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Thread: Should I extend my cycle?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2007

    Should I extend my cycle?

    This is my first cycle. It is 10wks of test e, 500mg - 250mg/ 2x week.

    I was thinking of extending to 12 wks. Good idea, bad idea or no real difference, other than being on for 2 wks longer, which would mean 2 more wks of off time.

    In the end, is this a net equal w/ no real advantage either way?

    I noticed a slight strength increase by week two (I just began wk 4 yesterday), more as the wks went on, but I just began to notice a difference in the mirror over the last couple of days. My post work out pupms are crazy right now....

    Also, my attitude is real laid back. I was kinda worried about that since my job deals w/ people, and my personality needs to be cool. No problems there, but all the stereotyping about roid rage had me worried.

    I still get PO'ed about certain things, but it is the same type things that used to piss me off and I don't get any more stupid than before...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    12 weeks cycles are pretty much a standard. If you feel you are still growing then sure, extend it. Dont forget you need to feed that extra growth with extra food.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    i was notorious for extending my cycles. its all psychological bro i got to the point where i was bridging between cycles and ended up being on for a yr straight. i took care of myself and when i was forced to come off cause of a blown bicep i did a reg pct and recovered but it was an emotional roller coaster so be prepared for the consequences. alot of bros here will tell you it just keeps going and going especially if u have easy access to it. all i got to say is just keep ur head on straight and go with ur heart!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Kale View Post
    12 weeks cycles are pretty much a standard. If you feel you are still growing then sure, extend it.
    Cool, I am pretty sure I am going to extend then. This is my first cycle, so I chose a longer estered comound, and it obvioulsy took more time to kick in.

    Next time I will add something to get a quicker kick in, maybe.... I don't really mind pinning, it doesn't bother me now that I know how to do it...

    Quote Originally Posted by Kale
    Dont forget you need to feed that extra growth with extra food.
    I am eating, but I just bought some casein and a mass gainer, too.

    I have upped cardio, which wasn't hard since I was doing none in the winter.

    I am running now and w/ cutting grass... I am leaning out w/o really trying, I still weigh about 240lb (237lb right out of bed this morning), but I am leaner.

    This is the first time I have had a mass gainer since I was like 18, but I see that I need a way to get som extra calories w/o always having to eat them, since that isn't always possible because of time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by edmen2 View Post
    i was notorious for extending my cycles. its all psychological bro i got to the point where i was bridging between cycles and ended up being on for a yr straight. i took care of myself and when i was forced to come off cause of a blown bicep i did a reg pct and recovered but it was an emotional roller coaster so be prepared for the consequences. alot of bros here will tell you it just keeps going and going especially if u have easy access to it. all i got to say is just keep ur head on straight and go with ur heart!
    This brings up another question....

    I am guessing that you were using HCG, then? I hve noticed a little shrinkage, but I never really heard of anyone using HCG w/ the beginner level of test I am running...

    Is there a certain point when you should add it? Is it a certain amount of gear that is the deciding point or just eye balling the package and deciding that way?

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by akaz13 View Post
    This brings up another question....

    I am guessing that you were using HCG, then? I hve noticed a little shrinkage, but I never really heard of anyone using HCG w/ the beginner level of test I am running...

    Is there a certain point when you should add it? Is it a certain amount of gear that is the deciding point or just eye balling the package and deciding that way?
    HCG can be used anytime. I am on a low does of Test permanently so shrinkage is a norm for me. I do HCG a couple of times a year so I can remember what they look like. If you dont care what they look like then dont bother. They will come back after PCT anyway

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2004
    Quote Originally Posted by akaz13 View Post
    This brings up another question....

    I am guessing that you were using HCG, then? I hve noticed a little shrinkage, but I never really heard of anyone using HCG w/ the beginner level of test I am running...

    Is there a certain point when you should add it? Is it a certain amount of gear that is the deciding point or just eye balling the package and deciding that way?
    i started using hcg around 6 months in just to see if they would come back! and they did. i cant remember dosages though it was whatever was norm at the time.

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