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Thread: question

  1. #1


    I will be starting D1 football practice this summer in the next couple weeks. I am not new to steroids, but new to D1 football testing. I was thinking of taking a little anavar cycle before the season begins, but am worried about how the testing works. I have read that there is no testing for first year players not on the roster. Im not looking to get flammed, just learn what others already know. Thanks.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    Kitchen, Gym, Kitchen....
    I don't think there is much testing my man. They test for rec drugs, but not roids. The only reason i know this: my cousin played for the Washington Huskies for 4 straight years and was never caught. Half the team was on them and never a suspension or question. Now, i'm not going to say that you won't get caught, but it costs the NCAA 500.00 per test,per person to test for roids. That's all i know......

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2008
    Callao, Virginia
    Quote Originally Posted by stpete View Post
    I don't think there is much testing my man. They test for rec drugs, but not roids. The only reason i know this: my cousin played for the Washington Huskies for 4 straight years and was never caught. Half the team was on them and never a suspension or question. Now, i'm not going to say that you won't get caught, but it costs the NCAA 500.00 per test,per person to test for roids. That's all i know......
    hmm.. I always thought college teams tested regularly, and especially D1 schools . You learn something new everyday

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Read my blog
    most likely they will do a mouth swab which is a rec drug test... and there are ways easily around a piss test... i have no idea why people freak out... but yeah, good luck at ur fball! what position u play?

  5. #5
    Does anyone who played in the last 2007 season have anything to say on this. Thanks for the help though so far.

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