Although I admittedly can't speak from experience, from what I've read, a 100-110-lb gal should probably start out with just 5 mg of Anavar a day. If you are tolerating it well, after a week or so, maybe go up to 10 mg (or at the outside 15 mg) but not any more for first cycle. Then, at the end of cycle, taper back down to 5 mg/day.
40 mg/day is, like, waaaay too much for a gal, especially the first time. That amount creates a hazard of voice deepening etc.
Are you 25 years old yet? (Below age 25, there's lots of room for natural gains).
It's really important to do your research so you know proper dose, length of cycle etc.
And, wait until after surgery - you won't be able to w/o right after the
surgery. Also, make sure you don't have plans to compete in a natural/tested event. A few weeks after surgery, it may help recovery. You want to do the cycle at a time when you can really focus on working out, eating properly, and your goals of building muscle.
Best wishes!