A workout buddy had gotten THREE infections from glute injections in the past few weeks.
500mg/Test Cyp. Week
250mg/Deca Week
Injecting twice per week.
He gets his prescription from a doctor at an anti-aging clinic in Florida.
He is 50 years old.
The gear is from their own legitimate pharmacy.
He injects with fresh, new, 1 1/2" pin and syringe; uses 90% alcohol to swab vial and injection area; washes hands, etc. I've observed his procedure and it's spot-on correct.
By the next day he's got a huge red welt that feels warm to the touch, pain in the area, and a slight fever. Antibiotics have taken care of it each time.
Question: Could the gear, human grade though it is, be contaminated? What other factors should be considered? Are there any ingredients or preservatives, that can cause an alergic reaction ,in gear?
Thanks for your thoughts,