1ml per week 200mg shots i think :S, would this give me a good benifit over a 10 week period, im looking for a better ripped physic, hardened look
1ml per week 200mg shots i think :S, would this give me a good benifit over a 10 week period, im looking for a better ripped physic, hardened look
so whats ur proposed cycle?
boldenone 1ml & tren 1ml weekly for 10 weeks
Be sure its tren E that ur shooting,
and u should run some test w/ it.... u can prolly run a HRT amount also... so like 350mg of test e would be good....
and split the shots 2x a week so they are more stable in ur blood....
hmm the bloke i get my gear off is a well known bodybuilder, and it is a very good company that produces the gear in thailand but asthe board rules cannot name the company, also ive only done orals in the past and im scared shitless about jabs,
yeah i'm not sayin its bad gear, you wont have any natural test production goin w/ the eq and tthe tren.... which would be like playin roluette cause somepeople its ok and others.... messin them up... so i'd get some plano test in there... and needles arent that bad.... just a small pinch...
Their not as bad as you think. I was worried about them too but after i did it a couple of times i can't even tell 30mins after injection. I don't know much about tren but i don't think its a thick oil so you should be good. Watch out of winstrol tho i heard its thick so you have to use a bigger needle and it burns some.
cheers guys, best place the arse? and the needle all the way in?
but if you drink it doesent it get broken down by your liver?
i wouldent be running EQ and tren with out test
whats your stats and cycle experiance ?
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someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.
detailed detection timesat least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source checkunsure about the rule's please read up
thread for first cycle choices
im a proffesional athlete, ive only done orals in the past year of cycling, d-bol,winny and anavar but as i said above my friend is the one of the top men and he recomends this cycle to me as he does this pre contest/shows, is there any beter cycle you can think of fairly low detection upto 3-4 months, for strength and size not buidling mass
for detection oral's are your best bet. I wouldent be running tren without some form of test as you probably will experiance libido issue's. Tren is a very strong steroid and you may experaince side affect's off this. Me personaly if you havent run injection's before i would take test prop and possible add NPP
no open source posting
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someone once said to me a clever man learn's by his own mistake's. But a wise man learn's by the mistake's of other people.
detailed detection timesat least 45 day's active use and 100 posts for a source checkunsure about the rule's please read up
thread for first cycle choices
NPP could you enlighten me hehe. hmm i shall ask him about the test, i just want a cycle with good gains and low detection, i cannot afford to do growth becuase thats the best thing going so for now i need a cycle to build me up more, im 9%bf atm and want to keep this low, just gain good muscle size
Been running for 5 weeks now tren a 75mg/EOD , winny 50mg/EOD and test prop 100mg/EOD ... my sleeping disorders i think is the only bad thing i get and its probably from tren a.Winny doesnt hurt at all (as someone stated before) and results with a good diet are very nice.Def my fav cut cycle.
low detection cycle would be prop... gone after 3 weeks.... and u can shoot 100mg ed... ur a pin cushion but its worth it...
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