06-17-2008, 12:16 AM #1
Tren side effects please help out :)
hi guys, ive only done orals before (wini,d-bol,var) and the person i get all my stuff off (knows alot as he is very well known of) has told me to get on tren + boldanone by a specific lab, now's the hard part, im a proffesional football (soccer) player and need to know what this shit will do to me, ill be taking 1ml of each ew, is this too low to see the side's? also will it effect my cardio which is around 3hours daily 6 days per week
06-17-2008, 12:19 AM #2
Select from the list: http://www.steroid.com/drugprof.php
You do realize that you should never run your first cycle on orals only right?
You need Test E/C ..
06-17-2008, 12:19 AM #3Anabolic Member
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06-17-2008, 12:21 AM #4
hmmmm, so even with such a small dosage it will effect my cardio?
06-17-2008, 12:22 AM #5
well to be honest i dis-agree, i know many people who all started on oral only and ive kept everythink i gained from orals! but ye back to my situation hehe
06-17-2008, 12:28 AM #6
to make a long story short tren will jack your cardio up. and doing it alone will kill ur sex drive.
06-17-2008, 12:51 AM #7
well i will be taking some sort of test to get my natural levels back up but its not a anabolic , apparently i inject into my arm. any other recomendations?
06-17-2008, 12:53 AM #8
You serious ..?
06-17-2008, 01:23 AM #9
yes i am
06-17-2008, 05:22 AM #10Senior Member
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Last edited by Crest; 06-17-2008 at 05:23 AM. Reason: ..
06-17-2008, 12:14 PM #11
dude, i don't mean to come across as a jerk.... but you shouldn't be touching tren , or any other aas for that matter. There's a ton of information here, do a search on how to cycle properly... 1. you didn't know you should at LEAST take test w/ whatever else you're taking... 2. "a test that's not an anabolic , that you shoot in your arm"... wtf?
3. aas isn't gonna just fix your problem (whatever you may think it is)... as been stated a MILLION times, they aren't magic.
06-17-2008, 12:28 PM #12
I agree with the post above.
Your "supplier" doesnt know shit about AAS so just because he is well known he can take a 2 hour long sh*t for all I care. YOU YOURSELF need to find out what the hell your inejcting into your body before you listen to your supplier. Ive never met a supplier that has knowledge like someone who has been using/researching for quite some time. They are only there to make a buck and learn off of other individuals. Do you know what tren is? Do you know how it affects the human body and the side effects? Do you know the side effects without the accompianment of testosterone ?
What is the concentration of the gear?
tren + boldendone?
1cc a week?
What does your diet look like, what are your stats and what are your goals.
These are things you and us need to know in order to plan you a great cycle to grow.
Glad you came to us with this as we can help you out and care about how you, the user, uses AAS. We dont need more statistics in the news and when done properly AAS can be very beneficial with little to no sides.
06-17-2008, 12:43 PM #13
Different gear will produce different results.
So the first question you should ask is "What is my goal?". Use that question as the basis for your reading. If you're a soccer player I would assume your looking for more performance (I.E. quickness) oriented results than just pure mass. Also, are you subject to testing? That might be another piece of info you want know about any substance you are thinking about using.
P.S. It's been my experience that the quad is a better injection site. Its a lot easier to reach.
Of course, I'm new around here... so taek what I said with a grain of salt. I could be full of sh**. lol.
06-17-2008, 12:45 PM #14
D'oh! I guess I coulda just pointed to the post above mine and said "yeah, what he said."
06-17-2008, 01:36 PM #15
Hm i guess so but i gotta listen to both sides here guys and think to myself whats right, my suplyer has won many compitions and has been taking steriods for nearly 20years, now i dont doubt what he says but again maybe you american guys do alot more gear in cycles thn us brits, im not looking for the fecking massive build, god i wont be able to run around, i just want a more muscular hardened look, now again the drugs testing i can get around but i cant have anythink that is long term in my system so nothing above 3-4 months TOPS! Can anyone help me out, give me a decent cycle,
im 21 9% 5ft 11" Bf diet is extremely good (get diet reviews monthly at football) im on many supplements, now a lot of my friends who are well known are on growth, YE I KNOW its the ultimate thing, but im just not sure at the moment, im going on holiday to turkey on sunday and when i get back for pre season is when i want to start my course, can anyone help me out.
