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  1. #1
    ducati1098 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    May 2008

    should i still be getting gyno?

    im doing a cycle of test c (600mg per week) 40mgs of nolvadex a day now...i started using 10mgs of nolvadex a day, then bumped it up to 20, and have been on 40mgs for almost a week now. I had gyno surgery already and didnt think it would come back so easy. There are areas right above my nipples that are sore and feel like some type of mass....what should i do????

  2. #2
    sugarfreebig's Avatar
    sugarfreebig is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    you might wanna look into arimidex or if it really is coming back letro.

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