So......Var seems at least quite fun

It's probably just psychosomatic, but I felt very strong and energized all last week. Diet was in check, though my workout schedule was a bit off due to work pressure (I just finished 4 perfect weeks of 3x3 training and the time off was well received).
Today was the first day that I took 10mg of the Var. As I wrote earlier, I had planned to go the first week @ 5mg/day to see how I reacted and thankfully....NO SIDES.
First of all, Ezekiel Bread is the best: Thank you Pinnacle!
Couple of questions for the board:
1) When does Var usually kick in for girls (particularly on a first cycle)
2) Any advice re: how much Milk Thistle to take and when to take it (with meals etc.....
And Yes

I will be posting a log and pics and measurements soon