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Thread: newbies

  1. #41
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    i say we start cutting newbies a little more slack. alot of us have been here for a long time and and are very educated in this field so obviously when a newbie comes here asking an amature question it seems stupied and petty to us. we need to start putting ourselves in there shoes and remember how we were when we started out and try to treat them the same way we would like others to treat us. personally i have been rough on some in the past myself but im trying to be as helpful as i can now and remember that everyone dosnt know what i know. almost every question in this section is posted by a newbie so obviously newbies are a huge part of this boards sucess so we need to start treating them better so they stay. i have made mistakes in the past as well have others but i say we start fresh and stop cutting them down and doing what were her to do and thats help and learn. i want to see this board grow and have even more sucess then it already does and this step is a neccesity in order to do that. this is the biggest and most succesful steroid site in the world and we need to start acting a little more respectful to the others that help make it.

    I could be wrong but I have noticed that this forum is more newbie-friendly than it was 1-2 yrs ago, apart from a few isolated cases. In any case, I couldn't agree more, every newbie question gives us an opportunity to help change their lives for the better; being rude to them is just like a "dont sh!t where u eat" kinda deal... this forum is one big buffet, let's just enjoy it!

  2. #42
    B.E.N.'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gentle_Ram View Post
    I appreciate the help "DSM4Life".. it is crap like that which makes a good site less helpful to others.

    I am not as mis-informed as you may think. However I am willing to put myself out there with questions some will not ask because they are not willing to put up with flaming or crap like your response.

    If people took as much time to type a response that is help as they do for flaming or splattering crap in a thread things would be much nicer for those trying to gather information.

    I didn't ask for anyone persons advice, I added my thoughts to a thread, and threw in an example to be critiqued. I can not speak about the use of gear from personal experience so I have not answered questions that require the on hands knowledge of the use of gear, but I am very versed in areas of the sport of BB and in the composition of gear.

    So in short... perhaps you should take the time to learn about some ones ability and knowledge background before flaming. Just because someone is a "newbie" to this site doesn't mean they are new to the field of BB and use of AAS.

    I would appreciate, as I am sure many will... if you would contribute what you know and not create issues in a thread such as this.

    Thanks for the time and consideration.


    Easy there tiger! People were just joking around with you.

    It is however clear that you know little to nothing about BB much less dieting.


    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    you should shoot for between 350-400 grams of protein a day and alot of clean calories.
    Pietro was trying to help you and tell you to eat 350-400 grams of protein each day. You responded with this???? Making it clear you have NOT done your front end research to educate yourself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Gentle_Ram View Post
    When you say "shoot", I am taking it as an injectable protien and not ingesting it orally.
    Everyones glad to give you the tools but you have to take the tools and do the building.

  3. #43
    Gentle_Ram's Avatar
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    "B.E.N."... the redirect to the information that "Pietro75" was kind enough to provide was being re-addressed because of the way it was worded. It was my oversite in not reading it correctly and not seeing the word "between" after the word shoot, it was clearly my error in not catching that. I openly take blame for the oversite.

    The other part of the response I felt did need to be clearified for others as well as myself. As I have stated I am not able to respond to threads where personal experience would be applicable, so I dont do so. I have not cycled as of yet. I have done much research and continue to do so.

    I have read a good deal on both dieting and the use of gear... and there is much adversity in each persons view on what is best and what is or should be done with both stacking and with diet. There are many knowledgable people on this site and thus the reason for my being here to learn more.

    As for others joking with members, I am not opposed to it, but it doesn't help others that come here as a "newbie" wanting to learn when tye see that type of thing. They do not know the member that is posting or joking, so it is likely to be taken as a slight or a flame in a thread. The veteran members I am sure understand if it was in fact a joke or not, but a new member unfortunately would not have the background with any other member to determine that. Which is my point exactly on giving new members a break and helping them feel welcome and in good hand in learning what is best, safe and helpful.

    I appreciate the membvers here and help offered.I have read many different places and find this to be a very well informed and helpfull place to learn and get guidence, and just want to see it grow and keep in the same intent it had been brought to the net with... to help, inform and teach others the ins and outs of safe use of diet and gear for the beginner and the expert.

    I again offer my sincere thanks to all members, and offer my apologies if I have stepped on a toe or two, it has not been my intent.


  4. #44
    40plusnewbie is offline Senior Member
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    I want to say thank you to all the sr members who have read and posted in this thread. I'm new and doing tons of reading to educate myself at this site.

    I also want to put another thank you out to Big who used a light touch in moderating me when I first showed up here. I busted his balls a little bit (not out of meanness, it's part of my personality and kind of a way that I show ppl I like them... but being a stranger here no one, himself included, could know that).

    I have not really caught much crap here but did get reamed a new one at another site and the sad part is that it had nothing to do with me asking questions, it was simply because I took an opposing position to senior members and pointed out the perspective of a newbie (even though I wasn't doing what they were complaining about that newbies do) and they all ganged up on me. And it wasn't even like my information was wrong, everyone ignored the content of what I was saying and started biotching and moaning because I had the 'gaul' to post something questioning a couple of sr members.

    So thanks again for this thread guys!

  5. #45
    DSM4Life's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gentle_Ram View Post
    I appreciate the help "DSM4Life".. it is crap like that which makes a good site less helpful to others.


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