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Thread: newbies

  1. #1
    PT's Avatar
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    i say we start cutting newbies a little more slack. alot of us have been here for a long time and and are very educated in this field so obviously when a newbie comes here asking an amature question it seems stupied and petty to us. we need to start putting ourselves in there shoes and remember how we were when we started out and try to treat them the same way we would like others to treat us. personally i have been rough on some in the past myself but im trying to be as helpful as i can now and remember that everyone dosnt know what i know. almost every question in this section is posted by a newbie so obviously newbies are a huge part of this boards sucess so we need to start treating them better so they stay. i have made mistakes in the past as well have others but i say we start fresh and stop cutting them down and doing what were her to do and thats help and learn. i want to see this board grow and have even more sucess then it already does and this step is a neccesity in order to do that. this is the biggest and most succesful steroid site in the world and we need to start acting a little more respectful to the others that help make it.

  2. #2
    rockinred's Avatar
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    that is a good post.... I agree... usually you can get to the same point with an alternative route/ problem telling someone to work on or look at certain things without showing the frustration.

  3. #3
    faropal is offline New Member
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    Which anabolic steroid is best for increasing sex drive?

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    rockinred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by faropal View Post
    Which anabolic steroid is best for increasing sex drive?
    LOL.. already trying to stir it up.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    i say we start cutting newbies a little more slack. alot of us have been here for a long time and and are very educated in this field so obviously when a newbie comes here asking an amature question it seems stupied and petty to us. we need to start putting ourselves in there shoes and remember how we were when we started out and try to treat them the same way we would like others to treat us. personally i have been rough on some in the past myself but im trying to be as helpful as i can now and remember that everyone dosnt know what i know. almost every question in this section is posted by a newbie so obviously newbies are a huge part of this boards sucess so we need to start treating them better so they stay. i have made mistakes in the past as well have others but i say we start fresh and stop cutting them down and doing what were her to do and thats help and learn. i want to see this board grow and have even more sucess then it already does and this step is a neccesity in order to do that. this is the biggest and most succesful steroid site in the world and we need to start acting a little more respectful to the others that help make it.
    I couldn't agree more, I'm in.

  6. #6
    10nispro's Avatar
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    I concur with pietro...

    This is the best steroid information site out there, and that's a heck of a compliment. I have read numerous times, from newbs to gear to newb from another site, that AR is the best place all around. There are some, idiots, that may need a slap in the face, but for the most part, our advise seems to sink in when addressed in a positive way.

  7. #7
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
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    I agree to a certin point. If someone tells you "I've done my research, how and at what time should I take my Dbol only cycle?" OR "What is PCT?" and the ever so popular "Can't you just tell me!!" Reading things like that brings me to believe that they didn't do the research that they all claimed they did. So if someone wants to be lazy then they will get what alot of us on the board call "TOUGH LOVE."

    I will ease up on the noobs for the simple fact that I too want to see the board grow and have people be educated on steroids , so they won't keep getting a bad rap. However, if someone lies to me and tells me they've done research, but ask simple questions like what does this roid mean, then I will turn the other cheek.

  8. #8
    10nispro's Avatar
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    Emilio...I think we can get our point across by just not answering their questions until they do the respected research. If that doesn't work, we give them to BIG...j/j BIG.

  9. #9
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
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    I give them to BIG

  10. #10
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Emilio_Rebenga View Post
    I agree to a certin point. If someone tells you "I've done my research, how and at what time should I take my Dbol only cycle?" OR "What is PCT?" and the ever so popular "Can't you just tell me!!" Reading things like that brings me to believe that they didn't do the research that they all claimed they did. So if someone wants to be lazy then they will get what alot of us on the board call "TOUGH LOVE."

    I will ease up on the noobs for the simple fact that I too want to see the board grow and have people be educated on steroids, so they won't keep getting a bad rap. However, if someone lies to me and tells me they've done research, but ask simple questions like what does this roid mean, then I will turn the other cheek.
    i agree and i have told many to do there research many times myself but im being a hypocrite by doing this because i didnt do anything or know anything when i started here. if it was a perfect world every newbie would do research and enter this board knowing the same things but unfortuantly its not. the way i see it is that i entered this board clueless and after 5 or 6 years here im extremly educated in this field and actually enjoy helping others. my main goal is to help this board continue to be the top bb board on the net and sometimes you need to make sacrifices or even bite your tounge in order to get ahead in this world.

