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Thread: two orals at once

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    New Jersey

    two orals at once

    ive seen in a few places that since anavar is so lightly toxic that it's cool to run it with another low dose of gear, like 50mg anavar for 10 weeks and 50mg of winni for 6 weeks.... liver protectant used of course... any thoughts?

    10 Weeks Anavar 50mg Every Day
    6 Weeks Winstrol 50mg Every Day

    Week 11: 40mg Nolva/100mg Clomid Every Day
    Week 12: 30mg Nolva/50mg Clomid Every Day
    Week 13: 20mg Nolva/50mg Clomid Every Day

  2. #2
    NO!...way to many pills for your liver to handle...even tho var is not "liver toxic" , still combining two orals is way to much stress on the liver. Just eating a shit load of protein and liver supposively raises ur liver eneymes!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    New Jersey
    kool, good thing i canceled the winni... thanks...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Scenic Purgatory
    This is like your 3rd oral only thread you have started. Did I miss anything, are you running any Test with any of this stuff?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    New Jersey
    well each thread is a different question... and no i am not running test wich is why i chose to use var only in low dosage... if i went with the winnie or added eq like i was gonna, i would add test... i am starting with just var...

  6. #6
    var can shut u down .. trust me!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by Bulldog1115 View Post
    var can shut u down .. trust me!
    i'm sure it can, but i'm not going over 50 a day and have pct ready... a few vets on here told me i'm good to go, test was recommended of course, but said i can probably get awat without it...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    New Jersey
    ok, so what if i did this...

    10 weeks var 50mg/day
    10 weeks test prop 250mg week
    week 11 12 13 14 nolv

    i just dont want the sides of test, so 250mg low dose should take care of that no?

    the main reason i picked anavar is the low andro rating

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2008
    thats going to cost you alot of money and put you threw alot of pain....listen man I know you will prob say "but I just want to do somthing light"....grow some balls and do things proper or you are wasting your time and money!

    If you want a cheap low risk cycle with litte or no sides try a low dose of test or a low dose of test stack with some eq for about 14 weeks.

    test cyp 400mg 1-10 weeks


    test cyp 250mg / Eq 250mg week 1-14.

    var alone will cost you most, and you will see 5lbs of muscle perhaps 6-7lbs If you are lucky! at best.

  10. #10
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    May 2008
    All you are going to do by making these posts is get burned by you not realize that you ask a question and then when people give you the answer you dont listen? Var cost way to much! and chances are the var you buy will be fake because 90% of the var out ther is winny or some other oral. If you want a safe cycle do like I and many other people said and do a low dose of test and even add in some eq If you would like.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I would run test e. test cyp is just as long of an ester but i hear you get a lil more water retention. Just throwing it out there for you to consider since i don't know what your cycle goals are. other than that awms's cycle is pretty good.

  12. #12
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    May 2008
    test e and thest cyp are the same man....bloat will bethe same, gains will be the same and ther only a 2 day diffrence in half If you want to do enth or cyp it doesint matter.

    p.s at 250-400mg of test you prob wont see much bloat....add in come a-dex and you shouldent see any....Its more when you start going above 500mg that you see alot more bloat.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    jw, but is real anavar that hard to get? it sounds like a pretty good oral. small gains, but decent cutting, and low sides

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    I said test cyp had more bloat than test e based on what ppl said here in this forum. There was a thread about 3wks ago asking ppl about their experiences. The ppl who ran test cyp reported more bloated than expected or desired. Thats from the users not me. For me test e has almost no bloating.

  15. #15
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    May 2008
    Var is offten fake because 1# Var is hard for most UGL's to get ther hands on, #2 because when they do get ther hands on it the var cost an arm and a leg!, and number 3 because they can use 25mg of winny a call it var and make alot more money! Var, Primo, and somtimes T-bol are all things you should watch out for! ther prob the most common fakes! all you need to do is go in the forum that talks about fake gear and you will see that most fakes are those three.

  16. #16
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    Jun 2008
    alright, thanks a lot. thats too bad, it seems like good stuff, but i guess the labs do what it takes to make money..

    a little more on topic, wouldn't 250-400mg/wk be a little on the low end?

  17. #17
    Join Date
    May 2008
    250 would....but 400 would be normal. I wouldent do 250mg unless you add in somthing like eq....

  18. #18
    Join Date
    May 2008
    On 400mg for 10 weeks you could prob gain about 15-20lbs depending on genetics and diet. remeber its his first time.

  19. #19
    Join Date
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    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    All you are going to do by making these posts is get burned by you not realize that you ask a question and then when people give you the answer you dont listen? Var cost way to much! and chances are the var you buy will be fake because 90% of the var out ther is winny or some other oral. If you want a safe cycle do like I and many other people said and do a low dose of test and even add in some eq If you would like.
    where am i not listening to people... all i asked is if i could take two orals... they said no, i agreed... antging else up there was thrown in on there own accord, not something i asked about... i did my research on all the gear and var is what i want and already have... and i didn't find it expensive at all... it's alot more then others of course, but id rather pay for what i want then go cheap and get stuff i dont want... no where did i disagree or not listen... i asked about running var alone a few times and all the vets on the board told me i can get away with it without the test... i have no desire to take test... and as i stated a million times before, i am not going for gains, i know the purpose of all the gear as i researched and questioned all on them and var is exactly what i want and need... if i decide to add win injections or eq, then i would add test as i know it's definately needed, but since i got the ok to give it a go on just var from a few of the vets on here, and from it's profile, i am gonna listen to them... everything i disagreed with in here was stuff they bought up on there own, not what i asked about, and i appreciate their advice, but already did my research and asked questions... i have no desire to get any bigger, raise my blood pressure, get acne or gyno... and i know like you said low side effects etc, but if i can afford the var and the price dont bother me and it's exactly what i want and need, why would i save a buck and settle for stuff i dont want?

  20. #20
    Join Date
    Jun 2008
    New Jersey
    Quote Originally Posted by awms View Post
    thats going to cost you alot of money and put you threw alot of pain....listen man I know you will prob say "but I just want to do somthing light"....grow some balls and do things proper or you are wasting your time and money!

    If you want a cheap low risk cycle with litte or no sides try a low dose of test or a low dose of test stack with some eq for about 14 weeks.

    test cyp 400mg 1-10 weeks


    test cyp 250mg / Eq 250mg week 1-14.

    var alone will cost you most, and you will see 5lbs of muscle perhaps 6-7lbs If you are lucky! at best.
    and i have balls cause i dont let people talk me into what i dont need... i dont even want the 6-7 pounds... your jumping down my throat without even knowing the pirpose of my cycle so how can you tell m its wrong and i should do things right? it's right for me... its exactly what i need wan and have...

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