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Thread: Need a Serious Fast Fat reducing steroid.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2008

    Need a Serious Fast Fat reducing steroid.

    I am looking for some very serious fat burning gear which can reduce upto 10 Lbs in 20 days. I have to do it with my friend. He is a kabbadi game player perhaps some of you must not be knowing it, but that not the issue.
    his stats are 6'2" - 32 yrs - 109 kgs.
    He has got a bit big love handles and a little big stomach.
    He do jogs 4 kms, sprints 2 kms, skipping 2000 reps(3 sets).
    i was going o advice him a product name starts which starts with H and got C as starting alphabet in the 2nd word (damn its not allowed to name the product).
    could you guys tell me any serious fat kicking gear.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Scenic Purgatory
    Hahaha, how about cardio and diet. AAS isn't for fat burning man. I can't imagine anyone recommending any gear for that. Look for some fat burner supplements for this one.

  3. #3
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    May 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by going4ripped View Post
    Hahaha, how about cardio and diet. AAS isn't for fat burning man. I can't imagine anyone recommending any gear for that. Look for some fat burner supplements for this one.
    Cardio... so you mean he should do some more cardio. Except

    jogging 4 kms, sprints 2 kms, skipping 2000 reps(3 sets) sorry i forgot he is also wrestling in the evening for about 1 hours and before that he is running 3 kms too.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Well, have him take a fat burner supplement too, I would assume since he has a bit of a stomach and love handles, he could improve on his diet too. I am just saying AAS isn't going to help.

  5. #5
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    1,353 maybe? and his diet for sure. How do you get in that kinda of shape with all that activity? Something doesn't seem right.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladerunner9 View Post
    I am looking for some very serious fat burning gear which can reduce upto 10 Lbs in 20 days. I have to do it with my friend. He is a kabbadi game player perhaps some of you must not be knowing it, but that not the issue.
    his stats are 6'2" - 32 yrs - 109 kgs.
    He has got a bit big love handles and a little big stomach.
    He do jogs 4 kms, sprints 2 kms, skipping 2000 reps(3 sets).
    i was going o advice him a product name starts which starts with H and got C as starting alphabet in the 2nd word (damn its not allowed to name the product).
    could you guys tell me any serious fat kicking gear.
    damn what is he doing sprinting to taco cabana then jogging home on a full stomach. with that much cardio he should be burning calories left and right. sounds like he is taking in alot of fat calories and carbs before bed. he needs to check his diet.

  7. #7
    Tell him to get that diet dialed in in and look at 1000mg of cardio twice daily

  8. #8
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    MY favorite is Cardioplex....

  9. #9
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    he needs some magic to do that

  10. #10
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    Test/Tren and then basically starve your self with like 500 calories a day.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    Test/Tren and then basically starve your self with like 500 calories a day.
    test/tren? nowhere does this guy even mention anything about lifting weights.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    Test/Tren and then basically starve your self with like 500 calories a day.
    why the hell would you want to starv yourself with only 500 calories.....i dont even go that low, the week of showtime....

  13. #13
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    I agree, with that much cardio he should be melting the weight off.

    His problem is diet, plane and simple. I really doubt witht hat much he is still as big as you describe him. What are his current stats and what were they b4 he started to do the cardio?

  14. #14
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    with all that training?

    with all that training he has to have a crap diet!......other than changing his eating habits,here is what to do:cut back to 2000 calories aday.....and no simple sugars......potatoes and pasta is okay.... chicken and fish is best....cut back your salt nintake as much as you can or almost all together....get some t3 and clomid from the board sponsor.....the t3 will speed your motabolism and the clen will give you energy for your workouts.....
    this is supposed to be the second best PROVEN fat burner combination on the planet!......
    Last edited by skinnykenney; 06-12-2008 at 02:59 PM. Reason: needed it

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by jstraw428 View Post
    why the hell would you want to starv yourself with only 500 calories.....i dont even go that low, the week of showtime....
    It works.

  16. #16
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    no good

    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    It works.
    you will lose strength and muscle if you do this because you lose weight too fast!!!!!

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by dece870717 View Post
    It works.
    Yes it does work BUT your then putting yourself in an extreme catabolic state not only burning fat but also muscle. Your muscles need nutrients to maintain so your basically burning everything.

