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  1. #1
    Chubbosaurus's Avatar
    Chubbosaurus is offline Junior Member
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    Help dispersing oil

    I won't bore you with the long story but basically I mistakenly shot too much prop in my arm and now it's quite painful and now I am not even able to extend it completely (thankfully though it isn't red or tender or hot to the touch).

    I've been taking hot showers and using a heating pad but the water here is tepid at best and my heating pad doesn't get too hot either.

    Would Icy Hot patches help in this situation?

    Also would it be a horrible idea to try and go back in and try to remove some of the oil manually?

    I'd greatly appreciate any advice anyone with a similar experience could offer.


  2. #2
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    How much Prop did you shoot???

  3. #3
    joe2009 is offline Associate Member
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    would think removing the oil manualy wouldnt be the best idea,
    wats the short story of how u mistakenly shot too much prop

  4. #4
    Chubbosaurus's Avatar
    Chubbosaurus is offline Junior Member
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    Well I shot 2ml (1ml test prop and 1ml tren ace) into my left bicep on Wed with no problems. Then Friday, I mistakenly thought I had shot my right bicep on Wed and so I shout my left bicep again.

  5. #5
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chubbosaurus View Post
    Well I shot 2ml (1ml test prop and 1ml tren ace) into my left bicep on Wed with no problems. Then Friday, I mistakenly thought I had shot my right bicep on Wed and so I shout my left bicep again.
    It will disperse, rub the area to help spread the oil. When I use SEO I shoot 6ml in each bicep (3ml in each head) every day for 2 months. Don't try to draw the oil out, as long as there is no sign of infection you're fine.

  6. #6
    Chubbosaurus's Avatar
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    When people say infections are "hot" do they mean warm, like something you probably wouldn't notice unless you were looking for it, or do they actually mean hot hot, like something you couldn't miss?

    Also, if I were to go to a doctor for some antibiotics, is it best to just the truth about everything?

  7. #7
    Chubbosaurus's Avatar
    Chubbosaurus is offline Junior Member
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    And damn, 6ml! You must be a big boy.

  8. #8
    Big's Avatar
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    The area will feel warm to the touch, as in if you place your hand on your arm away from the affected area, then place it where the swelling is, you will notice a difference. And yep, if you go to the doc just tell him what's up, you will get a lecture but he can't rat you out.

  9. #9
    Big's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chubbosaurus View Post
    And damn, 6ml! You must be a big boy.
    Not yet, but I will be.

  10. #10
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    I work out the same day that i shoot prop... its way easier to get that oil dispersed... u can also try takin a minimal dose of ibuprofen its a NSAID but it does inhibit protein systhesis if OD'd...

  11. #11
    Chubbosaurus's Avatar
    Chubbosaurus is offline Junior Member
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    When the skin begins to get red and warm, is there any chance your body can still fight the infection on its own, or should you always then go see a doc and/or start a round of antibiotics?

    Also, would shooting oil in the same muscle twice increase the chance of getting an infection?

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