, when animals are give tren they gained high quality weight without ajusting their diet, what the hell does this translate for the hard training athlete lol on a serious note how should i run test, tren, winny? ie dosage and lengh ?

  14. #14
    bulldog why do i have 2 lose b/f b4 i cycle this ?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    bulldog why do i have 2 lose b/f b4 i cycle this ?
    You will never get teh definition and results you are after starting at 24% bf. Lose the fat then cycle. I am currently cutting hard to get down from 249 to about 220 before starting my next cycle all I am doing is a low carb/ low calorie diet with 1.5 hours of cardio ed split some in the morning first thing and some in the evening after dinner. I have already lost 10lbs in 3 days. Just bust your ass hard for a while to get in good shape before hitting the sauce.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    he also said that was a guess...and it is probablly no where near that if he used to way 140lbs

  17. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    My 1st cycle I used Sust for the 1st 5 weeks, then started stacking tren w/ testE but had little gains because of a bad life experience I was going through at the time and I almost lost my mind. I smashed a few people before I realized that the tren was a horrible idea. So I dropped the fina and stuck to a good bit of testE by itself with a good diet and a good training reg and saw good results. I'm saving the tren for when it will be more usefull. It did lean me out quite a bit while I was on though. I was site inj 50mgs eod. Best of luck!

  18. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    bottom line is that you should try to get your bf down and research the tren and deca combo some, but i come to learn is when you tell people not to do something they do it anyway so you might as well do it right. dont do tren and deca together unless you wanna be breastfeeding your sisters newborn. test tren is a good cutting/strength cycle although you can do a bulker with these. any real user will tell you that no matter what compounds you use it always comes down to your diet. i would shoot the tren ed to keep levels stable and shoot very very slow cause the dreaded tren cough is enough to scare you away from tren forever! i would shoot about 1/10 of a cc and wait about 1 to 2 minutes and if i feel that tightening in my chest pull out, move over, and reshoot.

  19. #19
    hi all thanx for all ur advice and experineces using tren,i had my b/f checked last nite at my local gym its 15% so its no where as high as i first thought, will do more research on tren and stacking other compounds with tren before i start shooting, cheers guyz

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jan 2004
    I didnt think u needed to lose the BF b4 u got it retested.
    These noobs...and look @ their join dates....most of them are....think that unless your near 12% b/f you're not going to get results from the stack u want to do.
    You'll get the exact same chemical benefits and strength and mass gains @ 12% as you would @ 20% just wont look as cut.
    Run the cycle and do what u want.
    ....and all these brite-flites here could have looked @ your avatar and could tell thats not a bicep thathas 24% bf....but they just like to PARROT what they hear

  21. #21
    Hi meal ticket, i was a little confused why i was told on here 2 lose b/f before i ran tren, erm obviously if my b/f was low then u would see more condition and have that better look as apose to carrying more b/f. but in terms on putting muscle mass on, u still will regardless of b/f %. i'm not looking for the ripped look, my goal is to achieve enuff muscle mass before i even think off leaning up, and at the moment i'm not big enuff !!!!

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    im here with you bro... screw lean... get massive first
    let us know how your cycle goes.

  23. #23
    ok but when most people wanna use tren {with a few exceptions} it is to cut down, we just assumed u wanted to cut, but u have to tell us your goal, and if u want that cut look from the tren, u cant have a high amount of bf, and u cant be mad at us for tellin u 2 lose bf when u said u had 24% bf, and u didnt have that pic on here when u first posted also.

  24. #24
    hi all, as a bodybuilder i'm a student, (I'M LEARNING ALL THE TIME) being human we learn from our mistakes and others mistakes and we correct them. for me thats the same with bodybuilding experience, we listen 2 advice and we seek the knowledge of others sucess, trial & error

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Sacramento area
    Tren is a completely different compond than test.

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