  11. #11
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pietro75 View Post
    i agree and i have told many to do there research many times myself but im being a hypocrite by doing this because i didnt do anything or know anything when i started here. if it was a perfect world every newbie would do research and enter this board knowing the same things but unfortuantly its not. the way i see it is that i entered this board clueless and after 5 or 6 years here im extremly educated in this field and actually enjoy helping others. my main goal is to help this board continue to be the top bb board on the net and sometimes you need to make sacrifices or even bite your tounge in order to get ahead in this world.
    Agreed..Im with you, I entered this board thinking I knew it all. but as i hung around I saw that I didn't know enough..So I held off untill I knew more..I mean it's only common sense that you should learn what you're putting into your body, how it will affect you, and how do do it properly. Its not that tough to do. Also like I've told a couple of noobs and you can quote me on this
    "It's better for YOU to do research and find the facts out for yourself rather than ask someone how you should do it and what you should do. If the person is a real asshole they can tell u the wrong info and really fuk YOUR body up. Of course you will never see them and their body is ok b/c they did research."

    Got it?

    I was told by someone who has cycled in the past that i didnt have to do nolva clomid a-dex, l-dex, letro and all that good stuff. the same person also told me to run dbol throughout my cycle (12weeks!) and to only do 1 shot of sust a week @ 1CC....Boy was I glad I didnt listen to him, i knew a little bit about something and knew that what he was telling me was wrong....this guy juiced and was in bodybuilding competitions here.

    so to make a long story short..NOOBS DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!

  12. #12
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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails newbies-noob.jpg  

  13. #13
    magicstick2003's Avatar
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    I agree to some point. I've notice some threads where the newbs get hammered but i also agree that they should do research prior to asking a simple question which can be answered via search. I know most of us (myself included) were pretty clueless when we decided to enter this site. HOwever, i did do research on my own, then constructed questions if i were confused about a certain thing. Some of the newbs flat out dont do any research and it shows in their post. Although this site is here to educate it's no excuse to allow people to be lazy and ezpect people to do all the work for them! Hell i still have questions to this day but i do look into it at least before i ask about a topic. It's my belief you should have some knowledge prior to even asking a question because otherwise you're just doin what you're told instead of being able to be a constructive member of this site and make your own decisions based on other's advice!

  14. #14
    vBRAH's Avatar
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    Just my personal experience, everyones been extremely helpful here Great forum!

  15. #15
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    good one! lol

  16. #16
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    dude ill lighten up too but they should read steroid books too and also ask questions

  17. #17
    Gentle_Ram's Avatar
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    I have posted once here, and received little info. I don't think it was out of ignorance that some did not answer, but out of frustration. I certainly understand it, much like in my field a question that is posed is far to common and well know to myself or others in the field and find it simple agitating to be ask what we (the ones in the know) believe should be readily known to most at this stage of research.

    I think the problem is that many people (myself included) do a great deal of reading and there is many different views or suggestions to the same question which can be overwhelming for many. There is so much gear to learn about and it can be hard to get the correct info from place to place. I know what I am after, yet there is so many different views to learn from it can be hard to determine or sift through it all to make the correct decision for ones self.

    The people who have the experience are the ones the "newbies" rely on. There is always speculation and ignorance abound in this and most forums where people are trying to learn about what is unknown to them. Many people are not willing to do the research or read from post to post to find the answers. It is easier for them to simple post a thread and wait for the answer and unfortunately still not understand what the answer given will mean if they do not research the advise given.

    I have read as great deal about cycles, diet and PCT. I've tried to learn more on what different types of gear do best, to better educate myself to be able to determine the best stack for my needs or wants. So many types of gear and so much to learn. Each persons body will react similar but not the same and yet many newbies assume that it is a magic way to look good and be healthy. What I have found is that a good deal of the people simply forget to learn that it also takes a good deal of dedicated time at the gym and a solid diet to go with it all to make it all come together.