thanks for your time
06-17-2008, 05:10 PM #16
dang you're a good week of solid reading away from starting a cycle..... make sure you sleep though.... so it might take you 3-4 weeks before you are ready to start a cycle..... remember info on this board IS greater than your suppliers info.... from how you made him sound he doesn't seem to know SH!T about this stuff.... lol I want to know more about that testosterone you inject only into your arm.... why ONLY in the arm? intramuscular or what?? and what is it called? I sure hope you can tell me what it's called if you are planning on injecting it..... READ READ READ and ignore what your supplier has to say....... people here KNOW what they are talking about and if they don't..... they will be corrected by many many people that KNOW what's going on... GL!
06-17-2008, 05:35 PM #17
06-17-2008, 07:31 PM #18Anabolic Member
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I've done 3 tren only cycles when I was younger, it was available, easy to get and it made me strong.
It never killed my sex drive
It never made me lathargic either
It gave me bitch tits
It made me never wake up with a hang over
It made me very strong
06-17-2008, 07:38 PM #19Banned
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06-17-2008, 10:11 PM #20
I learned a tough lesson which is never listen to your supplier. They never have you best interest in mind. The first cycle I ever did was deca only. As recommended from my supplier and the guy had a lot of experience with juice and bodybuilding at the time. When I look back at all the bad advice the guy gave me it makes me sick. Do as much research as you can on your own. You be glad you did. good luck.
06-17-2008, 11:00 PM #21
right so what do yuo recomemend guys?
the issue's before suggesting cycles:
*dectection time less then 3-4 months
*one jab per week as my arse will get to obvious if i have a rub down
* will not kill my cardio
* give me lean gains and strength
06-18-2008, 11:43 AM #22
Thats a tall order.
A cycle of a long ester Test (Cyp, Enen or T400) plus EQ would meet all those criteria except maybe the detection time.
Also, ya might want to read up on Post Cycle Therapy .
06-18-2008, 02:31 PM #23
a low dose of test cypionate at 250mg/week (ideally broken into 2 shots). and pct would work great. just watch your diet if you want leaner gains. always do research on your own before taking anyone's advice though.
06-18-2008, 03:21 PM #24
Advice like this may apply to you and certain individuals. I know for a fact it does not apply to everyone so thank you for you input but please also add that this is YOU and how YOU. Reason being is that most will take this out of context and think "oh i could be just like him" and try it out and end up with a whole list of problems and issues.
06-18-2008, 08:13 PM #25Member
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for sure legobricks:
tren killed my sex drive
was on eca/clen so don't know about the lethargy
no gyno symptoms
still got hangovers i think
made me very strong
drastically changed my physique by lowering bf and giving hard vascular muscle
but to soccer guy:
do a ton of more research. Test is almost always the best way to go for a 1st cycle (for bodybuilding purposes). For sports performance not so sure, do research bro. use the search function on this board.......priceless
06-18-2008, 08:16 PM #26Senior Member
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Sry just one question to everyone here that did or does tren , how much of the gains do you keep after cycle? %? thanks
06-18-2008, 08:20 PM #27
If your friend knows so much how come you didnt ask him these questions?
06-19-2008, 12:56 AM #28
becuase i live around an hour away form him and he doesent talk about it over the phone as he doesent want to get but in jail!
06-19-2008, 07:37 AM #29
06-19-2008, 08:56 AM #30Associate Member
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i have some advice for one part of your cycle...
i play pro baseball, so i know what running a lot it like you do with soccer...i just finished tren and i had to cut my cycle down to only 6 weeks, i used it to cut up and tried to do lots of cardio, plus i cut my cals down a lot...even though i did these things, tren still put on 20+lbs on me and killed my cardio...
warning: you take tren as a soccer player, you're done
06-19-2008, 02:21 PM #31Member
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kept my gains with tren (years and years ago), but i am very experienced. did proper pct, and training. but crash was awful. Didn't know then that test had to be run with it. You can keep your "gains" with anything as long as you know what you are doing. Most people just confuse water and food weight with gains as this is scale weight but not muscle. Just get your test levels functioning right asap, keep training and diet appropriate, and as long as you are not at your genetic limit you will be fine. never ever had a problem keeping my muscle gains.
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