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  1. #1
    CF01 is offline New Member
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    Sep 2003
    New Jersey

    2nd Cycle & Water Retention

    Okay after I two year hiatus I'm back, first my stats:
    6 feet 0 inches
    188-190lbs depending on how much I eat that day
    9.5%-10.5% BF.

    I have done one cycle of Test Enth at 500mg per week, with I would say mixed results. Stupidly I didn't run any anti-e's during cycle and no pct yes I realize it was dumb, I would say I was depressed for a month after it. So this cycle I would obviously fix that. Anyway back to the post, I got up to around 215 but had alot of water retention, I was wondering if that could be from not running anti-e's? Besides that I had no bad side effects.

    My second cycle I'm looking to get up to around 205 w/ around 6-7% bf. While I'm not worried about frequent injections, I realize this is 15lbs of lean muscle I'm looking to gain. Due to my water retention I figured I'd run test prop at around 50mg eod.
    Also I was interested in running winny or anavar , I figured since I was running prop eod i could run the winny with it at 50mg ed or eod I really don't want to take a shot ed but reading on here seems like you should. I wanna get hard, so would anavar be a good replacement or masteron ?? Thanks guys appreicate it.

  2. #2
    CF01 is offline New Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003
    New Jersey
    Anyone??? I figured I put as much info as possible.

  3. #3
    mrsocks is offline Associate Member
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    You don't have to take prop if you run an AI with a longer acting Test
    Estrogen and bad diet cause water retention try to lower your sodium intake or use sea salt instead of salt, an AI like Letro or Arimidex should take care of the problem alone though
    I don't really know much about Anavar though my friend took it and he got leaner nothing too crazy though
    if you don't want to take Winny ED take 100 mg eod instead
    Masteron is pretty sick I've had good experiences with it
    Also once the Masteron or the Winstrol kicks in you won't need the AI anymore so if you're going to take them you may not need one I personally love AI's though because I can get lean even while on Dbol

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