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Thread: Test Max 400???

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2008

    Test Max 400???

    hi , i've just started a cycle of test edit 400 (made by edit or something like that) . basically i want to know if anyone has heard of this before ? and if so does it produce good results. i tried it because it says its 400 mg of test per ml which is loads but i would like an expert opinion as to whether there is actually 400 mg in a ml as it seems like too much. also i have done two injections so far and havent really experienced too much pain from them, which i;ve been told is rare for such a high concentration. i chose this instead of sus because i though it looked stronger so your opinions would be appreciated please

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    In the Gym, if i could
    i assume you have not shot it yet.. because i don't know anyone that likes that high of a concentration.. it' tends to be painful.. if your product does not hurt, it's a new improved secret formula..

    good luck with that..
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