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Thread: Newbie question

  1. #1
    cipher is offline New Member
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    Newbie question

    Hello all,

    I have been stalking on this forum for quite a while. I never did have anything to contribute so I never said much before. But I am hoping eventually I can gain enough knowledge to help someone out

    Anyway, I have never been on AAS before and this is my first cycle. and I dont intend to bulk up a lot. I have been working out for almost 3 years and I am pretty aware of my fitness levels and my diet is pretty sorted out as well.

    I have trained with weights for over 3 years now but I have been a little bit lazy with my cardio workouts. I dont remember ever doing cardio for more than once a week. My diet is extremely low on fat but honestly speaking come weekend i end up cheating because my mates force me to eat crap outside like doner kebabs and I know they are unhealthy but heck they do taste good so I tended to give in. Thankfully though I dont drink alcohol and neither do I smoke. But I am addicted to pepsi and coke and I have done my best to ween off of them but still cant help myself having a coke once in 2 weeks.

    The problem now is, I have to lose my body fat real fast. I play rugby for a local club here and I have been asked to tryout for a bigger club for the leagues in the middle of August. I heard that coaches tend to select dudes who are better built.

    I have been reading up on AAS for quite a few months now but I haven't actually gone ahead with ordering any. I am interested in trying out a short cutting cycle and while I have my stack planned, I am not quite sure if its all right and I figured I might be better off getting some advice.

    I am a little apprehensive of needles and I would like to stick to an Oral cycle for now and keep it really short as well. I don't have a liver donor standing by.

    25mg Primobolan tabs every day
    40mg D-bol tabs every day
    20mg Winstrol tabs every day

    for four weeks.

    With 2 weeks of Clomid at 50 MG as PCT. Obviously I would keep a little Novaldex handy. Milk Thistle capsules every day at 1000 MG with ALA and Vitamin B3.

    I am further thinking of adding Clen /T4 to this stack as well.

    I plan to run this cycle for 4 weeks and start my next cycle with Test may be around October.

    I know this is not the best cycle for a beginner but I really dont want to use needles for the first time. I know i am being a wuss and all especially since I grew up in a family of doctors ( Dad , mom and my younger brother soon to be a doctor) but this is my first experience with steroids and I would want to keep off of the needles and test as well.

    If someone could give me some advice regarding my stack and addition of Clen/T4 I would be extremely grateful to you.

    Just a few of my details:

    23 Years Old , Indian Ancestry (mum's half indian half native american indian) so no genetic advantages there, 5ft11 weighing around 186 Lbs. Workout six times a week as follows

    Monday/Thursday : Chest and Back (different routines on each day)
    Tuesday/Friday : Arms(Triceps/Biceps) and Abs (I do crunches and negatives every day though)
    Wednesday/Saturday : Legs and Shoulders ( Different routines on each day)

    Cardio 6 times a week ( just started ) at 2 hours per session.

    My eating Habits:

    Breakfast: Scottish Oats/full Bran cereal with skimmed milk , 2 slices of full grain bread , 200 ml of juice and a fruit

    snack 1 : two fruits and an energy bar
    Lunch : Brown Rice / chicken grilled or Tuna Grilled with a huge salad no dressing

    snack 2: A banana with some fruit juice

    Dinner : Pasta/ Rice with chicken breast or Tuna and some mashed potatoes.

    snack 3: A fruit with some low fat yoghurt.

    I also take around 6-8 protein shakes a day spaced 2-3 hours (250g protein)
    Creatine Monohydrate @ 5000 mg per day
    ALA - 900 mg per day ( 3 capsules X 300 mg)
    L-Glutamine - 3000 mg per day
    Vitamin tablets.

    Maltodextrin/Fructose/Dextrose as a part of Pre workout shake and also post workout shake along with NO-Explode.

    I have stuck with this routine for quite a while now except for like the retarded weekends out ( 1 outing ruins 3 days of training in my opinion ) but whats life without friends and without spending time with them eh?

    Thanks in Advance.


  2. #2
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Welcome, i'm not out to flame you, BUT, if youv'e been stalking a while and if you did some reading/research you will know it's a poor choice for a first cycle.
    You don't need an aas to cut fast, just adjust your training/diet and supplements and set realistic goals.

  3. #3
    cipher is offline New Member
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    Hello there

    I was of the same impression initially as well mate .. but i am not sure what adjustments i would need to make to achieve my goals. I have been doing the extra cardio and I go swimming atleast 3 days a week. Now I understand that I have only been doing this for a month and ideally speaking I should have done this for a longer period of time to see any real benefits but given my circumstances, I dont really want to risk not being in the best shape for the selections.

    For now I just want to make it to the team. I probably wont be allowed to use steroids after that anyways.

    If steroids can help me in cutting fat really fast than I would want to make good use of them.

    The stack I came up with was recommended by someone I know has been using steroids for a while now. He works out at the same gym as I do. I read about the stuff again in Anabolics 2006 by William Llewellyn and I did search around a little and everyone did recommend using Winstrol for the cutting phase.

    I wasnt sure about Dbol and Primo though. Thats why I asked this question. What would you recommend instead?


  4. #4
    Mr.Clean69's Avatar
    Mr.Clean69 is offline Junior Member
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    Test, your body makes it naturally so your body will be some what use to it

  5. #5
    LATS60's Avatar
    LATS60 is offline Anabolic Member
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    You could of course forget the ass and use a proprietary fat burner.
    But if your going to to do it anyway i'd go for test everytime, unfortunately you have left yourself very little time, just how many wks do you have?

