This is my first cycle. It is 10wks of test e, 500mg - 250mg/ 2x week.
I was thinking of extending to 12 wks. Good idea, bad idea or no real difference, other than being on for 2 wks longer, which would mean 2 more wks of off time.
In the end, is this a net equal w/ no real advantage either way?
I noticed a slight strength increase by week two (I just began wk 4 yesterday), more as the wks went on, but I just began to notice a difference in the mirror over the last couple of days. My post work out pupms are crazy right now....
Also, my attitude is real laid back. I was kinda worried about that since my job deals w/ people, and my personality needs to be cool. No problems there, but all the stereotyping about roid rage had me worried.
I still get PO'ed about certain things, but it is the same type things that used to piss me off and I don't get any more stupid than before...