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Thread: how do you take TRENBOLONA

  1. #1

    Question how do you take TRENBOLONA

    I was thinking about trying some trenbolona. Has any one heard if it is any good . How high are the side effects. What can I cycle with it. Whats better the pill or shot and how would you take it.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2002
    Just to let you know .. you probably won't get too many replies with this thread or the "vein injecting" thread you started, the reason being that you are only 18 yrs old. IMO and the opinion of most, 18 is just too young to start taking steroids. Besides your natural Test levels are already up there, so try to take advantage of that .. the added bonus is, that Test is free.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2002
    Toronto, Canada
    Tren is one of my favorite drugs and one of the ones I use the most commonly when designing cycles. There are not many major side effects other than prolactin gyno. It is not a beginners drug and the intramuscular (injectible) form is the most potent. What you cycle with it is dependant on what your goals are. In any case however, you are far too young to be using steroids and you need to do a lot more research on them as well. All your questions could have been answered by using the search function...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2002
    South Florida
    Originally posted by trimunex
    Just to let you know .. you probably won't get too many replies with this thread or the "vein injecting" thread you started, the reason being that you are only 18 yrs old. IMO and the opinion of most, 18 is just too young to start taking steroids. Besides your natural Test levels are already up there, so try to take advantage of that .. the added bonus is, that Test is free.



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    have u even resaerched this ?bro your question s are so simple they could of been awnsered just be a simple search u are obviously not ready ,your gonna be puttin somethin ur body thatu have no idea about,not to mention you too young.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    In a cage near you...
    Originally posted by trimunex
    Just to let you know .. you probably won't get too many replies with this thread or the "vein injecting" thread you started, the reason being that you are only 18 yrs old. IMO and the opinion of most, 18 is just too young to start taking steroids. Besides your natural Test levels are already up there, so try to take advantage of that .. the added bonus is, that Test is free.

    No shit...Time for him to sit back and read, read, and read....

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