    My personal quest seems simple enough to me as it does for many "newbies". My goals are much the same as most that endeavor into the realm of gear in the first place.

    I want to build size with as little water weight as possible and then rip for more definition. I've given the stats that was requested in my last thread but didn't get much response, but again I understand the frustration of the mods admin and other contributors of the site.

    I continue to read and admittedly get confused on some issues, but still read more until it becomes clear, or at least less foggy.

    I am thankful for the site and openly thank the site providers, staff and members for the continued information and help.

    I'd love to learn, so I am excited to know more so I can start a first cycle.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Much thanks again guys and girls..... it is the people of this forum with open minds and willingness to help that make things all worth while, and doing so safer.

    Last edited by Gentle_Ram; 06-14-2008 at 09:33 PM.

  18. #18
    bodybuilder1107's Avatar
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    i agree son

  19. #19
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gentle_Ram View Post
    I have posted once here, and received little info. I don't think it was out of ignorance that some did not answer, but out of frustration. I certainly understand it, much like in my field a question that is posed is far to common and well know to myself or others in the field and find it simple agitating to be ask what we (the ones in the know) believe should be readily known to most at this stage of research.

    I think the problem is that many people (myself included) do a great deal of reading and there is many different views or suggestions to the same question which can be overwhelming for many. There is so much gear to learn about and it can be hard to get the correct info from place to place. I know what I am after, yet there is so many different views to learn from it can be hard to determine or sift through it all to make the correct decision for ones self.

    The people who have the experience are the ones the "newbies" rely on. There is always speculation and ignorance abound in this and most forums where people are trying to learn about what is unknown to them. Many people are not willing to do the research or read from post to post to find the answers. It is easier for them to simple post a thread and wait for the answer and unfortunately still not understand what the answer given will mean if they do not research the advise given.

    I have read as great deal about cycles, diet and PCT. I've tried to learn more on what different types of gear do best, to better educate myself to be able to determine the best stack for my needs or wants. So many types of gear and so much to learn. Each persons body will react similar but not the same and yet many newbies assume that it is a magic way to look good and be healthy. What I have found is that a good deal of the people simply forget to learn that it also takes a good deal of dedicated time at the gym and a solid diet to go with it all to make it all come together.

    My personal quest seems simple enough to me as it does for many "newbies". My goals are much the same as most that endeavor into the realm of gear in the first place.

    I want to build size with as little water weight as possible and then rip for more definition. I've given the stats that was requested in my last thread but didn't get much response, but again I understand the frustration of the mods admin and other contributors of the site.

    I continue to read and admittedly get confused on some issues, but still read more until it becomes clear, or at least less foggy.

    I am thankful for the site and openly thank the site providers, staff and members for the continued information and help.

    I'd love to learn, so I am excited to know more so I can start a first cycle.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Much thanks again guys and girls..... it is the people of this forum with open minds and willingness to help that make things all worth while, and doing so safer.

    good post bro and if you ever have a question feel free to post a thread or send me a pm.

  20. #20
    Gentle_Ram's Avatar
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    I appreciate the props "pietro". I am looking forward to being as confident in my knowledge to be able to provide answers and advice to those who ask. All in time as with everything. I'd prefer to have been through a cycle or two so I can speak from a personal experience rather then just spouting rehashed words from others.

    I appreciate the pm ability with you as well, I am sure I'll be taking you up on
    Knowledge is power and on my forum it is the same thing as the staff, admins and mods deal with here... "newbies" asking what they want answers to without reading first. I don't mind answering them and I always do, but it can be most frustrating in doing so. I keep a couple generic responses on my computer for just such, saves me the time of retyping the same information. I've also learned that if I sent them the info in a PM (generic form) they tend to feel better about it and the forum doesn't get over loaded with bandwidth and a hundred of the same questions.

    Again.. thanks to all, this is a great site and has some of the best minds and knowledge out there. I've read so much my mind hurts most evenings and yet many sites make claims they can't keep. This site doesn't make claims, but does offer open and honest advice. I'm very happy to be a member and look forward to contributing shortly from personal experiences with a cycle.

    On a small note I just peeked at a threat asking the difference of Test P, Test E and Test C.

