hey, im 21 6%bf 160lbs, 5ft10
training for about 3 or 4 years
i cycle of test c for 10 wks a while ago.

im doing a bulking cycle of sust and deca for 12 wks and 14wks with sust,
when my body has recovered from this cycle im planning a hard cutting cycle, i wanna get less than 5%bf. im using winny, tren e, sust and clen .

ive tried researching tren e but most is on tren a, just trying to find out how much to take per week and how often, and how many weeks for. im planning 500mgs of sust per week and 50mgs/day of winny and clen ill use 2 weeks on and 2 weeks off.

just having a little trouble finding out about tren e