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  1. #1
    uncle is offline New Member
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    need advice on first cycle of dbol!!

    hi im 20years old and have been training for 2years now im a hardgainer and have always been naturally skinny when i started bodybuilding i weighed 8stone i now weigh 10.5 stone i am 5'9 since ive been training for a while making slow steady gains i have now hit a rut i dont want to do a big cycle yet i want to wait until next year! i just want a sort of booster to get me over my rut heres wot i want to do:

    6 weeks of dbol (naposim)
    i will do 25mgs a day for the first 2 weeks, then 50mgs a day for the last 4 weeks!!

    would i be ok to do this i know dbol is liver toxic but the fact that its my first cycle and compared to what a lot of big guys take i dont think this is a massive amount?? any suggestions and what sort of gains should i be looking at?


  2. #2
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    not worth it IMO, do a search for dbol only cycles... ull get a buttload of threads.... and u ahve been training for 2 years, WAY to short IMO, diet and lift naturally, you will be fine... .wait acou-le of years tho

  3. #3
    Kratos's Avatar
    Kratos is offline I feel accomplished
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    too young, shitty cycle
    learn to eat first

  4. #4
    InsaneInTheMembrane's Avatar
    InsaneInTheMembrane is offline Anabolic Member
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    I think before you jump on to gear, you should let us see your diet first... there's always room for improvement.... besides, dbol is not a good starter steroid IMHO if you don't know how to use it correctly

  5. #5
    g0dsend's Avatar
    g0dsend is offline Member
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    Try adding 500mg week of test for 12 weeks with those dbols, much better gains and much better probablity to keep those gains. Dbol only would make you big, then small again after a month or two. Everyone would say to you, "Hey, remember when you were big man?"

    If you do decide to do a dbol only, make sure you have a good PCT and keep up the intake of food and protein to try to maxmimize keeping those gains.

  6. #6
    Darksyde's Avatar
    Darksyde is offline Member
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    it takes a lot of years to significantly change your body. dont expect to workout for 2 years and become a muscleman.

    go train and eat like its your job and then come back to us when you are 25.

  7. #7
    bodybuilder1107's Avatar
    bodybuilder1107 is offline Senior Member
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    no oral only cycles, need a test base and thats it for first cycle if thats gonna work for you your young and still peaked with test and being a skinny hardgainer i would focus on diet first

  8. #8
    Emilio_Rebenga's Avatar
    Emilio_Rebenga is offline Senior Member
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    bro at 20 you shouldnt be doing any type of should take this time and educate yourself for when you get older

    you should up your food intake, get plenty of rest, and hit the gym hard. you have alot of good natural growing left in you, i would stay away from gear for now

    oh and not to mention, that cycle sucks a major one

    we're here to help you in doing things the right way, sometimes the answer you get isnt always the one you're looking for, but its the truth and its only to protect your body from getting messed up for life

  9. #9
    cutting_king's Avatar
    cutting_king is offline Associate Member
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    Some of my friends have done d-bol only cycles. For some it has had good results. For others it has helped them gain loads of fat and water that they just can't seem to get rid of and has left them wishing they did a proper 1st cycle. I imagine a lot of it is down to diet, ancillaries and training. But if your gonna do it right


  10. #10
    uncle is offline New Member
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    thanks for the replies, i think il give that course a miss then! im eating well at the minute but i think il talk to some of the big guys down my gym see if i can get a new diet plan and wait a year or two before i do a course!
    thanks for the help

  11. #11
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    DBol only cycles are horrible especially for a 20 year old running his first cycle. You are to young for gear IMO. Read through the forums, because I am willing ot bet their are at least 10 dbol only cycle questions from the last couple months.

  12. #12
    Mbuffguy is offline Banned
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    he's not too young but just add 12 weeks of test E

  13. #13
    AnimalGear's Avatar
    AnimalGear is offline Little Monster in the making
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    get your posts up so I can PM you

    Last edited by AnimalGear; 07-04-2008 at 04:11 PM. Reason: doggy style got me hooked

  14. #14
    Jfew44's Avatar
    Jfew44 is offline Senior Member
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    Most guys I know who have done a Dbol only cycle blow up like a balloon, then during pct lose 90% of their gains. Some have had great gains and kept them, but not worth it IMO

  15. #15
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Uncle post your diet in the diet section. There is alot of good advice there. I tried dbol and i hate it. The only orals i would consider would be tbol or anavar . Tbol seems to be working pretty good for me. But you won't gain as much as you can without the right diet. Change up your diet then look at those 2, since you don't seem to want to inject.

  16. #16
    jeffefrijoles's Avatar
    jeffefrijoles is offline Associate Member
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    If you're over 5'10" and under 170lbs read this...

    Read this, its has the answer you are looking for! We are here to help and discuss.... Good luck bro!

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