    I think this is one of the stumbling blocks for many... primarily the same substance, but different compilation of chemicals I think. Very little info seen on such things. I have read the chemical make up of all of them, but the question that still doesn't seem to be positively answered ( I don't know that it can be) is which will respond to produce the best results? And which is the best to stack with specific gear?

    Example cycle:

    Test E
    Test Prop
    Vitamin B-6
    Then PCT

    This is a 12 weeks cycle from the site, and there is some things that even I would like to know. Seeing the both test E and test P brings me to determine that each will compliment the other in a stronger hold for building related to receptors. There is much said about Deca both good and bad, but it has been used for so many years it has a proven track record for gains, and some not so nice sides. From what I have read the majority of the sides related to a cycle can be put in check and controlled within reason by adding other gear to minimize the effects of sides. Nolva is pretty much covers very well and the workings it does for you. I have not seen much and know little regarding the B-6 addition. Obviously there is a difference between B-6 and B-12
    , but the question remains (for me) is it required or best to use B-6 more so then B-12?... is there a benefit to doing so, and if yes... what is the benefit?

    As I've said there is a great deal of information and the mind can get clouded with so much information when trying to determine the best cycle for a "newbie"

    I've looked at running this cycle myself for a first cycle, but have yet to determine if it will give the best results or if there is another stack that will do the same or more for me in the same time cycle, lol....

    I've asked a few people I've met at the gym who are obviously running gear, but refuse to admit to it, and others that simple have no clue of what they are injecting. The answer I get when talking to many of them is "this is what my friend said is the best to take" And VERY little of them have any concept of a PCT and some have never heard of doing a PCT. Scary... which is why I have not started a cycle... I am the type that needs definite answers and knowledgeable sources to both purchase and to learn from before doing so. I want to know what I am putting in my body and what the effects both good and bad are so I can treat both sides equally.

    wow... seems I am perhaps rambling on here.. sorry

    Thanks again, I'll stop typing this post for now and respond where needed.

  21. #21
    Bulldog1115 is offline Member
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    ok i know how it feels to be a noobie, i still kind of am, ive been researching AAS for a year and half now, but i saw the forums and saw the what the vets knew and thats when i realized i needed to research, and i then researched hardcore every night for 7 months before i started anything, and i know a fairly desent amount now, but alot noobies dont research at all, they expect us to tell them, i didnt post on here until i felt like i knew alot to have a convo with some of these guys! Most noobies are just to lazy to read {MOST}

  22. #22
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    Yeah you guys are alright...I'm a noob sort of. I'm 20 and have been hanging around here since end of 2007 and I went thru my "I don't care if its bad...i'm doing a big cycle anyways" phase (look at my thread history!!) I got flamed and yelled at but i always saw it as tough love because you guys know what the fvck you're talking about and most ppl don't take it too far with the flames. It's pretty apparent to me that the only reason people get angry is because of the ignorance and the fact that these uneducated people may hurt themselves

    I'm just gonna chill around here for a good while, keep researching EVERYTHING for when I am ready for a cycle

  23. #23
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    the best steroids to stack all depends on the person using them and there goals. body weight, cycle and training experiance, body fat and a few other things will help determine what cycle is best for the individual person.

  24. #24
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    Pietro your post is a very valid one. I don't think anyone here intentionally sets out to belittle a newb. The thing is that some of these younger guys come here asking for advice or input and when they are "told" that they are too young or that their proposed cycle is not a good one or in some cases even dangerous, they don't want to hear it. Many times they just want someone to "co-sign" or validate cycles or want to hear that its ok to do it their way . I've even seen newbs with double digit posts give out advice , BAD advice. Green lighting guys cycles that in reality have no business taking steroids in the first place. As far as I'm concerned, my concience is clear, I'll keep treating them with the respect that they due. And when it comes to taking steroids, I'll tell it to them as I would my 25 yr old son as well as my 14 yr old, honest and straight forward. What they do with the information is up to them, alot of times they are dead set on doing what they want and our advice falls on deaf ears. In those cases, I wish them well and hope they don't pay major consequences as a result of bad decision making.

