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  1. #1
    jack895 is offline New Member
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    Test cyp for first cylce

    I am 24 years old, and have been training hard for about 5 years along with a good diet for the past 2 years.. I feel like I am ready for my first cycle.. I have one question regarding the test why is it recommended that I take it twice a week at 250 mg instead of once a week??

    Week 1 to 10: 500mg of test cyp weekly
    Week 13 - 40mg nolva+ 100mg clomid daily
    Week 14 - 30mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
    Week 15 - 20mg nolva+ 50mg clomid daily
    Clenbuterol for PCT

    Please commit or help critique my cycle.. I also need some help on the dosages for clenbuterol

  2. #2
    Mooker is offline Junior Member
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    It just keeps your test blod levels more stable....the more stable the better....less side effects ect......If you inject once a week at about the 5th day the levels start to decrease. Twice a week is preferred but I know many who do test e and c once a week without any problems.

    good luck bro

  3. #3
    TJM7275 is offline Banned
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    No Steroids for you..NEXT
    Test Cyp is great man... You will be happy with it. Takes a bit to kick in but worth the wait. Really run it at 500mgs though. Much happier with the results. Looks like you did you homework. Hey why don't you take some pictures and start a log. It would be good for other new guys running their first cycle. Best of luck bro and if you need help shoot me a PM. Love it when guys take the time to cycle right

  4. #4
    green22's Avatar
    green22 is offline Senior Member
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    500mg of cyp is a solid beginers cycle, no need for anything else when just starting anabolics.

  5. #5
    JiGGaMaN's Avatar
    JiGGaMaN is offline Banned
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    Well with the clen , its pretty subjective it depends on a lot of things so best way is to start low and figure out what you can deal with. Start @ ~80mcg's

  6. #6
    Shurik's Avatar
    Shurik is offline Associate Member
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    Make sure you take something for water bloat cause when I ran my test c I got pretty bloated.

  7. #7
    yankeefan's Avatar
    yankeefan is offline Junior Member
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    i am currently on Tes Cyp as well. what do you recommend for the water bloat?

  8. #8
    Litarvan is offline New Member
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    So why would you take Clomid and Nolva at the same time if they're both meant for the same thing? (prevent Gyno) and whats the plan for week 11&12?

  9. #9
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    clomid and nolva are not the same they bind to different receptor sites block estrogen from them and they are more used in pct to bring back natural test level an AI would be good to add to pct as well something along the lines of aromasin or adex...but good luck with the cycle im starting week 4 of my cyp cycle tomorrow so hopefully its starts to kick in but i can wait

  10. #10
    HuntMan's Avatar
    HuntMan is offline Associate Member
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    Yea. I just started running 750mg/week with Cyp. I do two injections. Monday 500mg and thurdsay i do 250mg. this is week one for me, and would also like to know what to use for water bloat?

  11. #11
    duggadoo's Avatar
    duggadoo is offline Associate Member
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    adex can help what i use is .5 mgs e3d seems to wor for me another option is .25mgs eod

  12. #12
    inky-e's Avatar
    inky-e is offline AR's ORIGINAL ANABOLIC OUTLAW~ [RIP-8/20/11]
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    the three oh!
    I'm experimenting with clen during PCT, I've gotten good results with it. I only use it on workout days, about one more week to go till I'm done. So far I've kept 11lbs of the 20 I gained in cycle.

  13. #13
    HuntMan's Avatar
    HuntMan is offline Associate Member
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    If you run Arimidex during a cyp only cycle for AI is there any use to continue it during your PCT?

  14. #14
    yankeefan's Avatar
    yankeefan is offline Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by doo View Post
    adex can help what i use is .5 mgs e3d seems to wor for me another option is .25mgs eod
    adex, thanks, i need to get me some of that.

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