Ive taken a Test E 250mg/wk 8 weeks eq 200mg/wk 8wks and Anavar very low dose for 3-4 weeks on my first cycle.
I had decent gains but realize i made mistakes by not running the eq long enough and maybe a mistake by not front loading test and maybe another mistake by taking too low of a dosage of var for too little of time.
I need to put together a nice summer stack for lean hard gains with very little water retention and mid-lower side effects
Any vets wanna help me put together a cheap or relatively cheap cycle?
I think I want to include EQ for 12-14 weeks at a 300mg/wk dosage... But I was thinking about kick starting with dbol or drol at lower dosages and maybe taking a diuretic while on my first six weeks of my kick start. Also wanting to know a good test for a lean cycle. The Test E gave me some issues on my first few injections. My ass swelled up to the size of a lacrosse ball at the injection spot and I think my body might have a lil issue with Test E. So I was thinking about using a different test this cycle.
Along with that I would like to hear your versions of a nice PCT with your stack of choice for my criteria.
Thank you all!