  25. #25
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    most of us have made bad decisions in our lives and the main reason for them was lack of info. this board wasnt around when i did my first cycle of sustanon so i didnt know what the he11 pct was or that the prop and phenyl prop in the sust requires users to inject eod. nowdays steroid info is evrywere and since this board is the largest one on the net i feel it is our resposibility to help the best we can. all we can do is direct someone in the right direction but its there decision whether to follow or not. my whole reasoning for starting this thread is to hopefully cool tempers of members that are getting frustrated hearing the same question everyday by different people. if this was a perfect world every newbie would read every single sticky before posting but unfortunatly its not so we need to deal with it and just bare with them and help the best way we can without chasing them away.

  26. #26
    inky-e's Avatar
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    I wasn't disagreeing with you Pietro, I'm with you 100%. Plus a perfect world would be kinda boring.

  27. #27
    wickid1111 is offline Junior Member
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    i posted for my 1st time last week and got great advise from u guys. i changed my diet completly after checking out diet plans on these forum and i didnt start that tren mast cycle i was gonna do for my 1st cycle

    haha plus when i got a couple replys like i was an idiot it got me thinkin i was bout to do somthin stupid lol.

  28. #28
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    ok... lets get some advice.

    Here is some of what I am after "pietro75"
    Age: 43
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 220 lbs
    BF: 18%

    No know organ or tissue problems internally (been checked). Strong heart.
    Male pattern balding... front and crown.

    My goal is to bulk in size and lean muscle. I'll do a rip cycle once I have obtained some size again. I was a devoted person at the gym for many years, until I have kids and a wife. I got rid of the wife so I have the time and desire to again build to where I have always wanted to be. I have been back to the gym faithfully since January, other then being off for the past three weeks due work travel.
    I'll be back to the gym this week.

    So I am, trying to determine the right gear to help me both gain solid muscle bulk as well as a good diet plan to enhance the process to fit the gear used.

    It can be hard to explain specifics when it is not known what the people in the know require for the best advice.

    If you need any additional info, please ask and I'll post to better get the advice.


  29. #29
    yankeefan's Avatar
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    i appreciate that as a Newbie. i would like to think if as a Newbie, if you're not being ridiculous, or breaking any rules, that veteran members would cut some slack as you mentioned. WELL SAID.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gentle_Ram View Post
    ok... lets get some advice.

    Here is some of what I am after "pietro75"
    Age: 43
    Height: 6'1"
    Weight: 220 lbs
    BF: 18%

    No know organ or tissue problems internally (been checked). Strong heart.
    Male pattern balding... front and crown.

    My goal is to bulk in size and lean muscle. I'll do a rip cycle once I have obtained some size again. I was a devoted person at the gym for many years, until I have kids and a wife. I got rid of the wife so I have the time and desire to again build to where I have always wanted to be. I have been back to the gym faithfully since January, other then being off for the past three weeks due work travel.
    I'll be back to the gym this week.

    So I am, trying to determine the right gear to help me both gain solid muscle bulk as well as a good diet plan to enhance the process to fit the gear used.

    It can be hard to explain specifics when it is not known what the people in the know require for the best advice.

    If you need any additional info, please ask and I'll post to better get the advice.

    do you have any previous cycle experiance?

  31. #31
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    Wish I could say yes, but had reserved the thought until recently. I had researched the crap out of it some years back, and I am again doing so now with an absolute intent to complete a the cycle and again after a scheduled rest period start a second.

    Any and all questions will be openly and honestly answered to better obtain the best information.


  32. #32
    PT's Avatar
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    the best cycle for you then would definatly be a simple cycle of 500mgs of test enth or cyp a week for 12 weeks. with 500mgs a week and a proper diet you should make some nice gains. i you really want to stack something then i would kickstart the cycle with d-bol for the first 5-6 weeks. that would make a decent bulker. if your looking to cut instead of bulk then we'll need to come up with something different. the most important thing when cycling is your diet. without a proper diet all the steroids in the world wont help you. you should shoot for between 350-400 grams of protein a day and alot of clean calories. your training also needs to be more intense because your body is healing alot faster

  33. #33
    Gentle_Ram's Avatar
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    the best cycle for you then would definatly be a simple cycle of 500mgs of test enth or cyp a week for 12 weeks. with 500mgs a week and a proper diet you should make some nice gains. i you really want to stack something then i would kickstart the cycle with d-bol for the first 5-6 weeks. that would make a decent bulker. if your looking to cut instead of bulk then we'll need to come up with something different. the most important thing when cycling is your diet. without a proper diet all the steroids in the world wont help you. you should shoot for between 350-400 grams of protein a day and alot of clean calories. your training also needs to be more intense because your body is healing alot faster
    I am not sure what you are stating to stack with the test enth or cyp, ya kinda left that

    Should I run the d-bol with the test during the first 5-6 weeks of the cycle as an added booster?

