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Thread: FIRST Cycle advice, help please

  1. #1

    Exclamation FIRST Cycle advice, help please

    Hope your all doing well.. Love the site, have read a lot of the threads and believe I am ready to start the first cycle, but I still have some questions, as there is so much information. My current stats are I am a 23 year old male
    Ht: 5'9"
    Wt: 180
    I have been training for about 9 years, playing sports, constantly lifting, and recently got done playing college football. Since the season I have lost close to 10 lbs of unwanted football weight but I still would like a cutting cycle to help push me to where I desire.
    After researching a lot of the aas out there (alot!) and ones I could possibly get, I have come to what I believe is correct.
    I would like to take a winny with clen to get ultimately cut-up.
    ?**From reading the "mudMans" thread he believes taking an anti-estrogen pre-cycle, is that true on all forms, but since I believe my cycle will be somewhat lighter is that not needed?
    ?** My Biggest questions are about Winny. After reading its description, I believe it is exactly what I want to take, but from a lot of threads people always stack it with a test or other andro supp because ""As with 99% of steroids, however, it´s important to note that suppression of your natural hormonal levels will occur (though perhaps not to the extent that it will with many other steroids).(10) As with running virtually any compound, testosterone supplementation (i.e. running test in a cycle containing Winstrol) is warranted to avoid possible sexual dysfunction."" ..Can I only run WInstrol with Clen and be okay? I read one member doing this and not reporting any problems?
    ?** Also, for PCT, since I am only going to be running these two for a short time do I need anything more than Nolvadex,... such as supplementing clomid with it?

    This is what I would like to try:
    Week 1= 25mg/day
    Week 2,3,4,5= 30 mg/ day
    Week 7, 8= 40 mg/day
    Week 9= 30 mg/ day

Day 1 = 20 mcg (1 tab)
Days 2 - 3 = 40 mcg (2 tabs) 

    Days 4- 6 = 60 mcg (3 tabs) 
Days 7 – 9 = 80 mcg (4 tabs) 

    Days 10 – 12 = 100 mcg (5 tabs) Most people will find 80 mcg to be effective, you may not need to increase to 100 mcg.
Days 13 – 15 = 80 mcg (4 tabs) 

    Days 16 – 18 = 60 mcg (3 tabs) 
Days 19 – 20 = 40 mcg (2 tabs)
Day 21 = 20 mcg (1 tab
    THEN PCT... is it true wait till 24 hrs after the Last WInny is taken to start taking the Nolv?

    Thank you

  2. #2

    help lol

    Hi guys i myself am a newbie to this i have been training for 4 years and am 196 to 200lbs and i believe i wanna start on sus at 250 a week for say six weeks i have got hold of sum and its pakistan sus from organon is this stuff ok i aint got a clue lol and wat shud i take after to stop a hormonal crash sumat like zma of testragain or gonadtrophin plus weres the best place to inject delts or glutes

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    Getting "cut up" is going to depend alot on your diet. At your stats, you could still pack on the weight with a good, clean diet.

    Your cycle needs to be changed. No need to pyramid. Keep it the same, to keep blood levels more even. IMO, you do need to run some sort of Test with the cycle. All though I would only recommend test only cycle the first go with gear. And you don't need to run clen. BTW, what is you bf%?

    I know you said you have been reading, but you need to read more. I am not trying to talk you out of it, I just believe that one needs to learn all he can before diving into shallow water. It will only help to research a few more months while doing a good diet and getting to a plateau where you will need the gear. It's not the cake, but it's the icing on the cake.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    Quote Originally Posted by miketm6969 View Post
    Hi guys i myself am a newbie to this i have been training for 4 years and am 196 to 200lbs and i believe i wanna start on sus at 250 a week for say six weeks i have got hold of sum and its pakistan sus from organon is this stuff ok i aint got a clue lol and wat shud i take after to stop a hormonal crash sumat like zma of testragain or gonadtrophin plus weres the best place to inject delts or glutes
    Welcome, to AR.

    But this is considered hijacking a thread.

    You also need to read the rules on names of gear being posted.

  5. #5
    lol sorry jumped in feet first

  6. #6
    10nispro... thanks for the response and knowledge bro..

    my bf %= 10%
    normal, but I want to get the the next level of been shredded without flexing, that's why I wanted to just take the winny which I believed did that, in combination with the clen.
    What is the reasoning for not taking clen, bad experiences, or bad effects associated with it? Thanks for teaching me about not pryamiding the supps that is extremely helpful. Lastly, sorry, what is the reasoning for running test with the cycle?..becuz especially winny raises the amount of free testosterone circulating in the body?? I dont understand why a person would take more test for that reason.. Thanks guys

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Louisiana. Source checks
    9 weeks on winny is not smart because, it's very toxic to the liver. Your diet is gonna be the judge of how ripped you will stay on and off gear.

    No need to run clen, with your body fat as low as you have it. If your diet is great, clen will have the tendicy to eat away at muscle. It also has some bad sides. read the profile. Winny can give bad sexual dycfunctions to some and it also shuts down your own testosterone levels in your body.

    If its your first cycle, slow down and research and do it right. You are on the right path with asking questions. Look up cutting cycles and you will be amazed.

  8. #8
    thanks boss ... advice helped a lot!

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