  6. #6
    bodybuilder1107's Avatar
    bodybuilder1107 is offline Senior Member
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    straight up cardio and diet youde be surprised how quick you can cut up and i wouldn t play with dbol for a first cycle or any trying to cut it blows you up fast and drops you down almost immedietly after you stop taking it first cycles should always be test

  7. #7
    cipher is offline New Member
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    umm ... around 6 weeks.

  8. #8
    Mr.Clean69's Avatar
    Mr.Clean69 is offline Junior Member
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    6 weeks to go get some more is how i would look at it, bro you dont want to do a half a** cycle

  9. #9
    edmen2's Avatar
    edmen2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    i know u plan on using milk thistle but that alot of toxins for ur liver to handle. just man up and shoot test prop 100mg eod for 6 wks. that with proper diet and cardio will get u the results u want.

  10. #10
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    Your diet sucks, plain and simple. Too many shakes and not enough Real Protein.
    Head over to the Diet Forums and get some work done, with some major modifications to your diet and training program, then you'll be able to achieve your goals wtihout the use drugs.

  11. #11
    gixxerboy1's Avatar
    gixxerboy1 is offline ~VET~ Extraordinaire~
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    there is no protien in most of your meals. Shakes arent a replacement for real food.

    i wouldnt do that cycle at all. But def not dbol . It will bloat you up and also i get bad calf pumps and wouldnt be able to run

  12. #12
    edmen2's Avatar
    edmen2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by gixxerboy1 View Post
    there is no protien in most of your meals. Shakes arent a replacement for real food.

    i wouldnt do that cycle at all. But def not dbol. It will bloat you up and also i get bad calf pumps and wouldnt be able to run
    i know this has been a longstanding debate but when you break it down protein is protein. there are facilities where protein shakes keep people alive being pumped thru a tube in there stomach. i would never replace meals by shakes but i dont think its as big a deal as people think. there was an article ill try to find but it was called "a calorie is just a calorie!" pretty good article about fat calories and whatnot!

  13. #13
    ottomaddox's Avatar
    ottomaddox is offline "Better Safe Than Sorry"
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    What about the Protein Efficiancy Rating or P.E.R.

    From Wikipedia:
    Egg whites have been determined to have the standard biological value of 100 (though some sources may have biological values higher), which means that most of the absorbed nitrogen from egg white protein can be retained and used by the body. Since the amino acids found in plants are biologically different from those found in humans and animals, the biological value of plant protein sources is considerably lower. For example, corn has a BA of 70 while peanuts have a relatively low BA of 40.

    So if protein is protein then I could eat peanuts as my protein source, but since they're biological value is so low(40), then I'd have to consume twice as many peanuts as I would have to eat eggs, since eggs are 100% bioavailable. So protein isn't protein, is it?

    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2 View Post
    i know this has been a longstanding debate but when you break it down protein is protein. there are facilities where protein shakes keep people alive being pumped thru a tube in there stomach. i would never replace meals by shakes but i dont think its as big a deal as people think. there was an article ill try to find but it was called "a calorie is just a calorie!" pretty good article about fat calories and whatnot!
    Last edited by ottomaddox; 06-23-2008 at 03:20 PM.

  14. #14
    cipher is offline New Member
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    Hello all,

    Ok I will have my diet sorted out. I figured since I eat chicken at least twice a day along with a lot of salad that would have my proteins sorted out. But would it really have any impact on me cutting down fat? I mean i don't have a lot of fat in my diet now do i?

    I am not sure how much I can up my cardio by .. I already do 2 hour sessions 6 times a week and swim atleast 3 times a week. I still do my weight training everyday as well.

    I hit the gym in the mornings at 6 ( I jog for around 30 to get there) and then do cardio. (cross trainer , cycles , Power stepper and rowing ). I come back in the evening to do my weights. I think I hit the plateau with my weight training though. I haven't been able to make increments in a while now.

    But I will sort out my diet first. And you think I should just leave out Dbol and use the rest of the stack along with Clen /T4?

    As for liver toxicity, I understand that all these orals are going to be hard on me, but thats why I planned to stick with a 4 week cycle which is pretty short.

  15. #15
    cipher is offline New Member
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    Addendum :

    My diet : I forgot to mention I have 6 eggs in the morning. Sometimes I just drink them raw and I know I shouldn't but sometimes I have to haul my arse off the pad because I am getting late for work.

    Thank you everyone for replying back. I do appreciate it.

  16. #16
    edmen2's Avatar
    edmen2 is offline Anabolic Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by ottomaddox View Post
    What about the Protein Efficiancy Rating or P.E.R.

    From Wikipedia:
    Egg whites have been determined to have the standard biological value of 100 (though some sources may have biological values higher), which means that most of the absorbed nitrogen from egg white protein can be retained and used by the body. Since the amino acids found in plants are biologically different from those found in humans and animals, the biological value of plant protein sources is considerably lower. For example, corn has a BA of 70 while peanuts have a relatively low BA of 40.

    So if protein is protein then I could eat peanuts as my protein source, but since they're biological value is so low(40), then I'd have to consume twice as many peanuts as I would have to eat eggs, since eggs are 100% bioavailable. So protein isn't protein, is it?

    actually u just proved that protein is protein. but some foods carry less of the actual protein therefore u must consume more but protein is protein!

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