    Quote Originally Posted by skinnykenney View Post
    you will lose strength and muscle if you do this because you lose weight too fast!!!!!
    Yes you will lose strength due to the extreme muscle loss. This plus adding t3 on top of it and your just wasting your time becuase your loosing everything at a dramatic rate. Clen IMO is not strong enough to prevent catabolism, well not strong enough with the doses safe for human comsumption. And clen is not just used for energy to let you know. Its a beta2 agonist in which i believe is a synthetic nor-andrenaline which mimics your adrenaline increasing your heart rate which also increases the metabolic rate.

  18. #18
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    HGH & exercise his half of it, HGH will do the other half.

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by rbfallon View Post
    HGH & exercise his half of it, HGH will do the other half.
    He wants to lose weight in 20 days and you recommend HGH? LMAO

  20. #20
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    maybe he meant 20 days less than 365?

  21. #21
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    oooo, ooooo, i got it, he can cut his arm off. Thats a good 30 pounds atleast, lol

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by skinnykenney View Post
    you will lose strength and muscle if you do this because you lose weight too fast!!!!!
    I've gone as low as 1000 calories a day with an hour of cardio everyday(500cals) and still got stronger every week. The anabolic and anti-catabolic properties of steroids are far too powerful to be ignored by the body therefore it is almost impossible to be in a catabolic state while on them, the steroids send signals that can not be ignored by the body and so it will preserve muscle, and force your body to use fat stores. These drugs were created to fight wasting diseases and some of those are far more potent in there catabolic effects than what we could put our bodies through.
    Last edited by dece870717; 06-12-2008 at 08:42 PM.

  23. #23
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    In the Gym, if i could
    dece got it right to a point, and i have experienced this effect myself..

    but there is no magic pill that will get you ready for spring break.. (example)

    losealotofweightbol would be it.. but they don't make it..
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  24. #24
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    Yeah i have top check his diet too. I got 'Hydroxy Cut' it gave pretty good results on one of my friend. Will get him a controlled diet it will work. Thank You for all the advice guys.

  25. #25
    Ok stay up till 2 oclock in the morning and you will see commercials selling what you need, those people lose like 100 pounds in a week by drinking green tea, or you could go find the crazy chick from the book thinner and run her over

  26. #26
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    trim spa baby.............

  27. #27
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    "dnp and a space heater baby"

    quote from Anna Nichole Smith..

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  28. #28
    shes on the worm diet now

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by bladerunner9 View Post
    Cardio... so you mean he should do some more cardio. Except

    jogging 4 kms, sprints 2 kms, skipping 2000 reps(3 sets) sorry i forgot he is also wrestling in the evening for about 1 hours and before that he is running 3 kms too.
    Yeah, if hes doing all that and hes got his diet in check (which im 99.9% sure thats the problem) then there shouldn't be love handles or a "bit" of a stomach. If a proper cutting diet and intense cardio training won't do it for you or youre friend then im afraid your ""it out of luck and aint no aas gonna solve it for you man. Sorry.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by PaintPimp View Post
    shes on the worm diet now
    you have it backwards, worms are on the anna diet..................

  31. #31
    Amy whinehouse knows a thing or two about losing weight fast

  32. #32
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    me too.......when i got my divorce i lost 115 lbs when i signed my name on a piece of paper

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by lex57 View Post
    me too.......when i got my divorce i lost 115 lbs when i signed my name on a piece of paper
    wow.. 115, she was already in dating weight i see.. pics??
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  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by spywizard View Post
    wow.. 115, she was already in dating weight i see.. pics??
    she was 3 foot 9................. i like midgets and i am a chubby chaser go figure..........

  35. #35
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    Im unclear as to whether your friend is trying to make a weight class or be in better shape for the sport. I do not know this sport.
    If he's just trying to get in better shape. I dont see why he would not want to do an AAS. Adding extra muscle will also help him shed body fat. However, he WILL weigh more, but be leaner. After all, the more muscle you add, the more calories your body will need and utilize (that is if he does not pig out more than he already does).
    It is definitely important for him to get his diet in check in any case.
    However, if he is trying to make a weight class then that is altogether a different thing and the previous suggestions by our esteemed board members are correct in their suggestions to you.

  36. #36
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    lol, i don't think DNP would be good for this guy. Start off with clen and for god's sake fix his diet!

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