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  1. #1
    916casanova's Avatar
    916casanova is offline Associate Member
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    Alcohol and vicodin while cycling

    Hey all. I know that drinking alcohol and taking vicodin is not good while cycling but how bad is it for you? I am taking all injectables at the moment but drink once a month on ufc nights. That really bad or not going to do any harm? Also I have a torn labrum in my shoulder and I do have pain all day where I got to take a vicodin here and there. How bad is that? Should I not be cycling til I heal or will I be okay?

  2. #2
    NATE0406's Avatar
    NATE0406 is offline Anabolic Member
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    you are fine. but why are you cycling when you cant properly lift with a shoulder injury?

  3. #3
    Lemonada8's Avatar
    Lemonada8 is offline Knowledgeable Member
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    if you cycle anything, you should ONLY do test... how long have u been rehabin that injury? have u given it enough time? you might risk tearing it again because the muscle will heal faster than the tendons/ligaments which will put more strain on the notfully healed tendons/ligaments...

    IMO dont do a cycle if your are injured...

    but i have learned that some people are not wanting to hear that so they try one anyways.... so i just wanna make sure they do it right and not hurt themselves...

    so if u do a cycle, do a test only cycle, at a low dose similar to a HRT dose...
    for ex. test e 250mg week split into 2x shots weekly...for 12 weeks...
    test c 250mg week split into 2xshots weekly for 14 weeks
    test p 50mg ed for 8 weeks
    and a simple PCT such as
    Nolva 4 weeks at 40/20/20/20mg ED

    stilll IMO you should heal naturally....

    work on your diet and try to cut out alcohol down to a minimal drink or 2... cause that alcohol will only inhibit protein synthesis, which will hurt your healing, and the vicodin will slow down metabolism there, so if it gets damaged, it will take longer to heal.... its really dangerous cause the torn labrum will not heal correctly...

  4. #4
    jc95605 is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by NATE0406 View Post
    you are fine. but why are you cycling when you cant properly lift with a shoulder injury?
    I was thinking of same thing. You win again NATE! Depending how far you are in your cycle i would consider waiting til your healed. I'm just thinking that because your hurt, you'll be easy on your excercises, therefore not pushing yourself and wasting your supply. That would be my concen anyway.

  5. #5
    im83931's Avatar
    im83931 is offline Senior Member
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    Just stay off orals. Vicodin has acetaminophen in it. Combined with alcohol it can tax your liver.

    FYI, some studies show that long term hydrocodone use can cause muscle tissue to waste. It is not known if this is due to decreased appetite and the body being catabolic or if the hydrocodone is actually detrimental to muscle tissue but it is something to be aware of.

  6. #6
    916casanova's Avatar
    916casanova is offline Associate Member
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    I am for sure taking more than just test *LOL* 200mg test prop and 75mg tren a eod. I have a tear and an impingment and most likely going to need surgery. The injury is odd due to the fact that I can do almost any movement with heavy weight except upright rows, incline press, lateral raises, and while doing squats the stretch of my shoulders going back while gripping the barbell causes discomfort. I can do 115 dumbbell chest press but can't do 135 barbell chest press because the movement is restricted unlike dumbells (make sense?)Simple things like putting my arm behind my girls seat at the movies or putting it behind the passenger seat hurts like hell. It does feel better since starting the cycle but i do feel some throbbing at the end of the day but no more than I was when I wasn't lifting at all.

  7. #7
    Nitro29's Avatar
    Nitro29 is offline Member
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    Man I feel you bro. I am halfway through a cycle and a recurring shoulder injury has sprung back up. It really sucks, but all I know to do is just work around it as best possible. At some point I am affraid I am going to have to completely stop lifting and just try to heal for 2 or 3 months. Lose all those gains

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