    I am trying to bulk and gain lean mass so the cutting will be easier after a cycle or two.

    When you say "shoot", I am taking it as an injectable protien and not ingesting it orally.

    Can you clearify these for me?

    I would certainly like to get my BF% down to a much more desirable percentage... below 10%

    Last edited by Gentle_Ram; 06-16-2008 at 08:48 AM.

  34. #34
    PT's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gentle_Ram View Post
    I am not sure what you are stating to stack with the test enth or cyp, ya kinda left that

    Should I run the d-bol with the test during the first 5-6 weeks of the cycle as an added booster?

    I am trying to bulk and gain lean mass so the cutting will be easier after a cycle or two.

    When you say "shoot", I am taking it as an injectable protien and not ingesting it orally.

    Can you clearify these for me?

    I would certainly like to get my BF% down to a much more desirable percentage... below 10%

    stacking is the combining of more then one type of gear during a cycle. as for shooting, yest that does mean injecting with a needle. as for d-bol being used to kickstart a cycle, its great and alot of people use it. you should read a bunch of the stickies on the main page because they would really help you understand this better.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gentle_Ram View Post
    When you say "shoot", I am taking it as an injectable protien and not ingesting it orally.

    Can you clearify these for me?

    **Gentle_Ram** is kind of funny that this question is in this post talking about noobs and having them do their research.

    Ram Gently, he was saying shoot (meaning aim, plan, endeavor, strive to) ingest X amount of protein each day in the form of whole foods and/or protein shakes.

  36. #36
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    exactly bro. i mean that you need alot of protein when your on a cycle. 2 grams per pound of bodyweight works fine for me.

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by AnimalGear View Post
    Yeah you guys are alright...I'm a noob sort of. I'm 20 and have been hanging around here since end of 2007 and I went thru my "I don't care if its bad...i'm doing a big cycle anyways" phase (look at my thread history!!) I got flamed and yelled at but i always saw it as tough love because you guys know what the fvck you're talking about and most ppl don't take it too far with the flames. It's pretty apparent to me that the only reason people get angry is because of the ignorance and the fact that these uneducated people may hurt themselves

    I'm just gonna chill around here for a good while, keep researching EVERYTHING for when I am ready for a cycle

    i agree

  38. #38
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  39. #39
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    I believe that if steroid .com wants to become one of the most popular sites in the word it will have to install a modification to their vbulletin called vbSEO, it changes all the threads id numbers into names... and it adds keywords to pages, Search Engine optomisationg...
    and im sure that makes a killing from advertisements, so $160(last time i checked it) isnt too much to increase its traffic by 25%..

    And i do know im a noob...
    just a IT nerd aswell lol.

  40. #40
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    I appreciate the help "DSM4Life".. it is crap like that which makes a good site less helpful to others.

    I am not as mis-informed as you may think. However I am willing to put myself out there with questions some will not ask because they are not willing to put up with flaming or crap like your response.

    If people took as much time to type a response that is help as they do for flaming or splattering crap in a thread things would be much nicer for those trying to gather information.

    I didn't ask for anyone persons advice, I added my thoughts to a thread, and threw in an example to be critiqued. I can not speak about the use of gear from personal experience so I have not answered questions that require the on hands knowledge of the use of gear, but I am very versed in areas of the sport of BB and in the composition of gear.

    So in short... perhaps you should take the time to learn about some ones ability and knowledge background before flaming. Just because someone is a "newbie" to this site doesn't mean they are new to the field of BB and use of AAS.

    I would appreciate, as I am sure many will... if you would contribute what you know and not create issues in a thread such as this.

    Thanks for the time and consideration.



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