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  1. #1
    Skeeg is offline New Member
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    clen not working??

    i took the clen for 1st time 4 weeks ago, i used the clen faq for my dosing and didn't really feel much... this time im starting off with 100mcg and im at where i was with slight shaky hands. ive been on that for 5 days and went up to 200mcg just to see if i felt anymore effect.

    well, even the high dose i feel it a little more.... but not like i think i should
    i took the proper 2 weeks off, and even before that i didnt feel much.

    im also doing cardio 3 times a week on off workout days, and eating a strict high protein low carb diet. and its the liquid clen from lion.

  2. #2
    Markosterone is offline Member
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    everyone dont get the shakes...

    I take all at one in the morning and only hardly get any shakes. but it works...

  3. #3
    Skeeg is offline New Member
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    ive only lost about 5 pounds in this period... maybe im just expecting too much too fast?

  4. #4
    Kansas City Boy is offline Associate Member
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    Run t3 with it. Synergistics baby!

  5. #5
    itburns22 is offline New Member
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    What do you mean by not working? No sides or not losing weight? I dont get the shakes anymore either but im losing weight.

  6. #6
    Skeeg is offline New Member
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    im not losing weight like i would expect... ive lost 5 pounds, but it seems like im getting less out of it then everyone. and for 1st time user i would expect some strong sides as im fresh to say the least.

    but 4 and a half weeks and only 5lbs, that just dont make sense to me.

  7. #7
    Skeeg is offline New Member
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    im using the sides to gage how much its working, as my temp is normal when i take it. but i do get slight shakes, but at such a high dose then what i see others taking im just confused haha.

  8. #8
    AdamGH is offline Senior Member
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    post your daily diet with macros, that might be the problem.

  9. #9
    Skeeg is offline New Member
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    i dont have a set diet day to day..

    but avg is morning with egg whites about 5eggs
    b-4 lunch - pre workout - i take a protein shake and the clen
    after lifting mid day i eat 2 chicken thighs and side of green beans steamed
    dinner i have either fish chicken or red meat,
    at night i take a casein protein drink

    i always thought this was good, i get around 300g of protein a day, low of any carbs and lots of healthy fats. for supps i take animal pak and fish oil.

  10. #10
    burnin69's Avatar
    burnin69 is offline Member
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    take temp in the morning then take a full days dose and take temp again 2hrs later if your temp isnt up at the very least .5 degrees then you got some bunk stuff.

  11. #11
    burnin69's Avatar
    burnin69 is offline Member
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    my temp usually goes up 1.5 degrees

  12. #12
    Skeeg is offline New Member
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    ok i will give that a try

  13. #13
    wukillabee's Avatar
    wukillabee is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeeg View Post
    i took the clen for 1st time 4 weeks ago, i used the clen faq for my dosing and didn't really feel much... this time im starting off with 100mcg and im at where i was with slight shaky hands. ive been on that for 5 days and went up to 200mcg just to see if i felt anymore effect.

    well, even the high dose i feel it a little more.... but not like i think i should
    i took the proper 2 weeks off, and even before that i didnt feel much.

    im also doing cardio 3 times a week on off workout days, and eating a strict high protein low carb diet. and its the liquid clen from lion.
    Same here bro. I tried liquid clen starting at 30mcg twice a day first thing in morn and second dose at lunch. I did notice about 30-45 minutes later i felt tired with a racing heart beat. I then tried 40mcg twice a day 3 days later and noticed i was even sleepier 30-45 minutes after taking it and my heart was racing even faster for longer. I was also up til 3 in the morn with a racing heart laying in bed since 11 pm and my last dose was at 2 pm. I might try a different chem site's clen but as this being my first experience with it, hated it. Felt tired and had a racing heart i couldnt calm down. Only took it for maybe 5 days then threw it out cus i was gettin nothin at of it but these crazy sides.

  14. #14
    wukillabee's Avatar
    wukillabee is offline Senior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skeeg View Post
    i dont have a set diet day to day..

    but avg is morning with egg whites about 5eggs
    b-4 lunch - pre workout - i take a protein shake and the clen
    after lifting mid day i eat 2 chicken thighs and side of green beans steamed
    dinner i have either fish chicken or red meat,
    at night i take a casein protein drink

    i always thought this was good, i get around 300g of protein a day, low of any carbs and lots of healthy fats. for supps i take animal pak and fish oil.
    Wow, did i read that right? U have some eggs for breakfast, a shake pre-workout or for lunch, then start eating some food post-workout and some more food later? My 12 yr old sister eats more than that bro. U probably lost 5 pounds of muscle on that diet. Where do u see lots of healthy fats in that diet? Id say most of ur protein is coming from shakes, not food and forget about low on any carbs, ur low on any type of whole food if i read this right.

  15. #15
    Skeeg is offline New Member
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    i eat more then that, its just hard to list everything? i eat 6times a day or so, let it be chicken, fish, or red meats.... i have large meals also. i know i didnt loose muscle as im just as large if not larger then what i was muscle wise.

    diet works for me, not saying its for everyone.

  16. #16
    burnin69's Avatar
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    how was your temp today?

  17. #17
    Skeeg is offline New Member
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    just got done taking it... morning was 96.4 and exactly 2 hours later is 98.1 so it must be working... had a great workout today also so things are looking alot better. thanks for all the help.

  18. #18
    burnin69's Avatar
    burnin69 is offline Member
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    enjoy the heat

  19. #19
    theWiseOne's Avatar
    theWiseOne is offline Junior Member
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    I took 80mcgs the first time and got sick as hell with terrible cramps and muscle spasms. i didnt read the dosage correct. The next time I ran 40mcgs and didnt get sick but had muscle spasms and cramps for 2 days- i ran l-taurine with it. Anyone else have this trouble. I'd like to run clen for 2 weeks but the spasms are too much to bear right now. what else should i take with it?

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