What's up everyone. I have been doing alot of thinking and research for prob. a few years and I have decided it is time to cross over to the "dark side".
I am 22 years old. Have 5 years lifting experience under my belt. I have competed in one show previously and I am also a personal trainer. After much thought I have decided to go with a basic cycle which will include Test E 12 weeks at 500mg a week (250mg 2x a week). PCT will include Nolva 14 days after my last shot and will be dosed at 40/40/20/20.
I have been doing alot of planning and research and planning my diet and every feasible detail of the cycle.
If anyone has any advice for me; i.e. what to expect from the cycle, anything that you think would make this cycle spot on I would appreciate it.
Also this is a great board. I have been browzing around here for about a year and finally I have joined.
Thanks Guys!