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Thread: cytomel opinions

  1. #1

    Talking cytomel opinions

    hey guys, hope everyone is well...
    I was thinking of stacking cytomel into my next cutting cycle and I was just wondering how everyone feels about using it? I know that it increases the body's energy demands and puts you into a hypo-caloric state. And if not taken properly can eat at muscle mass ect... I was just wondering if any1 got good results from it and how they took it, or if you absolutely hated it..


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    yeah thats me in avvy
    it will burn fat bro...but be prepared to be as flat as a pancake...Not too mention it can make you feel like squeezed shit!...but it does work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    UK -Yorkshire
    Quote Originally Posted by daROCK1 View Post
    hey guys, hope everyone is well...
    I was thinking of stacking cytomel into my next cutting cycle and I was just wondering how everyone feels about using it? I know that it increases the body's energy demands and puts you into a hypo-caloric state. And if not taken properly can eat at muscle mass ect... I was just wondering if any1 got good results from it and how they took it, or if you absolutely hated it..

    I've never had any sides of any kind when using it, but some people say they get quite bad sides so its different for everyone. When your using it your bodies protein metabolism will speed up. So if you aren't eating loads of protein then it will start to break your muscles down

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Orange county, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    it will burn fat bro...but be prepared to be as flat as a pancake...Not too mention it can make you feel like squeezed shit!...but it does work.
    what do you mean 'be flat as a pancake' ? i'm going to be on test / tren and was considering running some t3 but hey.... i'm still researching to see if it's a good idea with that stack...

  5. #5
    thanks for the responses guys... cutting king... uve responded to my last couple threads... thanks for the constant help bro

  6. #6
    Why not? I would say first get a blood test done and see where your T3 levels are naturally, that will be the ideal way to determine what dosage you want to be at when you start using it.

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by Bigmax View Post
    it will burn fat bro...but be prepared to be as flat as a pancake...Not too mention it can make you feel like squeezed shit!...but it does work.
    Yeah it works!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2008
    In my own world
    Yea, i take 25mg's before bed ed, I've added a clean diet and cardio...dropped about 6lb's in 2 1/2 weeks. good stuff. better then clen...dropping clen like a bad habit.

  9. #9
    thank again guys.... when you were taking cytomel, how do you suggest taking it... gator 25mgs before bed? Has that kept you up at all? Also is it like clen were it is more effective to do two weeks on.. two weeks off?

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    UK -Yorkshire
    Quote Originally Posted by daROCK1 View Post
    thank again guys.... when you were taking cytomel, how do you suggest taking it... gator 25mgs before bed? Has that kept you up at all? Also is it like clen were it is more effective to do two weeks on.. two weeks off?
    Well the good thing is you can use Cytomel for a lot longer than clen as it doesn't downgrade your receptors in the same way as clen does. I've cycled clen 4-5 weeks at a time. There is a concern (some people believe it some dont) that using it with heavy doses or over a prolonged period could cause your body to stop producing thyroid hormone (t3) permanently, resulting in you needing to be on cytomel for life. However i think this may have been over exaggerated as i've never had, or known anyone that has had this type of issues. But thats not to say its not true. Because Cytomel is a thyroid hormone and not a central nervous system stimulant like clen or ephedrine, it doesn't tend to give you the same "wired" feeling and therefore doesn't have much of an effect on sleep patterns. The problem i mentioned earlier about it increasing the rate of protein metabolism causing muscle loss if enough protein isn't consumed isn't as much of an issue if your going to be on test, as the test will keep you in a positive nitrogen balance and prevent muscle loss. Also if you are really keeping your protein intake high, Cytomel is known to maximise the rate at which protein that can be utilised by your muscles. I'm not too sure of exactly how that works but that is my understanding of it. I think dosage-wise its worth slowly building up the dosage over a couple of weeks so that there is not a shock to the system. Again i dont know of any reason to say this would be a problem but cytomel is a serious drug and so its always best to be cautious. When i use it i start at 25mcg daily and slowly build up every few days until i get to a maximum of around 150mcg. Some people go higher, some people stay lower. I also taper down at the end of the cycle.
    Anyway all that info is just my opinion. I know there are some good threads on cytomel usage so a search will hopefully give you any more in depth info you require on it.

    Hope this helps


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