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Thread: Two orals same time?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2008

    Two orals same time?

    Say one did a 6 week cycle of 2 different orals at low dosage...

    25 mg dbol + 20 mg tbol

    Is this just a waste of both because the dosage is too low on each or does it work out to be descent combination like with injectables?

    Please no offence but Im not asking the "oral only cycles suck" or the "why no test" "parrot and make sh#t up" crowds.

    This is mostly theoretical so i would like to hear some answers from people who know, and even more preferably people who've done it.

  2. #2
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    It would be a waste of money and time. Dosages are to low. And I don't think they work very good together.

  3. #3
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    New Jersey
    i'd be more worried about your liver... 2 at a time is killer on it... I was wondering the same about an ANAVAR and WINSTROL cycle both oral as i found a place that has it as a recommended cycle for those that dont want injections, but winstrol alone is harsh on your liver, but is anavar that mild that it would be ok to add it to winstrol? I'll have to ask in my own thread, but with every other 2 orrals i'd say it's your liver you ned to worry about, not if they will work good..

  4. #4
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    Thats why the low dose, that comes out to probably less total liver damage than 45mg dbol which i know alot of people do. But do you get say the equivelent protein synthisis of say 45 mg tbol? As i understand it, they are vey similar in structure, so why wouldn't they work well together?

  5. #5
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    Mar 2008
    and jsinur, don't worry about hijack, get in on this, probablly lots of guys would like to know. It seems to me that on this board, orals have gotten so bashed that almost no one but the real vets can talk rationally about them.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjohnson View Post
    and jsinur, don't worry about hijack, get in on this, probablly lots of guys would like to know. It seems to me that on this board, orals have gotten so bashed that almost no one but the real vets can talk rationally about them.
    thanks man.. i here that... liver is the only concern i would think, as they always say dont mix, but i am curious now too is it the mixing thats the problem or the doses... if you take 25 and 25 shouldn't that be as ok as taking 50 of just one? it's that reaosn i am doing a straight anavar cycle as soon as it shows up...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    those are pretty low doses of both, i dont think you would really get anything out of it especially since dbol kicks in so quick but tbol takes almot 3 weeks ...

  8. #8
    Why would use D-bol and T-Bol they are almost like the same thing....Research more....if you want to go low does. I suggest Anavar + T-Bol

  9. #9
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    Are you more worried about liver toxicity or being pinned? Dbol will add lots of water weight as where the tbol is nearly none. Some have used var/tbol together, and you can research in the cycle forum.

    As far as winny and var...they are both dht's so why take together. To me it's overkill. Pick one and use it.

    Just man up and pin and you don't have to worry about your liver.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garbanzo Dude View Post
    Why would use D-bol and T-Bol they are almost like the same thing....Research more....if you want to go low does. I suggest Anavar + T-Bol
    i did the research, anmd whereas the are connected, i belive tbol is refined from dbol, (I could be wrong or the other way around) they dont act the same at all from what i have read...

  11. #11
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    If you are worried about weight gain, then you should know that your diet will determine your gains more than the gear alone.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10nispro View Post
    Are you more worried about liver toxicity or being pinned? Dbol will add lots of water weight as where the tbol is nearly none. Some have used var/tbol together, and you can research in the cycle forum.

    As far as winny and var...they are both dht's so why take together. To me it's overkill. Pick one and use it.

    Just man up and pin and you don't have to worry about your liver.
    actually it's not pinning i am concerned with, i just dont want the aromatization (sp?) of test... thats why i went with anavar alone... i'm not mixing win and var, it's just what i saw elsewhere... if i was gonna mix anything with var it would be EQ at wich point i'd have top do test too

  13. #13
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    I understand more or less how they each work... but when all is said and done(cycle and pct) do you get the kind of gains you would get from say 45 or just tbol? DO they stack is I guess the question?

    I have my reasons for contemplating this which i can get into if we must, but i really am just looking for information.

  14. #14
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    um anything stacks but does it stack well ? no.

  15. #15
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    No harm in not pinning....Personnally I chose tbol, because I didn't want the bad back pumps and stomach upset. It does take 3-4 weeks before you starting seeing results. But you should get some lean gaine, just don't look for much.

  16. #16
    Quote Originally Posted by jsinur7 View Post
    i did the research, anmd whereas the are connected, i belive tbol is refined from dbol, (I could be wrong or the other way around) they dont act the same at all from what i have read...

    In research I meant read up on other threads....

    But IMO D-bol is good kick start Test

    T-bol for clean dry gains= almost no water= D-Bol tons of water and Gyno very possible

  17. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by james21 View Post
    um anything stacks but does it stack well ? no.
    Agreed....Just use tbol @ 60mg/d split dosage in two. No need to use the dbol. Be patient for gains.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garbanzo Dude View Post
    In research I meant read up on other threads....

    But IMO D-bol is good kick start Test

    T-bol for clean dry gains= almost no water= D-Bol tons of water and Gyno very possible
    Agreed.... I'd start with the d-bol for the gains then go to the tbol... but thats just me and i'm pretty new at this myself so definately keep reading...

  19. #19
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    The gains from the dbol will be mostly water, as stated earlier, so don't waste your time with the dbol.

    I outlined a cycle.

  20. #20
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    I cant argue with him, he is more experienced and knowledgeable... i'd take his advice... you can always save the dbol for when times get lean on finding new supply...

  21. #21
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    I have done solo cycle of each and understand there side effects and the results.

    I understand why everyone says "dbol cycles suck" whick isn't totally true but whatever.

    No offence but i am not asking for cycle suggestions, just what it will do. I would prefer to hear from someone who has done it or something similar.

    Gotta go to work, ill chec k this later.

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bjohnson View Post
    I have done solo cycle of each and understand there side effects and the results.

    I understand why everyone says "dbol cycles suck" whick isn't totally true but whatever.

    No offence but i am not asking for cycle suggestions, just what it will do. I would prefer to hear from someone who has done it or something similar.

    Gotta go to work, ill chec k this later.
    your best bet is to use the search feature... i am sure there are loads of this identical question and alot of people wont answer if you didnt find those ones first... goodluck man...

  23. #23
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    andtennis, i mean no offence. My system just can't tollarate full tbol dose, esp with the job i have if you get my meaning. It would b dbol before work tbol after. The point isn't a kick strt or to get huge, just trying to wirk with what i got.

  24. #24
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    I do understand. I had no discomfort with tbol at all. Try 40mg dosage of tbol, with 20 in the morning and 20 in the evening. Take with meal and you should be pleased. I just think the dbol will not work well with the tbol. Good Luck with either way you choose.

  25. #25
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    You would benefit more just running 50mg of one or the other.

  26. #26
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    Has a point

    Quote Originally Posted by Garbanzo Dude View Post
    Why would use D-bol and T-Bol they are almost like the same thing....Research more....if you want to go low does. I suggest Anavar + T-Bol
    I agree with Garban. Dbol and Tbol are from the same parent compound. If you wanted to cut i'd look at tbol and anavar. Point being i wouldn't take 2 of essentially the same thing.

  27. #27
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    Two of the same thing is more or less what im after, looking for abit more size without too much bloat. I would just do the tbol but my system does not like 40 mg a day althought the last i i did it i was cutting and perhaps not eating enough. The dbol was just to get me into a useful dose without the sides tbol gives me. Perhaps with alot of food tbol would be less...offensive.

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