Ok I dont usual post in forums but I thought it is a accumalitive information resource so my personal observations may help in assisting people in making a call on weather to use Tren or NOT.
Ok to start my source was 110% good no doubts in mind at all
That being said I had certain reserves as to using TrenA my main concern was the fact that it lowers your natural cortisol production. Being a Chronic astmatic and having sufered pneumonia months before I thouhgt it my might be russian roulette with my pulmonary system......but my desire to try outweighed the risks!!!
So what are the results? At week four presently and have to say the effect has been nothing short of spectacular. I am festidious when it comes to diet in general so that has never changed only thing added was Tren-A and Sus250 to assit the old johnson and keep HER happy
I havnt touched any real cycles in almost 14 years (except for HRT Sus250 due to male hypergonadism....buggered balls).
Starting weight 98 kg (218 lbs) lean 10.5% BF
Being majorly ectomorphic by design but blessed with exceptionally wide shoulders I can carry mass easier and look a lot more extreme than most people my height (6'2")
Training did not modify at all MON, WED, and FRI (my body loves rest)
took approx .75 ml EOD or M+W+F
For most you will be raising eyebrows and saying its not enough, but wait I respond very well to small doses and never have needed to up them due to results. Most trainers are fascinated to find out that I use lower dosages yet display such good results.
I AM NOT a EASY gainer by nature hence my diet is staple and averages 6 - 8 meals per day I have a hypermetabolism that will burn muscle as quick as fat.
That being said back to the results.
First two weeks no noticable difference except for the fact that I had a slightly sore ass occasionally LOL. NO TREN COUGH as I aspirated 2 times minimum to check for flow.
By the middle of 2nd week I did notice some slight differences in body composition as did several people in the gym, vascularity and mid driff was taking shape with ZERO cardio or ab work (sorry I train em when I want em)
by week 3 I noticed a sudden shift in streangth especially bench and dummbell incline where my weight suddenly felt 5 - 10 % lighter than normal.
Night sweats kicked in and you can only turn your pillow so many times before you have to get a new one. The sweats didnt bother me as it was really cold weather and SHE loved the heat I gave off (saved some on the heating bill)
Now week four, woooww streanght is way up several guys in the gym are looking at me going WTF, did 20 plates on leg press x 14 reps 5 secs up 10 secs down and still ad at least 10% left in the tank.
In regards to aggresion I must say that my focus seems way up as well and the "Beast inside" makes me want to spend at least 30 mins on heavy bag but its not a uncontrollable HULK like rage just that "Im getting shit done so piss off" kind of feeling (no im still a gentleman to my woman).
You have to obviously take into consideration that each person has a different psyche so the whole Roid Rage thing IMHO is a load of crap, If you cant deal with it then no one else should so get off it is my philosphy.
No insomnia and most importantly the Asthma has been NOT affected by it at all as a matter of fact I have way less ????? Dont know why but feel good and strong. No water and pure muscle gains.
Starting weight 218 lbs (98 kgs) lean 10.5% BF
week 4 weight 230 lbs (103 kg 8.9% BF) you do the math!!!
will I continue???? nope why ???? cant afford anymore LOL
but I must say that I have tried various compounds in the past and nothing can compare to the results in such a short time that TREN-A and SUS250 have managed to give.
Also noticed increase vascularity and muscle seperation even while relaxed.
So there you have it my first post hope it is a assist to people weighing the options
feel free to contact me if you have any question Im glad to assist.